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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by 4842saunders, Nov 1, 2011.

    1. 4842saunders

      4842saunders Banned

      Nov 1, 2011
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      My level 85 mage hit level 85 on the 20th of september, since then my mage has over 29days played at this level, just over a month so is blizzard just ignoring me or what?

      All i do with it is farm herbs in uldum.

      My deathknight has been logged in for 4 days now and nothing has happend.

      How have blizzard not noticed this? =s
    2. Phoenix_x1337

      Phoenix_x1337 New Member

      Oct 26, 2011
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      I'm sure Blizzard isn't monitoring every player. They don't care about their players playing for a long time. Did you ever see a message like 'Dear player. You have been logged in for 6 hours straight. It is a good idea to take a break.'? No!

      Just dont push your luck. When your in a guild/someone got you on friend list and see you are botting like 5 days straight ( even more then 16 hours ) it will be suspicious and players may report. And watch out for other people herbing/mining in your zone. If they see you 6 days a week picking herbs they could report or not care at all. Reporting is an individual decision. Some players hate botters others dont care others just think your trying to make some gold.
    3. 4842saunders

      4842saunders Banned

      Nov 1, 2011
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      Well a few people in my guild know i bot, they have commented saying "why are you always in uldum on your mage" and stuff lol

      But my guilds is realm rank #1 for raiding so i guess people on the server just dont think i would bot or something XD and all guildies are really close so i doubt they would report me. even if they do i doubt anything will come of it.
    4. Phoenix_x1337

      Phoenix_x1337 New Member

      Oct 26, 2011
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      Hehe thats a funny comment XD

      Yeah there was one guy in my guild when he saw me getting the Archeology achievements: How do you level archeology so fast? Thats impossible

      Told him it was boring but its fun to solve artifacts and get cool items thats why its not boring i was like /phew
    5. Malice211

      Malice211 Member

      Aug 4, 2010
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      I got a chuckle out of this...be cautious. Blizz may investigate you if you are online for to long. I firmly believe they do spot checks based on hours online. Maybe not today, next week or next month but eventually someone will take notice. Also, never think that just because you are in a high level guild that you or others in your guild don’t bot. I have watched and tagged dozens of bots on my realms that are operated by the "top tier" raiding guilds. They blink out of existence just as easily as any other bot that I track. (I don’t report other bots, but I do track location and time online so I can bot efficiently myself).

      The bots that I find to be the most successful and long lasting are the cautious botters. They stay in a zone for several hours, enough time to fill their bags, and are then offline for several hours. They do not ninja herbs/nodes, they do not have stupid or foolish names that draw attention to themselves (toon or guild names). Sure, you can bot for 24 hours straight for a few weeks and make lots of gold and then lose your account. Then you have to pay for a new account and take the time to level another toon to 85. Just not worth it in my opinion.
    6. Teveel

      Teveel Active Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      Really good post, I agree that while some bot for months 24/7 I don't think its personally worth the risk but then I don't bot to sell gold either.
    7. Exokid7699

      Exokid7699 New Member

      Jul 31, 2011
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      The last part of what malice says I do. I bot when I go to work, but I make it so my toon either logs out on 3 whispers or my bags are full. After that I wont bot until the next day when i go to work. So ill only be botting like 5 hours a day but still fill bags with ores. I think its pretty safe.
    8. dragonfire665

      dragonfire665 New Member

      Sep 7, 2011
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      i am the same with you guys. I bot when i am at work. I have it set thanks to logmeout. Either it triggers due full bag, time max, whisper, or follow. All work like a charm keeping me if i were to say, safe.

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