Hi, I'm just wondering, I hit 85 on my Warlock, and wanted to get into some PVP, but had some problems with CC, at that, half don't support PVP, I tried, and remain using 'Price on Darkness' - But I am unware how to change the rotations, and Pet, I mean, I can live with the rotations he is doing, but using a voidwalker in BGs is really pointless, any way, if someone knows how to change settings for this particular CC, lemme know please, but again, what's the best pvp warlock CC... cheers
I asked a while ago and never got a response. Lately I have been using Singular with Affliction. It does a pretty good job.
I play Affliction aswell, I think I tried Singular, but the problem I had was movement, he would do this thing, that really occurs on any Singular CC i use, like he takes little steps forwards, alot... giving it that bottish look, as far as casting/spells go, it looked quite good, but the stepping was a deal breaker XD, does this happen for you?
the information about how to actually approach warlock pvp is very bad, or incomplete so it makes it hard to sit down and write roations, and new methods to deal with specific pvp issues. thats the whole reason why zerfall still does not support pvp.
Hmm, OK, also, I'm having navigation issues in Twin Peaks, .. says cannot generate paths... then goes AFK, and gets deserter, happens few times..
I think that's pretty much the issue with all the casters. I notice it all the time when my toon (I have a priest, warlock, and mage) will be targeting one toon, say a hunter, and the hunter is running or back peddling. My toon will move forward enough to be in range to cast a certain spell but then the hunter will keep going which puts him out of range. So my toon will cancel casting and start moving again. I think it's all a range issue. I don't notice it on any melee classes I have.
its the john connor effect, because all terminators are programmed to kill john connor even if they are sent back to kill other targets, it will forget about the current mission and go about trying to kill john. in amplify i try and minimize the effect by switching targets if your current one, runs too far away, and using CC's to lock the target in place long enough to at least put some damage onto the target, but the effectiveness of all classes pretty much depends on how the engagement happens. if theres a group of horde running at you, and your alone, chances are your going to die, no matter what. but if you run across a lone horde chances are you should be able to take him out, unless hes a fucking rouge
LOL! I'm slowly working on the pvp aspect of my CC and I think to mitgate (not solve) the range situation is to make sure that you have different rotations for when your character is stationary vs when your character is moving. I don't know about Locks but at least if your in your movement rotation while jockying for position your not wasting GCDS all the time.
Gotta love the rouges. I have absolutely no clue how to play one but I watch mine completely demolish people in BG's. It makes me wanna learn how to play em. I'm gonna give my mage another try this weekend to get the PVE gear, he's got all the PVP. A good SPriest PVP CC would be awesome. FPS's does a pretty good job last time I used it. It got me full shadow and healing PVP sets.