Home Page - Buddy Auth Portal Register there with the same email you used to buy your Key. Go to the Keys page, and you can 'Kill' any active sessions. Then try to log onto Honorbuddy.exe
You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to! Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with! This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #15050 You are currently on build #0 That is what its saying now? I was following the guide in the beginners area
Okay. Make sure you have logged all the way onto your character, to the point where you can cast spells, mount up, etc... Don't have wow in full screen, or maximized mode. Put it in Windowed mode.
Honorbuddy does not support the currently active 'gxAPI' please change it to 'D3D9' Any ideas on this
Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the setup. Just came over from pirox and there was never quick replies to threads for help like this.
Welcome to TheBuddyForum. Almost always someone is on that is willing to help you. After a couple weeks here you will understand it a lot more, and will in turn be able to help others (if you want).
Very much welcome. And just think, I don't even get paid to do this Gives me a chub tho... Btw, feel free to call me Panda... just no petting
I worth the overnights (even more east of Germany atm). I'm normally on US time, but up overnight there as well.