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  • HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by fhlhwow, Aug 17, 2010.

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    1. 15outland

      15outland New Member

      Mar 27, 2011
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      At Dusk wallow Marsh, He tries to pick up "Talk to Orgon" - but tries endlessly and does not pick it up, I manually got it, and he still tries to, I had to pick it up and finish it myself in order for it to stop...
    2. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      delete the pickup from the quest profile; i'll take a loot at it later
    3. Ravedy

      Ravedy New Member

      May 25, 2011
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      Hello Kickass006.

      I have used this to level up my night elf druid now. I have come across some issues.

      Alot of time when the bot is seaching for a questmob or whatever. It goes straight for that particular mob and espessially in western plaguelands he died maybe 20 times due to pulling 10 x mobs and desides to turn around and attack them 10 seconds later after pulling 10 more. I also hade a issue here that he tried to get to flightpath in andorhal and always tried to go straight trough the horde side and got killed several times due to the bats from the horde fp.

      One thing i want to ask is.. who designed the waypointroute for a bot to go into a tower and up to the top.. because well the bot walks on the edge all the time and most of the time he falls down.. thats just crappy designing regarding all the wide space the bot has to go for. Hawker class profile was oki. but it didnt supprise me either. i cant understand why the bot wants to swim 1 mile with the mount instead of changing to aquaform f.ex.

      The bot went to stormwind once and i were glad that i did turn it off. because it got stuck 3 times and just swimed around in the river and got stuck at the wall under a bridge... there is a bunch of ppl in stormwind so thats a almost a suicide mission reggards to getting banned.

      The bot are having alot of problems taking flightpaths to new places. I dont know if theese problems have all to do with your profile. but it sucks to always having to sit by the computer and like "cant thrust" the bot. Its abit annoying that the bot "might" get stuck. A bot getting stuck is just lack of propher designing in my eyes.

      The bot allways tries to take the "shortcuts" and always are taking the innerturns in every walk instead of having good amount of space to objects instead. Wich wount been bether. Spessially inside caves or when the bot is going up a high path, this fails and the bot falls down :p

      Update ypur profile also with a place named stonard in swamps of sorrows.. the bot have tried to go trough the place 4 times now and died... because of pulling dousin lvl 60 horde orcs there.

      Apart from that.. thanks for a great profile.

      Last edited: Oct 12, 2011
    4. Croga

      Croga Well-Known Member

      Jun 7, 2010
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      The new plugin has been tested for the Wildhammer dailies. Sadly there's no Magnets quest in TB today so testing of that will have to wait a bit but I don't expect any trouble.

      Please report if you experience issues with the new plugin so I can fix them ASAP.
    5. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      w00t? in under one hour for all three?
      Impossible ;) i'll try...

      but my last run (on a warlock, gear 363 / on a dk gear 371 / on a paladin gear 371 / on a drood gear 372) lasts more than one hour, only for tbh

      i'll report back after testing, if this is doing the quests this fast, then i'm really impressed :D
    6. ChunkyMonkey

      ChunkyMonkey Member

      Apr 30, 2011
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      Could not generate full path from {1058.484, 1377.691, 328.6053} to {1049.747, 1297.047, 325.3176} (time used: 0 milliseconds)
    7. chasempayne

      chasempayne New Member

      Oct 4, 2011
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    8. Croga

      Croga Well-Known Member

      Jun 7, 2010
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      errr... where did I say that? Cause that's not what I meant :D It does all three in about 90 minutes at the moment.
      hmm... that is rather slow... My DK does TB in about 20 minutes today. One in 342 gear, one in 361. Both about the same speed.
      Just checked logs: Started at 9:06, picking up Wildhammer quests at 10:11.
      It's going towards the Escort quest at 10:30 so it'll be a bit longer then 90 minutes but still close enough ;)
      Last edited: Oct 12, 2011
    9. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      omg .. what i'm reading today? i should go sleeping -.-

      have read again now, and saw that u wrote in one hour (here i stopped the first time) and a half -.-
      But that'S a good time too, like said last time my toons needed more than one hour for tbh only

      i'll give it try in the evening :)
    10. Croga

      Croga Well-Known Member

      Jun 7, 2010
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      Mesh issue, not a profile issue. Please report it in the thread about Mesh issues.
    11. TouchMeGently

      TouchMeGently Member

      Feb 17, 2010
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      Thanks kick.

      Got 10 toons of every class to at least level 80 with your profiles and decided to buy you a few lunches. :D

      Keep up the good work!
    12. Bengan12

      Bengan12 Well-Known Member

      Feb 24, 2011
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      I still can not access the second page here, something wrong with the forum :D

      Might need to make a new thread and copy the infor there if something is bugging with this thread.
    13. Croga

      Croga Well-Known Member

      Jun 7, 2010
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      My iLevel 340 Enhancement Shaman just ran TB_DH_TH in under 70 minutes, Stormwind to Stormwind. Netted almost 200 gold after repairs/sell greys. I wasn't able to calculate how much GuildXP or rep he got for it.
      Last edited: Oct 12, 2011
    14. AtticusG3

      AtticusG3 New Member

      Aug 27, 2011
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      Rain, most of the issues you've mentioned are not kick's profiles fault.

