Today the police came to my house becouse of my Wotlk-games. I've put some of the games infront of our house so people can take them. But three little boys ( maybe 8 years old ) called the police becouse they thought they got stolen -_- So I told them I don't need them and people can take them if they want At first the container was empty. But now...
Roflmao freaky botters you Well I would run ans much bots as I can and would keep some BCs or WOTLK if any account got banned. The others I would sell and save the money for finaly buying me a damn new computer >.< GZ for you collection I think I'll never get one like that because I prefer buying my keys online - faster, cheeper, easier =) But I'll keep the pictures of all of my keys. Maybe one day I'll print a wallpaper to hang my home with that tapestry