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  • [H - Fly] Trick and Treats of Azeroth (Achievement) (2011) [IDK]

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by no1knowsy, Oct 19, 2011.

    1. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      Hello and Welcome!
      This is brought to you by: I Don't Know - Dev Team
      Hence the [IDK] in the thread title. :p

      So far this profiile set will cover:
      Kalimdor, Outlands, Eastern Kingdoms (not Ghostlands/Eversong yet), Northrend, and about 1/2 of Cataclysm.

      -Eastern Kingdoms (EK) and Burning Crusade (Outlands)(BC) files are up and running.
      -Northrend (LK) and Kalimdor files are also up now :)
      -Vashj'ir is not going to be added. Sry
      (We have personally tested BC, LK and Kalimdor. We tested EK with all but the quest check for Twilight Highlands update.)

      Take yourself to UC, do the trick or treat there, then go up and out of UC, stand somewhere outside the front gate. Hit start (USE WITH THE QUESTING BOTBASE!) ;)

      Also, we didn't feel like adding in Elwynn Forest, or Ghostlands. They are in a different zone, and you can't fly there. It's a total of 4 points. We're pretty sure you guys can handle 4 points :)
      We are probably going to add this. In fact having this start just after the Zepplin ride would work perfect (Of course going into UC, grabbing that pumpkin, taking port to silvermoon, doing those, taking port back, continue with current profile)(That's too much work for now. Sleepy Panda.)

      Start with the EK profile up, and it will autoload the BC profile after it goes through the Black Portal.
      After BC is complete it will head to Shat and take the portal to Orgrimmar, and will auto-load the Kalimdor profile.
      Once this profile completes you need to get a port to Dalaran (the profile doesn't do this), or take a Zep to either starting zone, then load the LK profile and hit start. If you didn't get a Mage Portal to Dalaran, and you took a zepplin to either starting zone you'll need to take and unquote the dalaran movement to part that (this is there so you don't have to fly yourself if you didn't get a port)

      We DID NOT GET EVERY SINGLE CANDY BUCKET! We only hit the ones that were for the achievement as there are faster ways to make gold.

      Another note: Twilight Highlands is covered in the EK profile, as Uldum and Hyjal are covered in the Kalimdor profile.

      Big thanks to: I'dRatherNotTellYou
      He helped with gathering a ton of the IDs and XYZs. Thus making him a very important member of the IDK Team.

      Another Big thanks to Kickazz, as We stole his profile layout to make these ones.
      He does great things, and has sort-of allowed us to do this... We think...

      The useless flight to Booty-Bay after hitting the Hillsbrad Foothills.
      Not checking for Twilight Highlands quest phasing.
      The BC profile hitting an Alliance town.
      A couple of FlyTos and RunTos were added.
      The BC profile for not having the last MobID.

      [Plugin] Candy Bucket Buffs Remover
      You will have to edit it a little, but hardly any :)
      All instructions are on that thread.

      How To Install: Click the SVN and download the files individually, or just SVN Checkout it into your folder of choice :p


      Added an SVN!
      I Dont Know - Dev Team's SVN Trunk
      Last edited: Oct 25, 2011
      xsol, soussi, Xume and 1 other person like this.
    2. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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    3. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      This ^^
      Last edited: Oct 25, 2011
    4. WrathofGod

      WrathofGod New Member

      May 24, 2011
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      I don't have a horde char, but I thank you for your effort :)
    5. hameli

      hameli New Member

      Jan 4, 2011
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      Tyvm I'll +Rep you once you upload it and donate if you upload it after 14 Hour :)
    6. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      First two zones are up. Just waiting until tomorrow to get Kalimdors profile done. We have the points, no time to insert/test it tho :(
      Spewer likes this.
    7. texasblackrose

      texasblackrose New Member

      Jul 21, 2011
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      thank you so much for take the time to put this together. I <3 kick but wish he was horde! Darn you kick for being alliance! XD
    8. Mambaa

      Mambaa Member

      May 29, 2010
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      About to run this baby, thank you guys!! :D
      Will it auto use the candy hand things?
    9. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i told you it takes a while, don't it?
    10. Zoinx

      Zoinx Active Member

      Mar 8, 2010
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      Any chance on Northrend as well? :D

      I did EK, Kal and Outlands by hand =[
    11. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      Yes, it will. Thank Kickazz for that

