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  • Good vpn ?

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by zeus4000, Nov 22, 2011.

    1. zeus4000

      zeus4000 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I am new with vpn, i am looking for a good one not too expensive, i am from canada quebec , also some noob question related to vpn itself, is that possible to use the vpn directly on exemple 2 wow running and NOT use it on 2 others wow running ?

      Also i know changing too often ip can get us banned, is there a way to keep relatively the same ip ?

      Thx for any help/answer related to vpn.

    2. Owneth

      Owneth Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      VyprVPN is my fav. I get it with my Giganews.com account but hey either way... It's fast enough for me (Portland-Metro area to Los Angeles and back) and I get about 35ms most days... It's been consistent and has never dropped connection EVER.
    3. baj2k

      baj2k New Member

      Jan 24, 2010
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      They will definitely be looking at you if you use a VPN. I got my account locked because my "HMA" VPN was running when I started WoW and since my IP was suddenly 500 miles away from my normal one they see everyday they flagged my account and locked me out. The Blizz Tech Support dude who fixed it said they're watching for IP swaps since that's the best way to auto-detect stolen accounts... most VPNs automatically change your IP at different intervals to aid in your "stealth" surfing so you may be in Chicago for 6 hours and then suddenly you're in Dallas (virtually speaking that is - pardon the pun ). Anyway, the Blizz Tech says they see this a lot "a kid logs in to his account in NYC at 10pm and plays for an hour... we see him connect via a NYC based IP then 45 minutes later after he logs someone in China trys to log in and use the account and now we see his IP jump to an ISP 1/2 way around the world... very obvious..."

      So, even if you don't get locked out you'll still picque their interest which may result in you being watched in game, which is the last thing you want if your botting...
      Last edited: Nov 23, 2011
    4. vanzes

      vanzes New Member

      Jun 21, 2011
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      This makes no sense for you if you are not hacker, cause this type of locking account could be removed by you in 3 minutes. Botters not hackers.
    5. baj2k

      baj2k New Member

      Jan 24, 2010
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      Umm... nope... they lock your account and you can't just do an standard unlock because they change your password. Then they send you an email with your ticket info about "you may have been hacked" and they tell you to log-in and update the ticket if you we not hacked. Problem is how do you log-in to answer the ticket if you're locked out and can't log-in. Their "dumb-shit forgot his password" auto-reset page doesn't work if you are "locked out". I tried every damn thing one their site and everything makes you "log-in" first to access it. I had to call them to fix it... and that's we the Blizz Tech told me they are *****ing down on abnormal IP changes... he said he even got locked out before using a VPN at home...
      Last edited: Nov 24, 2011

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