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  • [N - Skinning Stone Drake - Deepholm] - Grinding Bot.

    Discussion in 'Farming' started by tylerfoster, Sep 25, 2011.

    1. tylerfoster

      tylerfoster New Member

      Aug 12, 2011
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      I put this Grinding bot profile together to answer a request. Just joined a few days ago and decided to start contributing.

      Here are things to note about this Grinding Profile. ***I strongly suggest that you do not AFK this profile.

      A few reasons:
      1. You are walking around in a small area, and sometimes miss drakes when they fall right next to you, but instead you run to the one in front of you which is a lot further away Look'n like a Noob, but at a level 82-85 others will know better than that..
      2. Questing zone - while I was testing this profile, many folks came through and asked me if I was skinning. Offering to take all the loot from their kill so I can skin. If you are running in circles and don't answer them it's pretty obvious what you are doing. Real skinners don't turn down free skins!
      3. No Mail Or Vender available. Deepholm is a hard place to coordinate. Bags fill fast, these guys drop a lot of greens and dragon flanks up to 6 pieces of savage leather (yes each), blackened dragon scale and if you are lucky - a bloated stomach full of goodies. So stay close by, do homework, chores, sing and dance. Just don't go too far from your computer. :cool:

      Select Grind Bot and Select this Profile.

      *You must be in the zone to start this profile, **not just deepholm but the area the drakes are at -the coords 39, 22ish in Deepholm.
      *Druid friends - Don't click Start in flight form, it won't work at least it didn't for me.
      *In your settings be sure to check -Loot Mobs, -Skin Mobs and select a good loot and pull distance.
      *Depending on how your CC is set up, you may actually walk past Stone drakes if they are not in front of you on your path when they fall. I am going to reseach if there is a way to aggro if it falls behind you within your pull distance. Still learning.
      *No Mail, or Vender -I'm Horde, but I'm sure it will work for Alliance as well because there is No Mail and No Vender. Yes, I know I said this, but you know someone may still say -"Hey, my bags got full and I didn't go the the vender while I was sleeping running this profile AFK".....
      *Will only aggro Stone Drakes (No, not the ones flying in the air with 100k + health - the ones that land on the ground and are at 30% health... whew!), if you want me to add the Basilisk I can edit this, but the original requestor I believe didn't want them. If you do hit a Basilisk, it is because it hit you first, therefore it is self defense and you may loot / skin accordingly......


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      Last edited: Sep 25, 2011
    2. dragonfire665

      dragonfire665 New Member

      Sep 7, 2011
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      So Tyler, does that mean you are taking request? because, i have a list lol.
    3. tylerfoster

      tylerfoster New Member

      Aug 12, 2011
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      IM still just a novice mate, I have a skinner and happened to use those drakes as well which is why I didn't mind tossing one together for a request, the one that someone else tossed up wasn't very good IMO.. I want to make one for Vash for the Deepsea scale but not sure how to go about the underwater parts, so I will be also dapping in Custom Class stuff I think both profiles need to work together to be successful.. Are you a skinner? or is there something else you want a grinding profile for?
      Last edited: Sep 27, 2011
    4. dragonfire665

      dragonfire665 New Member

      Sep 7, 2011
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      i was kidding bro. I wont bother you with that. But i appreciate very much this profile. I havent use it yet but i will soon. For Deepsea scales, you cant do underwater, the bot has a bit of difficulties with underwater and swimming. And yes i am a skinner. Looking for a deepsea scales too. I was looking at many profiles like yours and reading how they work and what you add to make one. I came across a program call http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/free/uncataloged/24944-zaprecorder-easy-gb2-profile-creation.html , which is only good for gathering, however, with this program i am able to obtain hotspots, blackspots, and vendor information and such. So it will be a program i can use to help me start such work.
      Last edited: Sep 28, 2011
    5. tylerfoster

      tylerfoster New Member

      Aug 12, 2011
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      Totally agree, I tried to experiment with the Famished sharks. Those respawn as soon they die there are always 3 of them there. I can kill about 30 in 3 minutes and have a 6 minute window until the first kill despawns. So kill for 3 minutes and loot for 3 minutes. Thanks for the link, I knew I saw that somewhere but couldn't find it again. I think that just makes the process easier. If I find out how to tweek the underwater issue Ill hit you up. It kept saying can't generate path (swimming) I do use a few good herb profiles for vash, but it may just be an issue with the CC. My skinner is a druid and so far the swimming is the issue.
    6. dragonfire665

      dragonfire665 New Member

      Sep 7, 2011
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      What about this mobs?

      King Crawler - NPC - World of Warcraft

      I went thru there and most mobs are out of water. We can blacklist anything near the water and all mobs there if possible. Giving the profile a small run, but they are so many and the % is pretty good for deepsea scales. And they do respawn pretty quick.
    7. marke

      marke New Member

      Aug 23, 2011
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      Would you say this place is better than Obsidian Forest in TH for Savage/Blackened Dragonscale comb?
    8. dragonfire665

      dragonfire665 New Member

      Sep 7, 2011
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      Tyler, i just tried this profile and all it does its go around and circle, target the drakes but not attack them. Is strange.
    9. tylerfoster

      tylerfoster New Member

      Aug 12, 2011
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      Yes that is why you need to load a Custom Class as well.. Three things need to be in place. Grinding Bot - Profile - Class profile.
      The CC is where the code is what will actually hit them, The grinding profiles merely just tell you where to go and what to target.

