Hello, i was looking for skining profile but i did try alot of them and also read about about them but!! IT just dont want to work for me what should i do i mean when i load the profile it dont want to start... so i would like to know if anyone would tell me what i should do and what profile i should use i want to skin savage leather it would really be helpfull if someone would like to send me a profile they use or used for skin savage leather
Horde or alliance? R you running it in grindbot, have u put it to actually skin, Have you checked the profile fits your character (level range)... oh and post a log * and wich profile have u tried?
i am horde i dont know i will run it in grind and the skin butten where is it the only i can se is Herb and mining i have tried almost all here from honorbuddy ( FIRST PAGE )
no i mean wich version... have u made sure its updated to the newest one? and as profile try this: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/submitted-profiles/farming/24736-[skinning][h]-twilight-highlands-obsidian-forest-sevenshoot.html
In HB, click on the Navigation tab, and see if it is downloading/loading tiles... looks like: Downloading Azeroth23_42. Loading Azeroth23_42... And could be downloading tiles for a few minutes.
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...-how-attach-your-hb-log-file-[-pictures].html Please attach your full log in this thread. Next time you have a problem and make a new thread please add this when you make the thread. It saves us a lot of time with guess what the problem is.
I am actually re-making an awesome skinning profile (1-525) for alliance It will do everything automatically even if you have 0 skinning It will fly to sw - train skinning and confirm, then it will buy the skinning knife. sell / repair / mail out stuff before it farms - it will then farm to 300 (and train when it needs to) - then hit up bc - then hit up lk - then hit up hyjal then uldum
He's just messing with you... and you need to post the log that's been requested if you want any actual help cause we can't geuss what is wrong without it. You had asked what log to post - You need to actually look at what No1K posted - it shows you what log is needed: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...-how-attach-your-hb-log-file-[-pictures].html
WIN!... well Pasar... post a log... its inside your log folder in the HB folder... and is called something like 02-11-2011_19_34 5428 Log