Legal: I reserve all rights. You may not modify unless for personal use. The latest version will now be available via SVN EzFrost - Revision 7: / Download latest revision as ZIP How to SVN Info: Mainly PVP but should handle PVE mobs, not for raiding Setup: You need the howling blast glyph. Supports either DW or 2H Place in your CustomClasses folder Ezfrost now has an advanced macro: Code: /script Toggle= not Toggle; Will allow you to toggle the combat functions of the bot on and off without having to stop the bot. Good Plugins: Escape Trinket and Racial usage, Updated by znuffie Return WSG and TP flags by Me Good Specs: DW - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft 2H - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft From (Frost PvP Guide (Updated 9.20.11) - Forums - World of Warcraft) Changelog: You need to register and have one post to see spoilers! Click "Download latest revision as ZIP" at the top of the post to get the latest version.
Hi Mastahg, Thanks for the new CC. Should I use dual wielding single handed weapons or just one two handed weapon? Thanks, Saif
Finally! Gonna test this in arena's tonight. Can you use lazyraider for manual movement or does it automatically move for you?
Mastahg, I was just going to use this in some bg's with my fresh 85 dk and it doesn't show up in the window to choose as a custom class. I believe the issue may be on lines 19 where is says "class Paladin : CombatRoutine" and on line 24ublic override WoWClass Class { get { return WoWClass.Paladin; } } I could be wrong about it but I cannot get it to show up. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Saif
a little more info on the profile would be great... Is this for level 85 only? Is this meany for pvp or pve? You mentioned this already, but is this dual-wield, 2-hand? Any movement included? What is this meant to be used with? Questing, pvp, etc? Where should this be installed to?
Hi it's me again sorry to be bothersome, however when my bot accepts the bg port it just sits and continuously buff horn of winter without any movement or anything. Here is a log to back it up. Thanks, Saif
Thanks for the release! I'm using this CC on PvP realms for questing\grinding and i've noticed one quite unpleasant issue, if bot gets attacked by multiple enemies(mobs) while looting it doesn't attack them just keeps focusing dead mob which leads to slow painful death >_< And it would be super awesome if you could add Deathstrike into rotation, especially when using Glyph of Dark succor either on grinding or questing.
waiiiit is this a port of your paladin CC? i heard its amazing i cant wait to try out your work as my paladin is holy and i dont have a ret set lol.
Please post logs if you have this issue again. And i'm going to work on the healing rotation once i gather enough feed back.
Using this now with the BGBot, looks pretty awesome so far, will keep you posted how it goes. Edit: One thing I noticed which should be added is Lichborne support. Edit: Also, it doesn't use howling blast or death coil when out of melee range, this is a must have, especially howling blast.
quick question List<String> Interrupts = new List<String> { "Mind Freeze", "Strangulate", "Arcane Torrent" }; Arcane Torrent ? so you are going to let horde use this too ??? LOL might as well throw in War Stomp. is there any reason to think of Death Pact. I keep thinking maybe that might work but I guess its too long a time to mess with raise and sac. Dead by the time you get it done?
I get this error on starting HB Could not compile CC from C:\HB43\CustomClasses\EzFrost! File: EzFrost.cs Line: 447 Error: Cannot implicitly convert type 'bool' to 'string'
well since its a pre combat buff check I don't know maybe delete that part if (isAuraActive("Lichborne") && Me.HealthPercent <= LichbornHealPercent && CanCast(Me,"Deathcoil")) { return true; } might have got pasted in the wrong spot If I am correct please send $3 to the save the hb programmers retirement fund .... It not I wasn't even here that day and no I don't work here
Couple things after testing this out in bgs last night. 1. Turn off auto facing. This is really annoying when you're trying to actually use this in any type of lazyraider fashion. 2. After you kill a player, it targets the dead corpse for few seconds spamming "you can't attack that target". That needs to go. 3. Turn off auto targeting. When you're in battle, and want to target someone else, let's say a range, it's almost impossible, as it will always try to auto target for you and go to the previous target. Otherwise, it's excellent.