      It is ridiculous

      Yes, northrend will be coming tonight, as well as Kalimdor.
      I MIGHT add the inns that arent part of the achievs, but I doubt it.
    12. Zeewolf

      Zeewolf Member

      Feb 2, 2011
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      Its upto you, but it might sway you to know that the currency for the event is the treats and so adding them all would mean more treats for those wanting to collect pets/toys :)
    13. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      If I find enough time to spare. But if I add then to the original file it would fly to every point again. I'll see about it later.
    14. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      Good job, love it!
    15. I'dRatherNotTellYou

      I'dRatherNotTellYou New Member

      Oct 15, 2011
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      soooooo do we use gather buddy orrrr what? i helped make this profile and i dont even know.

      first post ftw
    16. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      Questing lol. My bad on not saying that.
    17. Teveel

      Teveel Active Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      Thanks ran pretty smooth great work + rep.
    18. themuffin

      themuffin New Member

      Jun 5, 2011
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      I'm running the EK profile. Starting from outside UC as you said, it works fine for first few POIs but after that starts just flying over several of them and skipping them.

      [8:13:11 AM:043] Goal: User Attention Required...
      [8:13:11 AM:043] Activity: Waiting for user dialog to close
      [8:13:14 AM:358] Activity: Continuing profile due to User request
      [8:13:14 AM:704] Goal: User Attention Required...
      [8:13:14 AM:704] Activity: Waiting for user dialog to close
      [8:13:16 AM:252] Activity: Continuing profile due to User request
      [8:13:16 AM:427] Goal: Flying to Undercity
      [8:13:16 AM:427] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 29]: Flying to 'Undercity': <1886.376, 236.4364, 57.90359>.
      [8:13:16 AM:736] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0xF13016B600000049, 0) [10]
      [8:17:10 AM:996] Inserting Burdrak Harglhelm [Vendor, Repair] into the database!
      [8:17:10 AM:999] Inserting Gretta Ganter [Vendor] into the database!
      [8:21:29 AM:669] Inserting Gregory Charles [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database!
      [8:21:46 AM:058] Goal: Dismounting
      [8:21:46 AM:203] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 30]: Descending before dismount
      [8:21:46 AM:364] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 30]: Cancelling Flight Form
      [8:21:46 AM:397] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 30]: Dismounting
      [8:21:46 AM:397] Stop and dismount...
      [8:21:47 AM:118] Goal: Flying to Tirisfal Glades, Brill
      [8:21:47 AM:118] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 55]: Flying to 'Tirisfal Glades, Brill': <2260.874, 287.6914, 33.3797>.
      [8:21:47 AM:487] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [11]
      [8:22:03 AM:048] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [8:22:03 AM:296] Goal: Dismounting
      [8:22:03 AM:321] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 56]: Cancelling Flight Form
      [8:22:03 AM:360] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 56]: Dismounting
      [8:22:03 AM:360] Stop and dismount...
      [8:22:04 AM:497] Goal: Interacting with 
      [8:22:04 AM:567] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 58]: Candy Bucket
      [8:22:04 AM:651] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
      [8:22:04 AM:699] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 58]: Candy Bucket
      [8:22:09 AM:048] Activity: Interacting with - Candy Bucket
      [8:22:09 AM:071] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 58]: Candy Bucket
      [8:22:09 AM:071] InteractDebug:620450496
      [8:22:09 AM:080] Interact Done:620450496
      [8:22:09 AM:115] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 58]: Candy Bucket
      [8:22:14 AM:647] Goal: Running Macro
      [8:22:14 AM:647] [RunMacro-v184(debug) @line 59]: Running macro 1 times
      [8:22:14 AM:647] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
      [8:22:15 AM:678] Goal: RunLua: In Progress
      [8:22:15 AM:678] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(37586) 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween
      [8:22:17 AM:039] Goal: Waiting for bot 02s
      [8:22:17 AM:039] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 02s
      [8:22:17 AM:236] Goal: Waiting for bot 01s
      [8:22:17 AM:236] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 02s
      [8:22:18 AM:157] Goal: Waiting for bot 00s
      [8:22:18 AM:157] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 02s
      [8:22:19 AM:206] Goal: Moving to <2260.874, 287.6914, 33.3797>
      [8:22:23 AM:624] Goal: Flying to Tirisfal Glades, The Bulwark
      [8:22:23 AM:624] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 84]: Flying to 'Tirisfal Glades, The Bulwark': <1677.598, -714.269, 58.89039>.
