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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by AtomX, Nov 16, 2011.

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    1. AtomX

      AtomX New Member

      Jan 31, 2010
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      Fresh install with 0 post download CC's, behaviors, or plugins, I loaded kicks questing 12-60 EK which I have used many many times and I know works fine, and the bot will target but not attack.


      I would upload the log as an attachment, but oh wait....

      I cant.... Awesome... Even the website gives errors...

      Please can you stop just giving all your attention to Rift, I know you are saying you are not but the evidence would say otherwise.

      Here is a wall of text for you since I can't attach my log... ENJOY!

      [9:15:06 PM:239] Logging in...
      [9:15:06 PM:789] Buddy Sessions: 0/0
      Shared Sessions: 1/2
      [9:15:08 PM:040] Attached to WoW with ID 5928
      [9:15:08 PM:147] Honorbuddy v2.0.0.5418 started!
      [9:15:08 PM:148] Using WoW with process ID 5928
      [9:15:08 PM:149] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
      [9:15:08 PM:149] Executable Path: C:\Users\REMOVED\Desktop\HB\Honorbuddy.exe
      [9:15:08 PM:153] Character is a level 14 Human Mage
      [9:15:08 PM:155] Current zone is Westfall
      [9:15:08 PM:164] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
      [9:15:08 PM:872] New bot added!: Instancebuddy
      [9:15:08 PM:904] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
      [9:15:08 PM:909] New bot added!: Grind Bot
      [9:15:08 PM:913] New bot added!: Questing
      [9:15:08 PM:917] New bot added!: PvP
      [9:15:08 PM:921] New bot added!: BG Bot [Beta]
      [9:15:08 PM:927] New bot added!: Mixed Mode
      [9:15:08 PM:931] New bot added!: PartyBot
      [9:15:09 PM:256] New bot added!: Combat Bot
      [9:15:09 PM:269] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\REMOVED\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes
      [9:15:09 PM:269] KillBetweenHotspots: True
      [9:15:09 PM:269] AdvancedSettingsMode: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] LogoutForInactivity: True
      [9:15:09 PM:269] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10
      [9:15:09 PM:269] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] FoodAmount: 0
      [9:15:09 PM:269] DrinkAmount: 0
      [9:15:09 PM:269] FormLocationX: 20
      [9:15:09 PM:269] FormLocationY: 20
      [9:15:09 PM:269] FormWidth: 396
      [9:15:09 PM:269] FormHeight: 302
      [9:15:09 PM:269] SelectedBotIndex: 0
      [9:15:09 PM:269] UseFlightPaths: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] FindMountAutomatically: True
      [9:15:09 PM:269] UseRandomMount: True
      [9:15:09 PM:269] FoodName has no value yet!
      [9:15:09 PM:269] DrinkName has no value yet!
      [9:15:09 PM:269] MountName has no value yet!
      [9:15:09 PM:269] FlyingMountName has no value yet!
      [9:15:09 PM:269] LootMobs: True
      [9:15:09 PM:269] SkinMobs: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] NinjaSkin: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] LootChests: True
      [9:15:09 PM:269] HarvestMinerals: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] HarvestHerbs: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] UseMount: True
      [9:15:09 PM:269] PullDistance: 30
      [9:15:09 PM:269] LootRadius: 45
      [9:15:09 PM:269] FindVendorsAutomatically: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] TrainNewSkills: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] LearnFlightPaths: True
      [9:15:09 PM:269] LastUsedPath has no value yet!
      [9:15:09 PM:269] MountDistance: 75
      [9:15:09 PM:269] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] FoodAmount: 0
      [9:15:09 PM:269] DrinkAmount: 0
      [9:15:09 PM:269] FormLocationX: 20
      [9:15:09 PM:269] FormLocationY: 20
      [9:15:09 PM:269] SelectedBotIndex: 0
      [9:15:09 PM:269] UseFlightPaths: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] FindMountAutomatically: True
      [9:15:09 PM:269] UseRandomMount: True