      Pulling mobs and not engaging them could be due to your Kill Between Hotspots option being turned off, or your pull distance being too low (Or both). Or something funky with your CC or even high latency.

      No one has "designed the waypointroute for a bot to go into a tower and up to the top" it does that itself on the fly based on Meshes of the terrain it can traverse. IE it decides how to get from one place to another on it's own most of the time. However I do agree that I'd like to see my bot walk in the middle of paths and through the middle of doorways rather than shave the edge of them. I haven't had many issues myself of the bot falling off cliffs though.

      Flightpaths work OK for me, maybe you have a wow addon or something messing with it?

      Post logs in the appropriate support threads as you have issues, you'd be surprised at how quick and willign to help people are around these forums when you post your logs and ask for help.

      Also, it is entirely possible (and pretty easy) for you to add things like a blackspot for Stonard to the profile yourself, to immediately fix your problem. If you do it and it solves the problem for you, then post in the appropriate thread to say what you found and how it was fixed. People like kick can then apply those fixes to there SVN's and it helps the whole community.

      Remember, kick doesn't have to release any profiles for us to use, HB is sold as a bot program with which you can program your toon to automate things, the profiles aren't part of the package from bossland.
    15. wanted31

      wanted31 New Member

      Aug 8, 2011
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      i have heard alot of good comments on this profile, and i want to get the 3000 quest achiv, unfortunately kick's alliance profiles only get 1900 - if i do a faction change, will i then be able to run this on a 85 priest?
    16. megagon

      megagon New Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      can some1 make or tell me how cai i did it: if price of items on AH less then x, buyout it
    17. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i got it - always appreciated; thanks!
    18. cleveraliashere

      cleveraliashere New Member

      Sep 9, 2011
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      [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick] - ?eta - Food Vendor and some little stuff.

      Hi Kick.

      I want to say thank you for all your profiles.

      They have worked fabulously for almost everything I have used them for to date. At least nothing I recall being to terrible :)

      3 problems I did want to mention. I think they are trivial, but you may want to know about them, and I didn't see any other threads to post issues. I am sorry if this is in the wrong place. I didn't include a log. These issues have shown repeatedly on both of the toons I have leveled using this profile, in the same spots.

      Problem 1: There is a single food vendor listed in the vendors area. I don't think this should be a problem, except when my dk ran out of food in borean tundra, as he seems to do often, he mounted up on his death charger and started riding off chuck norris mode through all the mobs on his way to the food vendor. Now that shouldn't be a problem, except the only food vendor is <Vendor Name="Quartermaster McCarty" Entry="26375" Type="Food" X="4596.138" Y="-4237.277" Z="178.6546" />
      and he is located in grizzly hills at the westfall brigade. That's a pretty long run to buy some salted venison to run back to borean tundra to kill gnolls at fizzcrank! :D

      I am not sure if deleting that vendor will make him find appropriate vendors in the list of repair vendors or not. I just added some innkeepers and such in the zones as I watched him head through the areas. Seems to work with them added.

      Problem 2: Fizzcrank airstrip. The quest giver on the top floor inside the inn, where you have to wait for the elevator is a real problem. There is a sequence of wait for the elevator, step on it... and then the bot jumps ... right through and off the back and to the floor. Since he missed the elevator, he sits there for some time, resets and does it again. This sequence would work I think, if he wasn't doing the "jump". I haven't found it in the code. Minor annoyance because I like watching these guys run so I am correcting it when I see it get there.

      Problem 3: Westgarde Keep. Any quest from the commander on the top floor of the keep causes the bot to get lost on the way out. It Ping-Pongs between 2 points on the ground floor where the entrance goes to the stairs up to the parapets. Yes, this one should have a log to help you. I am sorry. I didn't think to get it when I saw it happen. But it does this every time there is a quest turn in to the commander, I think there are a total of 3 of these quests in this profile where it turns in the quest, runs down the stairs and then it's like it is trying to leave through the parapet access stairwell, but can't so it heads to the correct door, then changes its mind, then bounces like this until you stop it.

      Sorry, no logs to help, so I guess you can ignore or whatever. My next toon I will try and watch when it gets there and include a log.

      Great profiles though overall, and I appreciate them immensely.

      thank you.
    19. danne3131

      danne3131 Banned

      Oct 7, 2011
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      unable to connect to auth auth server might have temporarily crashed try again in 5 minutes

      i get this problem i get when i open honorbuddy.exe :( Please help me!!
    20. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Last edited: Oct 12, 2011
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