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  • EzUnholy - Death by desecration

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by mastahg, Oct 19, 2011.

    1. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      I reserve all rights. You may not modify unless for personal use.

      Info: Mainly PVP but should handle PVE mobs, not for raiding

      Place in your CustomClasses folder

      Good Specs:

      Version 0.0.1:
      Inital Release

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Mar 30, 2023
    2. A1l3n

      A1l3n New Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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      Really wish I could test this for you but my DK is only lvl 62 right now. But ill prob be 80 in like 6 hours with RAF lvling. Ill test it in 80's BG's.
    3. iiNsPiiReD

      iiNsPiiReD New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      I'm not specced for unholy right now but when I get home today I'll switch my blood over tree over and give this a go.

      Your frost CC has already gotten me full vicious gladiator and almost a full JP set.
    4. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Any comments on this?
    5. hi1674

      hi1674 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'm sticking to frost and i am more interested in Blood as 2nd spec.

      So sorry. won't test this one for now.
    6. hi1674

      hi1674 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      is this something to go on for rotation

      You will NEVER use Oblit as UH.

      UH uses NS/DC/FS/Outbreak ONLY in PvP.

      There might be a very few times that you would use SS which would be if you target has less than 5k health and the healer is CC'd (not kidding) or the other team has all classes that have 0 self healing abilities and no casters (like 3 hunters). NS does 8-9k "damage" where as SS does like 4-5 max. Simple math says NS>>>>SS 99% of the time.

      The basics are fairly similar read that guide because you will need to know all those macro's for that broken ass spec's pets to be useable.

      Just spam NS when u have F/B runes you FS or (Coi and leave the B until the F comes back) Otherwise you spam DC until pet gets up and hit Ghoul transform. UH as a ton of keybinds and macro's required to be halfway decent so get comfortable with them a.

      Otherwise just read up on AJ's guide there are more basic snippits than you think. Next look up jigslol's movies there are 4 I would say the last 2 are the most well done and informative watch both the skype and narrated version they can be found at warcraftmovies.com. They are from Wrath but just ignore almost anything he says about rotations because they have changed a lot but pay attn to how he plays and the strats he uses. Smashing the DPS rotation is not at all what makes a good PvPer especially with a low burst damage spec like UH. It's the little things that are important.
    7. hi1674

      hi1674 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The lack of responses might have to do with Blizzard nerfing UnHoly ?

      I can give this a go sometime during the weekend......
    8. iiNsPiiReD

      iiNsPiiReD New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      Sorry I never tested this, I kind of quit my DK, it's not that fun of a class, at least not for me.
    9. iiNsPiiReD

      iiNsPiiReD New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      Going to try this now, I don't have a ton of experience with unholy but I'll let you know if there is anything majorly wrong.
    10. punisher775

      punisher775 New Member

      Dec 10, 2010
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      im currently farming some BGs for my 2h wep. ill test this a little bit today, if i like it ill keep testing and report any issues. i dont know much about unholy DKs maybe you could look up finalrequiem hes a pro DK and he runs as unholy in shadowcleave.

      ive been intrested in this for a while but never had time to farm the honor for it. todays the day.

      ill make recomendations as i notice problems :)
    11. punisher775

      punisher775 New Member

      Dec 10, 2010
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      ok so i tested this and yeah. you are right it needs love atm. theres long periods of time where he just stands there with 2 blood runes just waiting on unholy/frost runes to regen and hes just sitting there auto attacking.

      He is not doing lichborne healing.
      and yeah needs rotation tweaking before this is viable.

      unholy got a big buff so people think its bad but its amazing.
      Last edited: Oct 31, 2011
    12. punisher775

      punisher775 New Member

      Dec 10, 2010
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      Ok found a few issues

      It doesnt lichborne heal at all.
      It doesnt use blood runes on anything so it stands there doing nothing with 2 blood runes available.
      the dps is very low in pvp so u might need to tweak the rotation a bunch.
      maybe make it use pet stun to interupt, as well as pet charge to catch up to runners.
      i saw it uses dark transformation wich is great.

      but yeah, im sure if you update the CC a bit the appeal will get bigger, because unholy is a very powerful spec for shadowcleave or w/e its called.

      i also got a recomended spec for you.
      Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft Glyphs and everything needed is there.
      you need to spec into lichborne as unholy to be viable in pvp.
      so you could take the code from ezfrost for lichborne healing and add it here.
      also. i know nothing about unholy pvp but it should probably do something with blood runes. i had to manually spam some blood strikes just to use my blood runes wich im sure isnt the best thing to spam with blood runes. im sure another spell would be more appropriate.

