Hey guys, buddy has been working fine for me for ages then yesterday I turned it off to play manually for a while. Today when I have tried to run it, it just logs on then as its loading it seems to freeze and crash with an error message saying "The type initializer for 'Styx.Helpers.PVPSettings' threw an exception" Ive tried reinstalling it but I get the same error, Ive attached a log file, but they all seem to be blank... I have just found one that hasnt come up blank I hope it helps...
same problem hapened to me, except i was running it on my pally all day then i tried to log on my DK and turn it on and it gave me that error. Seems like a fresh download fixed it, i need to try with lazy raider to confirm it works fine again but it should.
A Full Delete Of your HB Folder And a complete Fresh Download Has fixed others Problems See here: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/7423-hb-crashes-everytime-i-try-run.html Its Old but it may help GL Mate Five
Thanks Fiveshotu I ended up going into the settings folder and deleting all the files that were named for the toon I was logged in as, I tried this because it was logging in and working with other toons I had. It seemed to fix it up