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  • [Release] Honorbuddy

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Nesox, Oct 22, 2011.

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    1. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      Suggestion1: Maybe make a seperate debug output that not is shown in the normal logs. With all the information YOU need to fix things. I don't know nothing about the amount of time that have to be spend in something like that but it should be worth when you can get all information needed.

      Suggestion2: When you push Test candidates out let all the debug information come here and disable it to release candidates.

      Just my two cents of what i think could work.


    2. fcukb

      fcukb New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      okies..here we go problem which started on the 5418 adn i wnet back to 5354 and fresh install no plugins etc. no add ons enabled eitehr

      my priest in hyjal - kicks grind profile- shrine of harpies - moves to target but doesnt engage target and stands there getting butt fcuked... opnly happened yesterday and also in dungeons doesnt move with tank on both holy or shadow spec and cast spells and just stands there after joining.. log attached

      Attached Files:

    3. fcukb

      fcukb New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      bingo nothing to do with HB... problems with the other CC's as when i deleted all CC's part from standard ones... everything works fine... it was trying to pick up a pally CC?goddammit... reckon 1/2 the problems people have are with Custom CC's rather than HB
    4. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      al least you found fast what was wrong :p
    5. papermache

      papermache New Member

      Jul 7, 2011
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      *Fixed the issue.
      Last edited: Nov 10, 2011
    6. HB7032V76

      HB7032V76 New Member

      Apr 20, 2011
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      5354 , i told u every day almost is stable, singular or fpsware are exactly what u need, they never have problems... and btw in 2 weeks 5418 will need to be changed aswell so leave the buddy team to work on what they think is necesary now for them.
    7. hi1674

      hi1674 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Haven't been able to reproduce it myself again Apoc.

      If it happens i will post log asap.

      Allthough i did clean up the CustomClasses folder and removed some not needed CC's.

      Might be related to that.
    8. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Again, if it happens, just post a log. (If you could PM me as well, that'd be awesome. Its a bit cumbersome trying to track hundreds of posts every day :()
    9. imdasandman

      imdasandman Active Member

      Feb 2, 2011
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      APOC you make me happy and sad with this post but at least we got a dev to say hey something is Borked finally :D...

      but the part to say the features are all working fine is a far far from the truth... I will say only half of your bot bases are functional enough to where you do not have to have somesort of plug-in or some other way to manipulate the bot to do what you want it to...

      PvP bot is garbage it has been replaced by Bg-bot and needs a pass on it also to clear some movement bugs( there use to be a noob turning/key turning plug-in that made the bot move more like a noobish player) would be perfect for BG

      IB- I know IB2 is in the works so I will say this is being worked on finally.

      AB- has hic-ups but that is mostly due to odd meshing issues and the bot program not being smart enough to enter areas that might have a ceiling over the dig site... think of the naga huts.

      GB2- been fixxed works fine :D- the money maker anyways :D

      Combat bot... just make lazy raider offical and get rid of combot bot imo.

      Questing seems really stable now finally. And the part that helps mobs to ensure they get pulled instead of just running through them(Grizzly Hills..Cring) use Combat helper plug-in.

      Grind-bot... this also I believe has a new rework of it in the works can't wait.

      But the title of this product is HonorBuddy.. which is honor for honor points=pvp... need to get the BG's re-meshed and re write the profiles for the lesser knowledged user base.

      Anyways enjoy Skyrim and the weekend have a good one.
    10. idx3

      idx3 New Member

      Jan 7, 2011
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      when the boat sits on a grade, it does not attack the mobs before is not it fix it as quickly as possible.
    11. florienb

      florienb New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      is this safe for the new patch? :)
    12. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      its as "safe" as always :p
    13. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      The bugs most people see, are a very small handful of bugs, that are "big to notice" (such as getting stuck, etc). Stuff like that, we're *very* aware of, and we've been trying different approaches to solving the issues. The issues that make it between releases, are those that we try to fix, but simply cannot within the timeframe. (Hence why some bugs are still ongoing, even through many releases. Its not that we don't want to fix the bug, its that fixing it takes much longer than we feel comfortable about, between releases.)

