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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      Hey Bobby,

      I encountered a problem with the Test release version , questbot and shamwow.
      I used the dwarfen quest profile from nuok and the 10-60 profile from kickazz (alliance both).
      When I started leveling my fifth shaman it works all great but now when i hit start shamwow initializes and then stopping the bot.
      No error with the not right level thing etc. really nothing.
      I will upload a log in the next five minutes!



      Edit: Log attached

      Edit2: Found the error myself.

      >>> STARTING ShamWOW v4.5.08 by Bobby53 
      ERROR!!!!!  Aura 'Lightning Shield' has 0 stacks but HonorBuddy says it has 2
      Stopping HonorBuddy...  Try manually clearing buff before starting 
      >>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.5.08 by Bobby53 
      1. I have actually 2 stacks of lightning shield active right now!
      2. Why would Shamwow ever want to start unbuffed?
      Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2011
    2. Anonuzer01

      Anonuzer01 Active Member

      Sep 9, 2010
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      I don't have access to the machine that has the logs at the moment but I saw similar to Weischbier's post. Trying to use Lazyraider. Hit the start button, everything runs through it's initialization and Honorbuddy just stops. No errors that I could see. Tried both the Beta release of HB and the prior. Also tried the latest Shamwow release and the prior release with same results. When she gets done with that computer I will go play with it and grab a log file or I will break down and do it on this machine. Just wanted to confirm that there is *something* going on, even if I can't provide any real data at the moment.
    3. spriestdev

      spriestdev New Member

      Sep 19, 2011
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      Honorbuddy has issues detecting stacking buffs that are already applied during start-up.

      In your case, when you reach 7 stacks of Lightning Shield, the Honorbuddy client would only think that you have 5 which can cause problems for spells that need to be cast at a certain number of stacks; for example: Earth Shock.

      /*Bobby, are you using an LUA command to grab the proper number of stacks at start-up?*/
      Nevermind, found it. Good idea, wish I'd thought of it.
      Last edited: Oct 9, 2011
    4. leeg00

      leeg00 New Member

      Feb 24, 2010
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      Is there any reason to use lazyraider since the disable movement is built in?
    5. Anonuzer01

      Anonuzer01 Active Member

      Sep 9, 2010
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      Ok. Found the issue. In the past, I have always just extracted the zipped file into a directory and dragged that directory into the Custom Class folder. With this zip, that actually creates the following: HB\Custom Classes\Shamwow-4508\Shamwow and HB\Custom Classes\Shamwow-4508\Config, which won't work. Both the Shamwow and Config directories must be in the main Custom Class folder. Error on my part.
    6. sime

      sime New Member

      Sep 23, 2011
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      Dear Bobby,
      I've been searching and searching but I'm having a bit of trouble of finding a way of disabling Fire/Earth elementals in dungeons totally. I use ShamWOW together with LazyRaider. If I check the box to save those abilities for bosses it will use it on bosses, if I uncheck it it uses it on trash. I would like to totally skip using them. I would appreciate your answer.
      Thank you for your time.
    7. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      fish221171, The distinction is that you are Resto and in a Group. That is the only circumstance that it isn't cast on yourself. The reason is that group healing is the highest priority and as a member of the group, you receive heals if needed from the priority list established. I'll add support for it. Just don't be in a hurry as it only effects one race so will get that level of prioritization. Thanks, Bobby53
    8. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      @weischbier, You are misinterpreting the message. ShamWOW doesn't want you to start unbuffed. It's saying that HonorBuddy is bugged and is saying that you have 0 stacks but a call to WOW LUA shows you actually have 2. ShamWOW is dependent upon the HonorBuddy API returning accurate values, so this error condition test was added to protect against bogus behavior that was identified in an earlier version. If you encounter this, do the following steps in order stopping once your issue is resolved:

      1. Exit HonorBuddy, Clear all Buffs in WOW, Start HonorBuddy
      2. Restart WOW then #1
      3. Restart Windows, WOW, then #1

      Thanks and good luck with your Shaman,

      @Anonuzer01: Thanks for the corroboration but I really need a log file for it to be of assistance. Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Oct 10, 2011
      1 person likes this.
    9. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      sime, You aren't able to do that currently. I'll look at for next release. When requesting an ability such as this, please be sure explain what issue it solves. Simply wanting the ability isn't typically enough for me to add yet another user controlled option. Thanks for the post and I'll look for the follow up, Bobby53
    10. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      As always thanks for the new release.
      I will put it to good use in the next RBG.

