Change public class guildInviter2 : HBPlugin to public class GuildInviter2 : HBPlugin Than it will be load. But there ist a second error i cant fix. public override void OnButtonPress() { GuildInviter2.cfg cfg = new GuildInviter2.cfg(); cfg.ShowDialog(); }
I hope someone can get this working for me. I need to start recruiting again I get this error: GuildInviter2 could not be compiled! Compiler errors: File: GuildInviter2.cs Line: 41 Error: The type name 'cfg' does not exist in the type 'GuildInviter2.GuildInviter2' File: GuildInviter2.cs Line: 41 Error: The type name 'cfg' does not exist in the type 'GuildInviter2.GuildInviter2' I can't figure it out, but it can't be that difficult if you know how to code plugins :'( This is line 41 GuildInviter2.cfg cfg = new GuildInviter2.cfg();
I'm willing to pay someone if they could fix this. I could either release it to everyone or keep it as a private plugin, but I would be willing to pay usd $$$. If anyone is available please either post here with a public release or pst me. I really want to get my guild back up and running after 2yrs absence.
I will be combing through the code later to fix this, because just like you I am trying to build my guild back up to where it used to be. No need to pay, I'm going to do it for myself anyway so I'd might as well release it.
Hey. Im just wondering if you could get this plugin working for the latest patch, 4.3. Since the update the normal guild inviter addons aint working anymore. I would really appreciate that!
Opened and closed HB about 10 times, recompiled Plugins about 100 times. Your Plugin isn't showing up on the list. Yes I have the right HB version.
wont compile line 47 and 49 in the Form1.cs file i think its called. i just bought a lvl 25 guild and been recruiting like mad, was hoping to be able to keep recruiting while BG botting.
I get no compile errors, no nothing, just doesn't show up, yet in the folder I do have the new file named: GuildInviter2-Settings-MYTOONNAME.xml
In the recent patch bliz somehow disabled the ability to use guild inviter addons, by somehow restricting the amount of people, that could be invited by one person. Does that have any effects on this plugin?