NAME: BuddyHelper - Sometimes All it Needs is a Helping Hand -Previously Named 'Dr. Skinner' Overview: The reason for plugin is to help the bot/plugins do what they need, or should do. Small things, like no skinning options when using Gatherbuddy2. Or the ability to use professions on Gatherable Mobs. This plugin will cover small issues, no large ones like the FlightPath bugs. USES: Adds to bot Functionality with Skinning/Mining/Herbing/Salvaging of Mobs (with respective profession) --Assisting above it sets all Loot Mobs to true (this plugin will not loot, Honorbuddy will handle that) If using Gatherbuddy2 it will set Gather Herbs/Minerals to True (with respective profession) --Implemented because when using ProfessionBuddy occasionally these would be set to false on start If using Gatherbuddy2 it will set 'LootMobs' to true, and will skin mobs (with respective profession) --Gatherbuddy2 didn't skin mobs, so this plugin will do it instead. Issues: No New Reported Issues All past issues have been fixed Download: The plugin is in my SVN. A guide on how to SVN: Download and copy the "BuddyHelper" folder into your "Honorbuddy//Plugins" folder. SVN Trunk Link: idontknow-devteam - Revision 44: /trunk If you still have Dr. Skinner in your plugins folder please delete it, or you will get some duplicate errors when you start HB! I need more ideas of things to add! (@Kickazz006 - I'm working on yours) No configuration of the Plugin is necessary. Recent Changes: Code: Current Version: 1.4.0 Revision 16 (02DEC2011) //Added Changing of GatherHerbs/GatherMinerals for PB users //-This is for when using PB and it loads GB2 without setting these to true //-Will only set GB2 to harvest what you have the respective profession for //Code relocations for future development //Plugin Renamed from 'Dr. Skinner' to 'BuddyHelper' Things to Add: If you have any problems post them in here (WITH A LOG ATTACHED) If you like it, there is a little purple message in my Signature... Brought to you by: The I Don't Know - Dev Team Thank you, and please give some feedback!
Soo.... Anybody use it yet? Is it working, is it not working? What can I add? Wanna make out? (Just wonderin) -Panda.
Hey mate, cheers for an awesome plugin! Not sure if it needs any config, just felt a bit weird not having to do anything I'm using this instead of the built-in skinning because it's not missing any mobs, plus when fighting multiple mobs, let's say 3, and 2 are dead, it's trying to loot the mobs and skin them instead of killing of the 3rd. I'll report if I have any issues! EDIT: Just noticed it's having some delay when skinning on some mobs, not sure how to paste log but this is what it looks like (almost 10 sec delay): [15:56:32:983] Cleared POI - Reason POI is dead from Combat [15:56:32:983] Cleared POI [15:56:33:065] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Mangal Crocolisk [15:56:33:145] InteractDebug:599106512 [15:56:33:146] Interact Done:599106512 [15:56:34:563] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag [15:56:34:563] Cleared POI [15:56:34:898] Changed POI to:Type: Skin, Name: Mangal Crocolisk [15:56:45:141] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag [15:56:45:141] Cleared POI
I'd like to suggest to make this for all professions that have some form of 'extra' interact with a mob (thinking of Mining mobs, Engineering mobs etc).
Your request has been filled. Even Salvage-able mobs! (*Requires Engineering) As far as I know it should work 100% with mining in latest (v1.3.6) I didn't test the mining part so let me know No thanks. Another plugin already available for that: I'd like to thank No1KnowsY (aka Panda) for his efforts on this project. He had nothing to do all day, and decided to make a nearly use-less addition to the plugin. Hooray for him!!
No chance to test this yet or peak in the code (not running GB2 due to lack of gatherers), but beforehand. Do you compare the skilllevel against the mob to be disected i.o.w. example Mob needs engineering 300, but your skilllevel = 279. Will it be standing there trying over and over, or do you have some form of check or blacklisting after xx time?
Didn't have time to find a way to get the required level, gonna have to do some testing of the HB Api returns. It will walk to within interact range, and _Mob.Interact(), will sleep through casting, while(lootwindow.isvisible){thread.sleep} then blacklist the _Mob.Guid. When you look at the code you'll understand. I'll be looking at the required levels soon, but for now it'll just try once, then blacklist. btw: When I last updated the SVN I forgot to try and compile it. Found out I had an extra underscore somewhere, that's now fixed. So if you're getting compiler errors please update from SVN.
Confirmed This is currently not working with mining on GB2. Plugin enabled, loot mobs enabled. Killed 2 crocs and a sand serpant in uldum and it did not loot or skin anything. I will be glad to see this working soon!
Read first post. You need loot mobs enabled in HB. This plugin isn't going to loot, only take their skin off. It also checks if you have a skinning knife. I'll add more logging to it, then if you still get problems I'll be able to understand a log better.
Well if it wasn't looting in the first place it's not this plugins fault. It doesn't loot, and in no way stops HB from looting. There is the setting in HB Window "Settings & Tools", but when using GB2 there is another in "Bot Settings" for looting. Doesn't mater, latest release takes care of that
Updated: Current Version: Version 1.4.0 (11/27/2011) //Now changes all LootMobs settings to True //Fixed issue where a Skinning Knife/Pickaxe could have been in bank, but thought it was in bags //Added logging, tells you when you don't have a knife/pickaxe (only if you have the respective profession)
It only does herb/mining of mobs that you kill, and can do the respective skill on after you loot them.
Hey - I don't know if Engy is enabled yet... but there used to be another plugin wayyyy back when that would engineer mobs for you I don't know if was protopally (as i can't find a thread by him that's for engy) but he has these 2 which may help you make this an 'all in one' plugin for various things and a good profile for testing the 'skinning' of engineering mobs: @Gatherit - another idiotic outburst like that and you'll be taking a very long vacation from the boards. Don't flame people trying to help you and who don't get paid.
Kick, I'll definitely be looking into adding onto this plugin. Engy is currently enabled. And in regards to gatherit, I did egg him on a bit. In first post I had a description after why I had it set everything to true with him linked in it. Either way that's in the past now. Also, about that testing plugin I sent you, I have much more planned for it than I originally told you. Got bored. Thanks for the ideas -Panda.