      I have a question (whether it's intended behaviour or not).
      Often I run as Resto in the RBG, but use the magma totem for AoE on the flagsite (to prevent cap) or at the FC (to prevent rogues and other miscreants to sneak up on our FC).
      However always overwrites the Magma totem with a Searing totem or sometimes a Flametongue totem (and thus loosing the AoE effect).
      Is there a (easy) way to prevent this in PvP.

      Thanks as always for the great CC (and if you want logs I can dig trough the ones I have. It happened tonight as well a few times).
      Regards, Liquid.
    11. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      Thanks bobby!
      restarting is not always necessary. Stopping HB and clearing all the buffs sometimes is enough. Curious thing is that it's only happening to lightning shield.
      With earth and water it never happens. Whatever, thanks for answering :)


    12. sime

      sime New Member

      Sep 23, 2011
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      Hello, Bobby,
      thing is, fire elemental is not worth casting while playing enhancement as you need to keep the stacks from Searing totem on the target for increased Lava lash damage.
      Currently the fire elemental does not match the loss of the dps due to not having a Searing totem up.
      That's the reasoning for wanting to disable it on boss.

      On trash fire elemental gets cast in situations where a usual player wouldn't cast it, because it lasts so short. For example, pulling the cobras in Zul Gurub before the panther boss, it's 10 or so of them but they die very quickly and casting a fire elemental makes little sense, the CC however casts it if it's avaliable.
      I'm just afraid it looks very weird for the group to see me cast a fire elemental when the mobs are all almost dead.

      Thank you for your time and dedication.
      Kind regards
    13. stackrouse

      stackrouse New Member

      Aug 1, 2011
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      Hey bobby,
      I have an issue and I believe its with shamwow. I'm leveling a new ally shaman (Draenei) and I've been using Kick's 1-5 profile. But the bot stops saying....

      [Profile Message]: Compiling Azuremyst Isle Quests
      [Profile Message]: Compiling Ammen Vale Quests
      [CastSpellOn-v187(fatal) @line 244]: Toon doesn't know SpellId(59542, "Gift of the Naaru")
      Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy.
      >>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.5.08 by Bobby53

      I know the toon does have that spell, I see it in my spellbook. I closed the bot, and restarted...same thing.

      Attaching log from folder.

      Edit: Actually after searching and searching the files in the shamwow config, it looks like its not in there at all and maybe Kick's profile itself, the error is line 244 and that is the exact spell its calling to use from his profile.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Oct 11, 2011
    14. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Each draenei class has it's own Gift of the Naruu SpellID.

      For Warriors this is 28880
      For Paladins this is 59542 <-- In Kick's profile
      For Hunters this is 59543
      For Priests this is 59544
      For Deathknights this is 59545
      For Shamans this is 59547
      For Mages this is 59548

      So if kick didn't account for this in his profile, then it's the reason why it failed (and you should report that to kick then, so he can fix his profile).
    15. CrazyJosh

      CrazyJosh Member

      Nov 30, 2010
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      My bot keeps standing in a spot waiting for mana to regen in bg's, but it refuses to put down manaspring while waiting....any ideas?
    16. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      Yeah, provide a Log!


    17. CrazyJosh

      CrazyJosh Member

      Nov 30, 2010
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      View attachment log.pdf
      Guess it was more of a...feature request...don't know if its broken or not (thats why I didnt put a log). I've attached a log (the totemic recalls inside the spam of wait lines is me manually casting manaspring totem)....btw I hate your avatar.....it has screwed with me for months lol. I was browsing the forums on my TV once and I freaked out when a big ass bug was on it.
      Last edited: Oct 12, 2011
    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      All ShamWOW Users: My apologies if I haven't been able to respond to messages this week in the timely fashion you are used to. Extremely sick and home from work all week. Finally starting to see a little improvement so hopefully can catch up on some work enough to get back forums later this weekend. To ensure you get the most helpful response, be sure to go to the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for a template to copy/paste and steps on posting. You'll want to use those guidelines for any question, issue, or change request you would like me to research/respond to.

      Sorry again for the delay and look forward to being back soon. Bobby53
      Last edited: Oct 14, 2011
    19. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      I love him :) never had a better one

      I hope you get well again soon :)


    20. stevenr

      stevenr Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I use your CC on 2v2 - and it works great.