      [9:15:09 PM:269] FoodName has no value yet!
      [9:15:09 PM:269] DrinkName has no value yet!
      [9:15:09 PM:269] MountName has no value yet!
      [9:15:09 PM:269] LootMobs: True
      [9:15:09 PM:269] SkinMobs: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] NinjaSkin: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] LootChests: True
      [9:15:09 PM:269] HarvestMinerals: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] HarvestHerbs: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] UseMount: True
      [9:15:09 PM:269] PullDistance: 30
      [9:15:09 PM:269] LootRadius: 45
      [9:15:09 PM:269] FindVendorsAutomatically: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] TrainNewSkills: False
      [9:15:09 PM:269] LearnFlightPaths: True
      [9:15:09 PM:269] LastUsedPath has no value yet!
      [9:15:09 PM:269] MountDistance: 75
      [9:15:09 PM:269] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
      [9:15:09 PM:270] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
      [9:15:09 PM:271] Activity: Initializing.
      [9:15:09 PM:273] Activity: Loading memory management & tables
      [9:15:09 PM:294] Activity: Loading Spells
      [9:15:09 PM:357] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager
      [9:15:09 PM:377] Activity: Initializing Plugins
      [9:15:09 PM:379] 
      [9:15:10 PM:022] [WeigtSet] Selected weight set: Mage-Arcane
      [9:15:11 PM:629] H: DF-57-71-D6-5A-96-7A-CE-51-D6-22-2F-4E-F0-56-A3-07-40-2D-70
      [9:15:11 PM:629] V:
      [9:15:11 PM:766] Activity: Initializing Navigator
      [9:15:11 PM:870] Activity: Initializing Blackspot Manager
      [9:15:11 PM:874] Activity: Initializing Battlegrounds
      [9:15:11 PM:903] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths
      [9:15:11 PM:966] Activity: Initializing Routines
      [9:15:11 PM:975] Building spell book
      [9:15:11 PM:978] Spell book built
      [9:15:11 PM:979] Compiling C:\Users\REMOVED\Desktop\HB\CustomClasses\ShamWOW
      [9:15:12 PM:702] Compiling C:\Users\REMOVED\Desktop\HB\CustomClasses\Singular
      [9:15:13 PM:494] Activity: Initialization complete
      [9:15:13 PM:494] Initialization complete.
      [9:15:13 PM:496] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
      [9:15:22 PM:090] Activity: Loading Profile...
      [9:15:24 PM:309] Downloaded tilemap Azeroth
      [9:15:24 PM:447] Changed tilemap to Azeroth, Tiled: True
      [9:15:24 PM:871] Changing current profile to [A - Quest] Human 12-58 [Kick]
      [9:15:27 PM:142] Starting the bot!
      [9:15:27 PM:370] Changing current profile to [A - Quest] Human 12-58 [Kick]
      [9:15:27 PM:631] Chose Singular $Revision: 254 $ as your combat class!
      [9:15:27 PM:632] [Singular] Starting Singular v0.0.0.0
      [9:15:27 PM:696] [Singular] Determining talent spec.
      [9:15:27 PM:872] [Singular] Current spec is  Arcane Mage
      [9:15:27 PM:888] [Singular] Using CreateArcaneMageCombat for Arcane Mage - Combat (Priority: 0)
      [9:15:27 PM:908] [Singular] Using CreateArcaneMagePull for Arcane Mage - Pull (Priority: 0)
      [9:15:27 PM:913] [Singular] Using default rest behavior.
      [9:15:27 PM:927] [Singular] Using CreateMageBuffs for Arcane Mage - PreCombatBuffs (Priority: 0)
      [9:15:27 PM:930] [Singular] Behaviors created!
      [9:15:28 PM:047] Cleared POI
      [9:15:28 PM:048] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
      [9:15:28 PM:049] Cleared POI
      [9:15:29 PM:636] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g1s64c]
      [9:15:29 PM:653] Compiling expression 'Me.IsHorde' @ line 3540
      [9:15:29 PM:921] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\REMOVED\Desktop\HB\Quest Behaviors\UserSettings.cs'
      [9:15:30 PM:325] Goal: Grinding to level 11
      [9:15:30 PM:328] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\REMOVED\Desktop\HB\Quest Behaviors\Message.cs'
      [9:15:30 PM:619] [Profile Message]: Compiling Westfall Quests
      [9:15:30 PM:624] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(26209)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(26209)))' @ line 3596
