You're either; A; full of shit B; they nerfed the spawn My bet's on A. If you only fight one mob at a time whilst the other ones are waiting to respawn you'll be pulling around 1,1-1,2 million experience, which is still really good. But forget about 2 million, those figures are 100% fabricated or deducted from a 10 minute bot session. Anyway, props to the profile creator, it's working out great! +rep Edit; Except for when you die, and for some reason HB chooses to ress on the roof of one of the buildings, in which case it will stay up on the roof attacking evading mobs forever.
For anyone with a Feral Druid, Your best off to run this profile as a Bear: I am using "IloveAnimals CC" #1 cat will die as soon as you get a 3x mobs. #2 bear DPS shits all over the cats when you have 2+ mobs (with this profile your almost guaranteed you will get 2 mobs. #3 Zero down time with the bear. With looting @ lvl 83 I am getting 710000 xp/hr Without looting @ lvl 83 I am getting 800000 xp/hr My current Gear item level is 291. I must stress these figures can be increased greatly with a more prompt CC. the IloveAnimals CC does not initiate with auto attack, it sits there untill it has enough rage to do an opener. so each time i am at 0 rage the druid wont attack until 30 rage is reached. which takes about 10+ seconds of being hit by a mob.
Update I have taken matters with my own hands with the Druid CC "IloveAnimals" and i midified the bear CC to suite Quest and grinding and the results are phenomenal!! Link to the IloveAnimals" CC "" XP/hr jumped to 1050000k UNRESTED, No loot. screenshot attached.
So far I've been getting 1.1-1.3 million exp / HR. Screen shot attached from a sample run, arcane mage in decent gear. 82 Arcane Mage -- Not Rested
Close to 1,3 million exp/hour, not rested. Level 83 frost death knight. AWESOME PROFILE. Thanks. Edit: And yeah, I've run it for more than 1 hour so this profile is solid. The exp is great. Edt2: Going to run it non-stop to 85 to really test it =)
915615.6 xp/hr 84 Orc BM Hunter 0 deaths 89 kills thus far. Not sure if this is quicker than questing
this profile is excellent currently running on a prot pally with protpally cc and its pulling 4 mobs at a time, and nuking them down, getting about 1.3 mil xp hr, gonna test it to 85
I like this profile but one thing that scares me about it is that the mobs repop so fast it winds staying in a very small area and looks very botty. When you have stacks of mobs laying on top of each other in the exact same spots it's a dead give away.