if it sold the beads then I don't know why but it clearly states in the profile Code: <ProtectedItems> <Item>4304</Item> <Item>4234</Item> <Item>1645</Item> <Item>33454</Item> </ProtectedItems>
well to be honest i rly dont know cuz when i came back it sold everything =[ u can always try and run it and see when it has full bags what it does if its gonna sale it or not.... but i got exhalted anyway hehe in 8h thxs a bounch im just saying for future refence so mistake do not happen for the new user in the profile.. btw i checked wowhead for the item codes and none of these match for 25433 item code for Obsidian Warbeads it sold all of em so i think its not protect feel free to check again =[ link for confirmation http://www.wowhead.com/item=25433
why not reading the posts to this profile? 2 users Stated that it solds their warbeads, so the chance that it'll sell your warbeads is really high But where's the problem? let it grind one more time, u'll get exalted and will have some warbeads to raise your reputation with consortium
The Protected Items.xml file that ships with Honorbuddy should contain an entry for warbeads to keep this from happening. In my copy, the appropriate line is 787. Be certain your Protected Items.xml is intact--this shouldn't be happening on any profile, if so. cheers, chinajade
When im running the profile it seems to skip a lot of mobs, killing around a mob per 2. min .. Anything I've done wrong?
Took a total of 2 hours with bead turn ins to go from revered to exalted, amazing! 296 kills/loots per hour!
Not looting mobs Hey I'm running this with the grind bot, and it's doing a great job runnning around killing things, but it's not looting the mobs. I don't think this is intended, because i see other people talking about kills/loots per hour. Could you explain any reason why this could be happening?
Never mind, I found out how to fix it. settings and tools(Advanced) there's a box to check to enable looting.