      But sometime it looks like he can not decide on a target - and then he do nothing.

      PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:72.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:57:113] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:11.1 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:57:116] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:22:57:128] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:22:57:130] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:72.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:57:185] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:10.9 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:57:280] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:72.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:57:317] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:9.1 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:57:319] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:22:57:321] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:22:57:322] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:72.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:57:344] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:8.5 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:57:445] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:72.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:57:483] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:6.8 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:57:485] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:22:57:496] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:22:57:497] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:72.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:57:554] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:6.1 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:57:646] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:72.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:57:677] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:5.2 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:57:680] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:22:57:694] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:22:57:695] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:72.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:57:711] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:4.9 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:57:808] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:72.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:57:865] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:4.4 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:(null) taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:57:868] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:22:57:919] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:22:57:920] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:72.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:57:945] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:3.8 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:(null) taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:58:027] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:72.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:58:070] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:3.6 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:(null) taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:58:072] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:22:58:119] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:22:58:121] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:72.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:58:146] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:3.5 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:(null) taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:58:231] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:58:238] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:3.7 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:(null) taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:58:240] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:22:58:278] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:22:58:280] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:58:295] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:3.8 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:(null) taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:58:376] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:58:398] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:4.1 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:(null) taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:58:400] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:22:58:434] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:22:58:435] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:58:497] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:4.4 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:(null) taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:58:578] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:58:586] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:5.1 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:(null) taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:58:588] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:22:58:590] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:22:58:592] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:58:613] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:5.1 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:(null) taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:58:719] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:58:753] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:5.4 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:58:755] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:22:58:815] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:22:58:817] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:58:855] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:5.4 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:58:937] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:58:986] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:5.4 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:58:989] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:22:59:054] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:22:59:055] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/95.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:59:124] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:5.2 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:59:208] %   SpellCast Fail:  Lava Burst on guid:0 due to 'Target needs to be in front of you.'
      [18:22:59:211] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.3%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:59:249] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:5.0 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:59:251] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:22:59:305] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:22:59:306] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.3%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:59:375] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:4.8 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:59:458] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.3%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:59:500] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:4.9 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:59:503] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:22:59:525] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:22:59:528] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.3%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:59:583] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:5.1 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:59:665] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.3%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:59:717] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:5.5 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:59:719] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:22:59:749] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:22:59:751] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.3%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:59:820] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:5.8 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:59:901] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.3%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:22:59:920] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:6.6 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:22:59:922] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:22:59:951] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:22:59:953] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.3%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:23:00:014] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:6.6 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:23:00:108] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.3%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:23:00:168] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:6.6 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:23:00:170] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:23:00:276] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:23:00:277] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.3%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:23:00:376] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:6.6 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:23:00:489] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.3%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:23:00:540] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:6.6 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:23:00:543] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:23:00:695] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:23:00:697] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.3%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:23:00:717] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:6.6 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:23:00:798] %   Combat:  aborted since casting
      [18:23:01:519] %   SpellCast Fail:  Lava Burst on guid:0 due to 'Interrupted'
      [18:23:01:521] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:23:01:576] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:6.6 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:23:01:578] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:23:01:625] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:23:01:627] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:23:01:668] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:6.6 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:23:01:750] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:23:01:782] %           Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:6.6 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:23:01:784] %   combatChecks:  pvp target Mage.62FA is not hostile, so checking for another
      [18:23:01:823] %   FindBestTarget-PVP:  already targeting best mob
      [18:23:01:824] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:23:01:883] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.62FA th:3.6%, tdist:6.6 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:-ME- taggro:N tpetaggro:N
      [18:23:01:976] %   PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]:  h/m:71.2%/96.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
      [18:23:01:978] %   combatChecks:  no current target, so checking for another
      [18:23:02:037] >>> BEST TARGET:  Mage-Mage.62FA[85] at 6.3 yds 
      [18:23:02:734] Setting current target to: Mage.62FA[85]
      [18:23:02:734] %   Safe_SetCurrentTarget() took 697 ms to set .CurrentTarget to 697[Mage.62FA]
      [18:23:02:736] %   Safe_SetCurrentTarget() took 0 ms to set .CurrentTarget to 0[Mage.62FA]
      [18:23:02:737] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:80.0%/96.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:2, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
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