Hello I found something very strange. At lower levels than 85 bot pickups the corpses in AV, and it actually got me the achievement on few chars (the picture one). But on 85 it doesn't pickup the corpses anymore. Is there a way to set it to pickup the corpses at 85 also? The achievements : To the Looter Go the Spoils - Achievement - World of Warcraft Tony said i missed the section, soo i'm posting this here also
I will reproduce it on my pc and i will tell you Atm the half of Buddy Team including me are on a meeting trip in Turkey Once iam back on my place i will check it
I'm guessing it doesn't since I've never seen it do it on my char. Does it do any other bg achievements? Maybe like the /love or is it /hug one?
when i botted it was 63... Dont have the same setting anymore because i completly reinstalled HB. But I will test it later when i am home when he loots then i Screenshot it for you. I will test it on my lower Toon and on my 85 Char.
Sorry for the late answer. My toons dont loot anymore since the reinstalltion. I can do what i want but they dont loot.