      [8:22:23 AM:973] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [12]
      [8:23:04 AM:271] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [8:23:11 AM:601] Goal: Dismounting
      [8:23:11 AM:624] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 85]: Cancelling Flight Form
      [8:23:11 AM:667] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 85]: Dismounting
      [8:23:11 AM:667] Stop and dismount...
      [8:23:12 AM:224] Goal: Interacting with 
      [8:23:12 AM:255] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 87]: Candy Bucket
      [8:23:12 AM:281] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
      [8:23:12 AM:298] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 87]: Candy Bucket
      [8:23:13 AM:819] Activity: Interacting with - Candy Bucket
      [8:23:13 AM:832] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 87]: Candy Bucket
      [8:23:13 AM:833] InteractDebug:725839112
      [8:23:13 AM:852] Interact Done:725839112
      [8:23:13 AM:866] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 87]: Candy Bucket
      [8:23:19 AM:350] Goal: Running Macro
      [8:23:19 AM:350] [RunMacro-v184(debug) @line 88]: Running macro 1 times
      [8:23:19 AM:350] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
      [8:23:20 AM:363] Goal: RunLua: In Progress
      [8:23:20 AM:363] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(37586) 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween
      [8:23:21 AM:815] Goal: Waiting for bot 02s
      [8:23:21 AM:815] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 02s
      [8:23:21 AM:951] Goal: Waiting for bot 01s
      [8:23:21 AM:951] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 02s
      [8:23:22 AM:816] Goal: Waiting for bot 00s
      [8:23:22 AM:816] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 02s
      [8:23:23 AM:900] Goal: Moving to <1677.598, -714.269, 58.89039>
      [8:23:25 AM:408] Goal: Flying to Silverpine Forest, Forsaken Rear Guard
      [8:23:25 AM:408] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 113]: Flying to 'Silverpine Forest, Forsaken Rear Guard': <1074.243, 1580.913, 27.73073>.
      [8:23:25 AM:813] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [13]
      [8:24:41 AM:022] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [8:24:46 AM:827] Goal: Dismounting
      [8:24:46 AM:836] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 114]: Cancelling Flight Form
      [8:24:46 AM:858] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 114]: Dismounting
      [8:24:46 AM:858] Stop and dismount...
      [8:24:47 AM:554] Goal: Interacting with 
      [8:24:47 AM:613] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 116]: Candy Bucket
      [8:24:47 AM:703] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
      [8:24:47 AM:754] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 116]: Candy Bucket
      [8:24:47 AM:756] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [8:24:48 AM:401] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 116]: Candy Bucket
      [8:24:48 AM:503] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
      [8:24:48 AM:549] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 116]: Candy Bucket
      [8:24:51 AM:554] Activity: Interacting with - Candy Bucket
      [8:24:51 AM:584] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 116]: Candy Bucket
      [8:24:51 AM:585] InteractDebug:725841200
      [8:24:51 AM:587] Interact Done:725841200
      [8:24:51 AM:614] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 116]: Candy Bucket
      [8:24:57 AM:099] Goal: Running Macro
      [8:24:57 AM:099] [RunMacro-v184(debug) @line 117]: Running macro 1 times
      [8:24:57 AM:099] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
      [8:24:58 AM:634] Goal: RunLua: In Progress
      [8:24:58 AM:634] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(37586) 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween
      [8:24:59 AM:820] Goal: Waiting for bot 02s
      [8:24:59 AM:820] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 02s
      [8:24:59 AM:981] Goal: Waiting for bot 01s
      [8:24:59 AM:981] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 02s
      [8:25:00 AM:946] Goal: Waiting for bot 00s
      [8:25:00 AM:946] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 02s
      [8:25:01 AM:848] Goal: Moving to <1074.243, 1580.913, 27.73073>
      [8:25:06 AM:109] Goal: Flying to Silverpine Forest, The Sepulcher
      [8:25:06 AM:109] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 143]: Flying to 'Silverpine Forest, The Sepulcher': <483.45, 1520.593, 133.1494>.
      [8:25:06 AM:415] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [14]
      [8:25:28 AM:340] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [8:25:29 AM:136] Goal: Dismounting
      [8:25:29 AM:157] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 144]: Cancelling Flight Form
      [8:25:29 AM:168] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 144]: Dismounting
      [8:25:29 AM:168] Stop and dismount...
      [8:25:29 AM:760] Goal: Interacting with 