      [9:15:31 PM:023] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(26228)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(26228)))' @ line 3611
      [9:15:31 PM:413] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(26232)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(26232)))' @ line 3623
      [9:15:31 PM:846] Picking up Times are Tough : 26237
      [9:15:31 PM:846] Goal: Picking up Times are Tough
      [9:15:31 PM:852] Picking up Westfall Stew : 26241
      [9:15:31 PM:852] Goal: Picking up Westfall Stew
      [9:15:32 PM:128] Goal: Goal: Collect Okra x 6
      [9:15:32 PM:134] Goal: Goal: Collect Goretusk Flank x 6
      [9:15:32 PM:168] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [9:15:32 PM:168] Loading Azeroth_29_51
      [9:15:32 PM:374] Loading Azeroth_30_50
      [9:15:32 PM:513] Loading Azeroth_29_50
      [9:15:32 PM:650] Activity: Moving to hotspot
      [9:15:32 PM:949] Activity: Setting Goretusk at 17 yards as your target
      [9:15:33 PM:404] Changed POI to:Type: Kill, Name: Goretusk
      [9:15:33 PM:669] Activity: Moving towards Goretusk
      [9:15:50 PM:567] Stopping the bot!
      [9:15:50 PM:567] Stop called!
      [9:15:50 PM:608] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
      [9:15:50 PM:612] Exception in CGWorld__TraceLine:Thread was being aborted. -    at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOneNative(SafeWaitHandle waitHandle, UInt32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext)
         at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int64 timeout, Boolean exitContext)
         at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext)
         at (Object , Int32 , Boolean )
         at BlueMagic.ExecutorRand.Execute()
         at Styx.WoWInternals.World.GameWorld.#QJc(WoWPoint from, WoWPoint to, Single distance, CGWorldFrameHitFlags flags, WoWPoint& hitPoint) - mscorlib
      [9:15:50 PM:654] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
         at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
         at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
      [9:15:50 PM:655] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
         at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
      Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2011
    2. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      we're actually not developing rift - it's done. i'll have tony fwd this to devs

      instead of singular - try fps mage or cng's mage
    3. AtomX

      AtomX New Member

      Jan 31, 2010
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      What appears to be the problem with it? And is there a chance to get the old HB that is stable back?

      Also if rift development is done, then are they just leaving it detected? Because with the bot and the website being broken I honestly find it hard to believe that the bot is done for that game and not being developed on right now.
    4. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Rift is done for being developed... like the bot itself

      detection is still a priority and the devs are looking into it
    5. AtomX

      AtomX New Member

      Jan 31, 2010
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      Perhaps if the default Class is not being updated to work with the bot upon release you should instead include the top CC's for each class that support out of the box rotations? And then pay the users that are making the bot work for the time they put into it. Because as of right now it's like buying a car with no tires, instead of getting something that works your forced to go out and get something that for all you know will be incompatible with your current build.
    6. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i've given you the help you need

      if you have more issues with singular in particular - attach a log and details in the singular thread

      stop the outbursts - we ship it w/ what's needed. If you have issues - that's why we have more cc's

      But to counter your logic - it's like shipping my svn with the bot - my svn changes a few times a week... so the shipped one would be obsolete in days

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