      this guy is very good. you can base you CC on what hes saying.
      its a guide on the rotation you should use. i personally will go with unholy if the CC gets better as its alot better for survival, and next patch we will get another 5% str buff on top of the 15% we just got.
    13. spoinker

      spoinker New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Dude why you post so many kind od CC ,they all suck i try few and not even one was good. Try to focus on good work ,and do some OMG WTF PWN CC not crap like you mostly post. For me is pointles relase next CC when you older ones still suck hard.
    14. punisher775

      punisher775 New Member

      Dec 10, 2010
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      Excuse me? were you born this way or did your parents drop you as a child?
      His Ret CC is the best.
      His Ezfrost CC is the best for DK pvp (i got to 1550 in arenas using only the CC and the only thing im missing on my DK is gear.)
      his Ezarms is a new release therefore it needs more work put into it but he takes amazing care of all his CCs and updates them multiple times a week. there is a lack of good CC's out there for certain classes such as hunters and warriors so he is helping the comunity by making new CC's. this guy is a great member of the honorbuddy community and is doing what he can to please everyone. he is alone in his work and there is a massive amount of stuff to do.
      Also, the fact that he took the time to release a unholy AND frost CC for DKs just means that people will get to choose what spec they want to bot as instead of just going with frost cuz the CC is better. while this CC needs work unholy is a great spec and shouldnt be looked down upon.
      you cant bash on the man for taking longer to fix 1 CC that isnt used as much as his other ones, This CC didnt get the attention it deserved so therefore he will put less time into, the man probably has a full time job and this is a hobby, i try to support him as much as i can in all his work. i apreciate all his CC's and you should do the same, instead of posting useless comments how about you try and make constructive comments about how he could improve his CC's.

      people like you need to GTFO and stop posting shit like that. seriously.
      This guy is giving everyone alot of his time and you tell him its shit. while obviously its not bad. it needs some work. just as the original post states. its alpha build.
    15. iiNsPiiReD

      iiNsPiiReD New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      ^ Exactly.

      Don't listen to the trolls, he's just mad that for once he had to buy his own toys and this one part of it didn't work perfect.
    16. punisher775

      punisher775 New Member

      Dec 10, 2010
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      Yo mastahg, any plans to update this? i would love to be able to play unholy in arenas. frost dies too fast imo.

      could you add deathcoil healing and a way for the CC to spend its blood runes?
      maybe add some code from Ezfrost to this to add some functionality.

      it lacks survival. so deathcoil healing at 35% and pet sac at 15% hp is a must as unholy. what you should do is add only chains of ice and deathcoil to the ranged rotation, unholy kites the fuck out of melee's im not sure if thats what it already does.

      as for the blood runes not being spent ill go online and look up what you should spend them on and come back to you.
      plz update this and i shall donate a hefty sum to you :)

      Edit :

      Seems like Blood strike is a good choice for bloodrunes.

      But yeah. add blood strike and Deathcoil healing and this will be good enough to start pvping with.

      edit 2
      im gunna do those little edits myself. i think you are too busy to bother with this CC lol.
      Last edited: Nov 3, 2011
    17. imdasandman

      imdasandman Active Member

      Feb 2, 2011
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      I am sure the CC creator would love if you could PM him the changes you did and he will prob give you credit for the changes :p
    18. punisher775

      punisher775 New Member

      Dec 10, 2010
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      his inbox is full and my changes made things worst i added chains of ice in the ranged rotation so it generates runic power to be able to spam deathcoil, but then, what i did is i added deathcoil in the melee rotation and it doesnt use it in melee range while it should use it instead of trying to use frost strike. so i should remove frost strike from the CC and i dont know if it would break anything.... ill keep trying to edit it tomorow night and see what happens.

      and it seems to be having alot of issues with the dps rotation and adding bloodstrike didnt even help. 7k dps on the dummy and ezfrost gets me 14k

      i saw mastahg took the Ezfrost code and just edited it.
      theres still a whole bunch of frost code left and might be whats wrong, i have absolutely 0 coding ability so the only edits i did is i swapped the Ezunholy lichborne code with the Ezfrost because it was fixed and the unholy one wasnt, then i just added the blood strike to the rotation thing and added chains of ice instead of deathgrip.

      but the dps is really low im not sure how i could help fix it.
      i dont even know what coding language i need to start learning in order to code stuff for honorbuddy, if someone could PM me some information on where i can learn to code id love it. the post on the forums doesnt really have any help as to what we need to study.

      ill get to learning code soon but im tight on time. i know mastahg is busy with his other CCs and this is probably his least priority as its not used much.
    19. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      I've cleaned out my inbox, I got like 5 overnight and filled it up. This CC is pretty low on priority right now, ezfrost is pretty stable and seems to be the superior spec at the moment. Maybe if i have some free time in the future this will get some more support from me.
    20. imdasandman

      imdasandman Active Member

      Feb 2, 2011
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      If I liked Unholy I would help on the editing part of the CC and such but Unholy feels slow to me unfortunately where as frost it is fast paced like playing a rogue :D

      I will dip into unholy in 4.3 cuz if I was to switch specs my arena partners would kill me :p

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