      [8:25:29 AM:786] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 146]: Candy Bucket
      [8:25:29 AM:814] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
      [8:25:29 AM:827] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 146]: Candy Bucket
      [8:25:34 AM:148] Activity: Interacting with - Candy Bucket
      [8:25:34 AM:158] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 146]: Candy Bucket
      [8:25:34 AM:158] InteractDebug:620453976
      [8:25:34 AM:189] Interact Done:620453976
      [8:25:34 AM:196] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 146]: Candy Bucket
      [8:25:39 AM:594] Goal: Running Macro
      [8:25:39 AM:594] [RunMacro-v184(debug) @line 147]: Running macro 1 times
      [8:25:39 AM:594] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
      [8:25:41 AM:125] Goal: RunLua: In Progress
      [8:25:41 AM:125] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(37586) 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween
      [8:25:42 AM:307] Goal: Waiting for bot 02s
      [8:25:42 AM:307] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 02s
      [8:25:42 AM:424] Goal: Waiting for bot 01s
      [8:25:42 AM:424] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 02s
      [8:25:43 AM:416] Goal: Waiting for bot 00s
      [8:25:43 AM:416] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 02s
      [8:25:44 AM:340] Goal: Moving to <483.45, 1520.593, 133.1494>
      [8:25:48 AM:056] Goal: Flying to Hillsbrad Foothills, Tarren Mill
      [8:25:48 AM:056] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 172]: Flying to 'Hillsbrad Foothills, Tarren Mill': <-38.23497, -946.0353, 54.28238>.
      [8:25:48 AM:306] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [15]
      [8:27:07 AM:421] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [8:27:12 AM:775] Goal: Dismounting
      [8:27:12 AM:785] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 173]: Cancelling Flight Form
      [8:27:12 AM:826] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 173]: Dismounting
      [8:27:12 AM:826] Stop and dismount...
      [8:27:13 AM:875] Goal: Interacting with 
      [8:27:13 AM:906] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 175]: Candy Bucket
      [8:27:13 AM:958] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
      [8:27:13 AM:979] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 175]: Candy Bucket
      [8:27:17 AM:305] Activity: Interacting with - Candy Bucket
      [8:27:17 AM:451] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 175]: Candy Bucket
      [8:27:17 AM:451] InteractDebug:725834240
      [8:27:17 AM:465] Interact Done:725834240
      [8:27:17 AM:508] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 175]: Candy Bucket
      [8:27:22 AM:884] Goal: Running Macro
      [8:27:22 AM:884] [RunMacro-v184(debug) @line 176]: Running macro 1 times
      [8:27:22 AM:884] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
      [8:27:24 AM:423] Goal: RunLua: In Progress
      [8:27:24 AM:423] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(37586) 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween
      [8:27:25 AM:614] Goal: Waiting for bot 02s
      [8:27:25 AM:614] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 02s
      [8:27:25 AM:739] Goal: Waiting for bot 01s
      [8:27:25 AM:739] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 02s
      [8:27:26 AM:771] Goal: Waiting for bot 00s
      [8:27:26 AM:771] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 02s
      [8:27:27 AM:783] Goal: Moving to <-38.23497, -946.0353, 54.28238>
      [8:27:30 AM:619] Goal: Flying to Hillsbrad Foothills, Eastpoint Tower
      [8:27:30 AM:619] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 202]: Flying to 'Hillsbrad Foothills, Eastpoint Tower': <-572.1671, -1083.49, 61.66709>.
      [8:27:30 AM:857] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [16]
      [8:27:49 AM:379] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [8:27:51 AM:063] Goal: Dismounting
      [8:27:51 AM:079] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 203]: Cancelling Flight Form
      [8:27:51 AM:102] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 203]: Dismounting
      [8:27:51 AM:102] Stop and dismount...
      [8:27:51 AM:879] Goal: Interacting with 
      [8:27:51 AM:900] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 205]: Candy Bucket
      [8:27:51 AM:916] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
      [8:27:51 AM:923] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 205]: Candy Bucket
      [8:27:54 AM:028] Activity: Interacting with - Candy Bucket
      [8:27:54 AM:034] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 205]: Candy Bucket
      [8:27:54 AM:034] InteractDebug:725841896
      [8:27:54 AM:042] Interact Done:725841896
      [8:27:54 AM:047] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 205]: Candy Bucket
      [8:27:59 AM:360] Goal: Running Macro
      [8:27:59 AM:360] [RunMacro-v184(debug) @line 206]: Running macro 1 times
      [8:27:59 AM:360] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
      [8:28:00 AM:861] Goal: RunLua: In Progress
