Level 64 , Blood Elf Paladin Stuck trying to go to Paladin trainer Ordo In Shat. I have tried REMing out the the traineer in the profile, tried switching profiles, I went to another trainer to train up to make sure I was trained with everything. View attachment 29109
if you have a modified profile of mine - make sure it's at least up to date; i fixed those issues a long time ago
just update via SVN earlier today before I modified it. I update once a day usually, unless I am doing something wrong, I only modified it to rem out the trainer that it keeps wanting to go to. Maybe this is a Rep issue, though I am friendly with Scryer not Aldor. Any suggestions here ?
No one has any Ideas?, I ran the on modified profile as well as switch to grinding mode and grinding profile. The bot still take the paladin to Ordo. No matter what I seem to do.
your installation looks messed up [5:53:43 PM:205] ********************************************************************** [5:53:43 PM:205] [5:53:43 PM:205] Exception in XML Load Could not find a part of the path 'E:\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5354\My Profiles\Kickazz SVN\Kick's Profiles\1-85 Questing Profile Pack\BC\CustomClasses\Fpsware Paladin\Class Specific\Settings\Settings.xml'. [5:53:43 PM:205] [5:53:43 PM:205] ********************************************************************** make a new Hb installation from scratch,re-svn Kick's profiles and give us a fresh log plz
Same profile I have been using, I still DL that one and used it but same results, she just runs to Ordo the Paladin Trainer. I also have find new trainers and train new skills disabled. And before I tried to REM out that particular Npc Trainer . but it seems no matter what My Pally keeps going back to Ordo, I don't get it lol
i will forward the thread to Kick again since he is the creator of this profile and he knows his profiles better than anyone
[11:47:52 AM:394] Compiling quest behavior from 'E:\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5354\Quest Behaviors\ForceSetVendor.cs' [11:47:52 AM:846] [ForceSetVendor-v192(warning)]: The VendorType attribute has been deprecated. Please replace it with DoMail/DoRepair/DoSell/DoTrain='true' you're on a quest that has you forcetrain <If Condition="Me.GetReputationLevelWith(932) >= Styx.WoWUnitReaction.Neutral" > <SetVendor><Vendors> <!-- Aldor Shattrath Trainers --> there are only 2 sets of trainers in BC ... hellfire and shattrath if the above is not working then Nesox needs to fix it - 934 is Scyers. Unless you did the quest - you should be neutral with both and able to train so something is broken Re-SVN and then (since you're the only one having it) - just comment out line 2033 which says: <CustomBehavior File="ForceSetVendor" VendorType="Train" />
I am back Did as Kickazz said, profile rand great until shortly hfter I leveled to 66, now I am going back to the same trainer lol Ordo, I searched the profile for any other place where the force trainer things is shown and could find one.
thanks, there were more than one of those lines, I REMed them out, working good. Thanks for all the assistance
UPDATE:: I think it is a Factions and rep issue. The profile had ran me through the quests to get scryer rep, so I am red with Aldor, no in Nagrand I am chasing around this lady who is Orange with me log showing that it is a quest that is not apparently available to me. I will take a look at it when I get more time and try to get more details if not come up with a soution
ohhhhh no, since you're on the horde profile ... i never added a farm for faction kurenai / whatever horde is you didn't do all of the zangarmarsh quests. I need to add that grind, just been lazy