It seems to be every time I leave the house of late about 15 minutes later the session is invalid. Been running well and strong the six or so hours I was awake and using it, but nope come home an hour and a half later to see the session is invalid not long after I left
Its the ESP we have built into the bot. Its to ensure we mess with you at the most inopportune time! </sarcasm> Seriously though, I seem to notice most bugs pop up when I'm not watching, however, they refuse to pop up while I am. (Funny how that works) We have a possible fix coming soon (well, hopeful fix. The problem still is unknown atm, but we've come across a few potential pitfalls that we're patching up, which may solve it for good) We'll see what happens.
Lmao aw man. I knew this program was...feeling me >_> <_< But nah that's all good. It's just sad that it's been going good since the auth servers went down temporarily the other day and that one time I'm away for a little time it kamikaze's out haha. As emo Thrall says whilst encased in stone 'We are patient." Funny I've been using the re-logger too...except today D:
Just wanted to bump this topic, because I'm having the same issues again. Every 10-15 minutes I'm getting a login prompt with "Session is invalid" in logs. I've attached the log. I'm currently using GB2 - uldum herb/mining profile with ShamWOW cc. Is anyone else experiencing this?
there are no issues on our servers look like an issue on your side? did you make any changes to your firewall/antivirus?
Thanks for the response Tony. No changes to firewall or antivirus. Everything was working fine up till this morning. I'm currently using Avira AV. Is there anything else I should check?
Tony, Tried the router restart it still stopped after 18 minutes this time. Not sure if this is important but the first time I try to login it says "authentication failed!" and logs in on my second attempt. In addition, when I first try to start the bot it says "Tilemap is null!" It then successfully starts on the second attempt. After all that it usually runs smoothly for about 15 minutes before "session is invalid" and login prompt. Thanks for the help.
mmm getting it every 3-4 mins on 4 diff comps right now ftw! maybe local internet provider screwy? no idea every other thing online working fine though no dc or anything just losing session
I just started having the same problem today. Tried restarting modem, router and computer. Reinstalled HB and still having issues.
where are you from guys? is there any chance that you have the same provider? my Hb session(using Archbuddy) is up(non-stop) the last 2 days
I notice that this only happens if honorbuddy is running when i log off then on another toon and try to start it back up. or if you got dc'd and log back in and press start. simple solution that works every time. close wow, close hb. open wow, log in completely where ur in game, then run hb in administrator. works fine.