      [8:28:00 AM:861] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(37586) 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween
      [8:28:02 AM:048] Goal: Waiting for bot 02s
      [8:28:02 AM:048] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 02s
      [8:28:02 AM:210] Goal: Waiting for bot 01s
      [8:28:02 AM:210] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 02s
      [8:28:03 AM:063] Goal: Waiting for bot 00s
      [8:28:03 AM:063] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 02s
      [8:28:04 AM:141] Goal: Moving to <-572.1671, -1083.49, 61.66709>
      [8:28:04 AM:670] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [8:28:06 AM:583] Goal: Flying to Western Plaguelands, Andorhal
      [8:28:06 AM:583] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 232]: Flying to 'Western Plaguelands, Andorhal': <1535.444, -1635.236, 67.89111>.
      [8:28:06 AM:936] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [17]
      [8:29:20 AM:107] Goal: Dismounting
      [8:29:20 AM:129] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 233]: Cancelling Flight Form
      [8:29:20 AM:142] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 233]: Dismounting
      [8:29:20 AM:142] Stop and dismount...
      [8:29:21 AM:148] Goal: Interacting with 
      [8:29:21 AM:177] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 235]: Candy Bucket
      [8:29:21 AM:216] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
      [8:29:21 AM:247] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 235]: Candy Bucket
      [8:29:21 AM:247] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [8:29:21 AM:651] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 235]: Candy Bucket
      [8:29:21 AM:690] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
      [8:29:21 AM:710] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 235]: Candy Bucket
      [8:29:26 AM:292] Activity: Interacting with - Candy Bucket
      [8:29:26 AM:304] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 235]: Candy Bucket
      [8:29:26 AM:304] InteractDebug:725848856
      [8:29:26 AM:312] Interact Done:725848856
      [8:29:26 AM:324] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 235]: Candy Bucket
      [8:29:31 AM:804] Goal: Running Macro
      [8:29:31 AM:804] [RunMacro-v184(debug) @line 236]: Running macro 1 times
      [8:29:31 AM:804] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
      [8:29:33 AM:335] Goal: RunLua: In Progress
      [8:29:33 AM:335] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(37586) 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween
      [8:29:34 AM:577] Goal: Waiting for bot 02s
      [8:29:34 AM:577] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 02s
      [8:29:34 AM:708] Goal: Waiting for bot 01s
      [8:29:34 AM:708] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 02s
      [8:29:35 AM:656] Goal: Waiting for bot 00s
      [8:29:35 AM:656] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 02s
      [8:29:36 AM:614] Goal: Moving to <1535.444, -1635.236, 67.89111>
      [8:29:36 AM:623] [STUCK] Got stuck at <1540.574, -1656.869, 72.37795> on map 0
      [8:29:36 AM:645] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
      [8:29:36 AM:645] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: False
      [8:29:36 AM:645] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
      [8:29:36 AM:645] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: False
      [8:29:36 AM:645] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
      [8:29:36 AM:645] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: True
      [8:29:36 AM:645] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
      [8:29:39 AM:893] [STUCK] Strafing worked!
      [8:29:43 AM:372] Goal: Flying to Up
      [8:29:43 AM:372] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 240]: Flying to 'Up': <-14450.41, 461.675, 136.4063>.
      [8:29:43 AM:592] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [18]
    19. Zugga

      Zugga New Member

      Jun 6, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Ek smooth as butter amazing job. Some nasty points on certain classes at the twilight highlands but no fault of yours.

      Bc on the otherhand it seems to have absolutely junked itself. Unrepairable error. Attached log. Gets to the fp outside of Sanctum of the stars and gives an error and stops bot.

      Attached Files:

    20. Astalavista

      Astalavista New Member

      Oct 21, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Couple of problems i had with the Outlands Profile...

      1. Would'nt Dispell "Skeleton Costume" kept getting error "cant use/do this while shapeshifted" (cant remember exact error lol)
      2. it flew to an Alliance bucket in Nagrand "TELAAR" lol Honorbuddy fought off the gaurds but for lowbies beware ^_^

      nice profiles none the less, got my Outlands Achievement with 2 clicks "Start" and "me Dispelling the Skeleton costume" :)

      waiting eagerly on the Kalimdor profile and Northrend one :p
      Last edited: Oct 20, 2011

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