I recently bought the 1 day trial, and when I log onto the Buddy Auth Portal it says I have a inactive key. I try to log onto the honorbuddy client with the activation key as the username and no password, and it says that my authorization failed. I've tried this several times making sure there are not spaces anywhere. I have also tried logging in with my forum username and password and my buddy auth portal username and password. I get the same error every time, authorization failed. Someone help please.
I thought it might've been an issue with just that specific key, so I bought another, thinking that if I got this one working I could somehow manage to fix the other or get money back, and the same issue. MY client is updated, I am putting nothing in the password area, and I copy and past the key from my email to the username section. anyone?
I have some problems lke, i cant logg in it say Shared Sessions 0/0 Invalid Account Details Authentications failed!
thanks. It was in fact the firewall, but unfortunately, I am unable to change my firewall setting because I go to a school that provides free internet, however, the system administrator has to be the one to change that. I looked into it. Thanks. I'll let you know how it turns out
I cant start my bot? it says Shared Sessions 0/0 Invalid Account Details Authentications failed! What do i need to do?
Please create a new thread for your problem and attach the log you can find in your HonorBuddy\Logs folder.
THIS the reason why we have the 1 day keys is so if people have these kind of connection issues then its not really such a big deal, since it's a connection issue theres not a whole lot that can be done, schools and businesses have that stuff locked down for a reason so punching holes in it to do things they don't want you to do is not only really difficult but most times impossible. i would say that unless you have another connection for you to use, its better just to cut your losses and wait till a time where you do have such things available to you.