When i start honorbuddy it only shows squares instead of letters. like this: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/696/capturevjv.png/
install this and try again Download Details - Microsoft Download Center - European Union Expansion Font Update
my windows language is English. same thing happened on Curseclient... i tried installing the font update but it did not work.
If this affects also other programs there might be something wrong with your windows installation. Tried to reinstall .net? Windows 7? Try to open windows settings. I don?t have an english windows so i am not sure about the words. But "Control panel" ->"Look/Personal looks" -> "At the bottom "Fonts -> Fonts settings"". Then try to reset settings to default. Where you se this make sure the above is marked and the bottom one is not, fide fonts by language = yes , allow installation of fonts ... = no. Also under "Fonts" you se "Adjust ClearType settings" make sure that one is active.
Shall i reinstall windows, or wow? i tried what you said i should bengan12 but the same problem happened. i have 64-bits system windows 7 english version. I tried repair on wow nothing happened. i also tried to update but still nothing happend I am now reinstalling WoW and see if something happens, if not i got a porblem :S
I solved the problem, i deleted the font that looked like squares, and when i started HB it was back to normal again.. i will have to thank you VERY much for your help. GJ <3