i have am fairly new to HB and have started my first bot (mage) using Kick's profiles, i have been having many troubles with the profile. 1. Combat for mage is very poor imo, as it seems to get too close to the targets and sometimes pulls a big amount of mobs causing him to die. if there is a solution to stop this please share! 2. Quests have been alright (not too good) as i have had to do alot for it to be able to continue, is this because its a mage or what? I alos want to know if the reason its behaves like this is because of the profile or the bot?
which profile are you using?, I Use Kick's Profiles all the time and with the exception of the cata zones i have very little trouble
use Amplify CC for your mage http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...amplify-mage-cc-powered-blast-processing.html as for the troubles on the profile make sure that you followed all Kick's instructions about the plugins you need for his profiles and the QBs files
i dont think the Amplify CC is compatable with 4.3 patch and with frost mage unless they have not updated it, correct me if im wrong please