      I use Fpsware druid. Just like with Gatherbuddy2 without loading a class it wont' attack anything. You also have to make sure you have your settings set up as I explained when I posted it.
      Last edited: Sep 28, 2011
    10. tylerfoster

      tylerfoster New Member

      Aug 12, 2011
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      Not sure that link is accurate, there would never been that high of a level NPC in Feralas.
    11. dragonfire665

      dragonfire665 New Member

      Sep 7, 2011
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      Oh, i understand now what you mean about CC. I never downloaded one, since with Grinding bot, Singularity (i think thats what is call) it automatically uses my specs BM, all the time. So i saw no need as a hunter, grinding to get a CC. I will download one later today and see how that works.
    12. matovlias

      matovlias New Member

      Sep 29, 2011
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      problems with the skinning

      tried the profile, works just fine but after bot kills mob he soesent skinn it just go after next one. isnt he suppose to skinn it?
    13. Angelus

      Angelus Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Seems like you didnt enable skinning at the settings.
    14. tylerfoster

      tylerfoster New Member

      Aug 12, 2011
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      Yes @Angelus He needs to enable skinning in the settings click advanced on honorbuddy settings and enable loot and skinning. Singular works fine on some of mine but not so well on others. To get it to fight I had better luck with Fpsware CC.
    15. tylerfoster

      tylerfoster New Member

      Aug 12, 2011
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      YEs absolutely YES, I tried the Obsidian Forest. Those guys have 85k health and not near as many. So takes you twice as long to fight them and twice as long to find them. At The Pale Roost in Deepholm -you just stand around and they practically fall on you with 30k health left. Plus they don't attack you first.
    16. dragonfire665

      dragonfire665 New Member

      Sep 7, 2011
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      Yea i tried it again with a CC. This time it will kill just one then walk by 5, turn around, and go back to the 1 he first kill and kill only him lol. Is funny to see it happening. I even download 2 different CC, one for MM and one for SV.
    17. HB0205V97

      HB0205V97 New Member

      May 30, 2011
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      hi man this is a good profile thanks just one question i have with it. i play a hunter and it seems if the drakes fly away just before you pull the bot blacklists them for 5 mins or whatever is there anyway to stop that from happening

      Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Stone Drake
      Looting Stone Drake Guid:0xF130A61A0008A142
      Looting Unkown Object Guid:0x0000000000000000
      New pull target Stone Drake (83), resetting pull timer.
      -Misdirection on Target
      -Face the target
      MoveToTarget: Could not generate path to target: Stone Drake, blacklisting!
      New pull target Stone Drake (83), resetting pull timer.
      -Pet Attacking Warrior
      -Hunter's Mark
      -Steady Shot
      -Kill Shot
      Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Stone Drake
      Looting Stone Drake Guid:0xF130A61A00089D54
      MoveToTarget: Could not generate path to target: Stone Drake, blacklisting!
      Mounting: Swift Brown Ram
      New pull target Stone Drake (83), resetting pull timer.
      -Misdirection on Target
      -Pet Attacking Warrior
      -Hunter's Mark
      -Steady Shot
      -Kill Shot
      Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Stone Drake
      Looting Stone Drake Guid:0xF130A61A0008A233
      Destination is 2540 yards away and no hostiles in range, using Aspect of the Cheetah

      dont know what a log is but this is what the bot tells me and iit is always when they fly away that it happens guess mellee would be better
    18. tylerfoster

      tylerfoster New Member

      Aug 12, 2011
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      your pull behavior will be in your custom class profile. This is simply telling your bot what not to hit and where to walk. Id try making your pull distance smaller in the honorbuddy settings. Then it won't hit them if they are flying away and gaining massive health. Try that.
    19. tylerfoster

      tylerfoster New Member

      Aug 12, 2011
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      yes my druid was doing that.. I kept messing with kill between hot spots checked and pull / loot distance. I don't know much about hunter class profiiles. just keep experimenting. I am going to start dabbling in profile creation. It looks like a lot of fun.
    20. chris20

      chris20 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thank you for this profile. It works very well and I didn't have any trouble while running around there.

      I would definitely not AFK this bot as I found 2 other people farming there as well.

      Running for 1 Hour with Potion of Treasure Finding
      On a high pop server, during Christmas break (read- damn kids all around on wow) this is what I got:

      69 Savage Leather
      23 Blackened Dragonscale
      3 Tiny Treasure Chests
      4 Cata Greens
      1 Bloated Stomach (containing a Volatile Fire)
      47 Dragon Flanks
      12 Embersilk Cloth
      1 Elementium Ore (from treasure chest)
      + a good bit of gold that the drakes dropped

      All-in-all with current prices about 935 Gold in one hour, not too bad for semi-AFK farming. I suspect without the competition around it would have been another few hundred gold.

      All in all thanks for the great profile Tyler.

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