      CombatBot works as intended, and is more of an example script for developers. (All it does is run the combat rotation, nothing more, nothing less.) This won't be removed any time soon.

      Questing is a bit touchy to talk about, simply due to the sheer number of quests, conditions, and whatnot. There's no feasible way for us to cover every quest, gimmick, requirement, etc, within WoW. Thats why we introduced custom behaviors. There are also plugins, so in case HB doesn't quite hit the mark, 3rd part developers can create something to do so. More often than not, when someone releases a plugin to "fix" some bug or behavior in HB, we'll see what they did, and then find the bug in our own code and fix it at the root of the problem. (Big thanks to those of you who do release plugins to fix our mistakes!)

      GrindBot is at the moment, in a stalemate. We're figuring out what exactly we want to do with it. Its entangled in every single bot out there right now, so we can't make too many changes. Thats all I have to say about it right now, without going into some details we're not willing to give out. :)

      As for PVP bot, its basically just GrindBot for BGs. It roams around from hotspot to hotspot killing players. Thats it. Nothing more. (We take no responsibility for custom CCs not doing great in PVP. However, don't rag on CC creators about lack of PVP support. PVP is a very tough thing to get right, especially from a bot perspective. Its easy to think the logic up, but much much more difficult to get that logic in a form where your PC can do it by itself.)

      BGBot works right now, with very very few bugs. (Excluding a really annoying targeting bug that seems to only crop up once in a while) It does exactly what it was written to do, and does it well. (I've honor capped 15+ toons with BGBot during testing, and release usage. So I can attest that it does work.)

      Is there room for improvement? Of course. We'll never hit perfection, but we can always shoot for it.

      With the amount of stuff that HB actually does, in relation to the number of bugs users typically see, its an incredibly small amount of bugs for the amount of stuff HB does. (I think our last count was somewhere around 250k lines of code or something [take that figure with a grain of salt please, I haven't ran metrics in a long time])

      I'm not trying to justify the fact that there are bugs in HB. Nobody wants bugs in their software. However, there's a balancing game we have to play. Either we spend 6 months getting a bug fixed, with no releases. Or we leave some bugs in there, and get you guys releases more often, with other bugfixes/features.
    14. florienb

      florienb New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i am using singular. Deleted.recopied folder. issue persists ONLY for druids. they never ever attack, unless i manually move them ingame a few steps back or forth.

      please try and fix this. Here is a log:

      [Singular] Casting Rake on Neferset Crocolisk
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Whiptail.
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Whiptail" at X="-11302.93" Y="-1503.115" Z="0.3218228"
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Whiptail.
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Whiptail" at X="-11417.7" Y="-1348.295" Z="0.6438359"
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Whiptail.
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Whiptail" at X="-11337.4" Y="-1249.342" Z="0.4760696"
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Whiptail.
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Whiptail" at X="-9504.991" Y="-621.875" Z="100.1129"
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Whiptail.
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Whiptail" at X="-8627.776" Y="-1295.394" Z="212.331"
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Whiptail.
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Whiptail" at X="-9933.031" Y="-1030.363" Z="43.53331"
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Whiptail.
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Whiptail" at X="-9943.897" Y="-1113.733" Z="43.58806"
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Whiptail.
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Whiptail" at X="-10056.83" Y="-1075.215" Z="43.81829"
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Whiptail" at X="-10307.7" Y="-1168.481" Z="44.32598"
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Whiptail.
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Whiptail" at X="-10861.62" Y="-1229.109" Z="0.5533603"
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Whiptail.
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Whiptail" at X="-10990.96" Y="-1211.776" Z="0.1816186"
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Whiptail.
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Whiptail" at X="-10980.58" Y="-1717.724" Z="6.375591"
      [Singular] Target is invalid. Switching to Oasis Crocolisk!
      [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Oasis Crocolisk
      [Singular] Casting Rejuvenation on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Oasis Crocolisk
      [Singular] Casting Rejuvenation on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Oasis Crocolisk
      [Singular] Casting Survival Instincts on Oasis Crocolisk
      [Singular] Casting Rejuvenation on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Oasis Crocolisk
      [Singular] Casting Rejuvenation on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Oasis Crocolisk
      [Singular] Casting Rejuvenation on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Oasis Crocolisk
      [Singular] Casting Rejuvenation on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Oasis Crocolisk
      [Singular] Casting Barkskin on Oasis Crocolisk
      [Singular] Casting Rejuvenation on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Oasis Crocolisk
      [Singular] Casting Rejuvenation on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Oasis Crocolisk
      [Singular] Casting Rejuvenation on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Oasis Crocolisk
      I died!
      There are 0 hostile mobs.
      Clicking corpse popup...
      There are 0 hostile mobs.
      Clicking corpse popup...
      [Singular] Casting Regrowth on Myself
      [Singular] Target is invalid. Switching to Oasis Crocolisk!
      [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Oasis Crocolisk
      [Singular] Casting Rejuvenation on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Oasis Crocolisk
      [Singular] Casting Rejuvenation on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Oasis Crocolisk
      [Singular] Casting Rejuvenation on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Oasis Crocolisk
      [Singular] Casting Rejuvenation on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Oasis Crocolisk
      I died!
      There are 0 hostile mobs.
      Waiting for corpse recovery delay to expire!
      Clicking corpse popup...
      There are 13 hostile mobs.
      Moving to Type: Corpse, Loc: <-10982.46, -1750.521, 7.524127>
      Clicking corpse popup...
      [Singular] Casting Regrowth on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Healing Touch on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Nourish on Myself
      [Singular] We have no food/drink. Waiting to recover our health/mana back
      [Singular] Casting Rejuvenation on Myself
      [Singular] We have no food/drink. Waiting to recover our health/mana back
    15. Antondkdk

      Antondkdk New Member

      Jan 19, 2010
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    16. florienb

      florienb New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      the above issue now happening with any CC on any class
    17. Antondkdk

      Antondkdk New Member

      Jan 19, 2010
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      I have found a problem, when you die underwater with GB2 and doesnt res sickness, it goes to your corpse, but swim over it, and just swim 2-3 yards in circles around and around, it doesnt swim horizontal, only aruond the same place, at same height :s (Im in Vashjir)
    18. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      it happens rarely in Vashjir,we cant do something about it tho
    19. DJKid

      DJKid New Member

      Aug 17, 2011
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      Im getting nonstop spammed with Unloading Tiles/Loading tiles. Even after running 1 profile for 8.5 hours and never leaving that zone, I'm still getting nonstop spammed with Unloading Tiles then it would Load Tiles, then it would Unload Tiles, and it would reload the ones it already loaded. I havent seen the "tiles" till this new release. Before it was "mesh" but once that loaded I never saw it again. I would upload logs, but I have over 42MB of logs just from lastnight, which is much large then uploadable.
    20. hi1674

      hi1674 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      One question when using gatherbuddy2:

      Why does druid switch to cat-form be4 going swift flight form.

      Also it defaults the flying mount to bronze dragon instead of using swift flight form.

      I've tested both fpsware druid and iLoveAnimals and they behave the same so it's either a HB or GB2 bug.

      log needed or just a known not fixed bug ?

      [17:27:44:596] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [86] <.. here it switches to cat Form saying ability not ready
      [17:27:46:532] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [87] <-- here it takes swift flight form as intended​

      spell 40120 is Swift Flight Form

      EDIT:Altered some random settings in IloveAnimals and now it seems to work...... really ODD​
      Last edited: Nov 15, 2011
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