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  • UPaCCBT: The BehaviourTree Ultimate Paladin Healer Custom Class

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Gilderoy, Jul 17, 2011.

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    1. Obliv

      Obliv New Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      So... how does that get fixed?

      Would lowering when it needs to heal help that at all? I notice the same thing in 25 mans... it isn't able to function at all, except for instant casts.
    2. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      I believe that is because the instant-cast spells are calculated first. Would take a lot of re-working of the code, basically a re-write, and it wouldn't be nearly as accurate.
    3. JeffKing1989

      JeffKing1989 New Member

      Feb 16, 2010
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      Change the healing value to 99% (or 100%) from 95% in the advanced options. I have never tested this but it should work. The only problem I can see with this method is that it may eat your mana a lot. However, I may have an idea on how to solve this problem. Why not implement a toggle function for switching between 95% and 99% healing values? For example, you press F9, the value will become 99%. Press F9 again, the value will go back to 95%. This should be useful because I'm sure the boss won't be debuffing and doting people all the time. I'm only suggesting this because, for some reason, if I change the value and click save, the CC doesn't use the new value...

      Anyways, I'm curious as to why people had problems with Holy Radience (spamming HR, tanks dying.) This never happened to me. From my 25 man DS experience with this CC, it mostly uses HR when everybody is dropping (excluding the tank.) The bot never uses HR unless my tank health is safe. So no problems. My tank priority is 70% and 0% multipler. For some reason if I use 1% multiper, the CC will be slower.

      Also, I'm usually the 1st, 2nd or 3rd best healer in 25 man DS (LRF) with the CC. It's hard to maintain the top spot because the other healers will always overheal on the tanks even though their health are already full; this CC doesn't start healing until health is below 95% :/

      Me healing in 25 man raids is just about the same as healing in 5 man dungeons; the healing speed is the same, no delay. I've discovered that if you heal good in 5 man dungeons but alot worse in raids (especially 25), then it must be your computer; not the CC. My PC consists of a 4.6gHZ i7 2600k processor and 16GB RAM so maybe that's why. A SSD drive will help too.
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2011
    4. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      I wouldn't implement a key press feature like that ...
      a) it's a little bit hard to implement the key_event features
      b) it slows down the CC because it has to watch one more event, and if your are moving the toon, the CC will always check if this was the key F9 (or any other key)
      c) it has something of a keylogger, and i don't want to have the basic code of a keylogger in this CC :)

      i can confirm your experience with HR, tonight i was thinking about adding an option where u can select the priority of HR (now it is the LAST spell, before it was the second last)

      @no1knowsy: no instant casts aren'T the first calculated, the CC is in 25 mans exactly the same fast as in 5 or 10 mans, there're only 2 or 3 calculations to get the healed target
      1st does the tank need heal
      2nd does any other one need heal
      3rd does more than one other in range of the healtarget need heal

      That's basically the same in all 3 situations (5m,10m,25m), but in 10 and 25 mans u have 2 or more healers, and with the 95% cap the CC will cancel heal if the hots/healspells from the other healers will cap the target.

      that's the reason why you will not be the number one ... the CC heals effictivly and not mana consuming (if u choose intelli), everyone who wants to be one of the top healers in the raid ... should try with speed (ATTENTION this will burst your mana within 30 - 90 secs to ZERO), after this u would be number one or two ... but your raid has nearly no chance to live forever.
      With intelliwai it's nearly impossible to die (except unhealable damage like enrages and so)

      Another way to get number one or two is to set the limits to 99% but that would burn your mana too.
      There's nothing i will change with this calculations and there is nothing i can change, but i will have a look if there'S a way to implement a single target healing and a group healing logic, so that everyone can switch between these two options.

      This will change a lot while using Divine Light, Holy Light, Flash heals ... they will get a very low priority and maybe the tank will die, so i'm not really sure if i want to do that :)

      I tested the CC yesterday at Yor'Sahj (down) and Warlord Zon'ozz (wipes) and i wasn't the best of 3 healers (we played 10m), i was sometimes 1st sometimes 3rd, but all in all the CC can compete with all healers ... but not with stupid dps-classes ;)

      I test the changes as often as possible and with both (HR high and low priority) the CC does very well, that's why i'm atm only focused on doin some changes for the priests out there and for fixing some minor problems (crashing wow / hb on saving).
      There's no way to implement a healing that will fit everyones needs (the only thing i can imagine is an option to switch between tank and group heal, but this has atm only a low priority)

      @dirtdog: i couldn't try this fight (my group wiped the complete evening^^) but gilderoy implement a special logic for Shimaeron so i know there's a way to implement special fight logics, please provide me some infos (boss name, boss id, debuff name, debuff id, amount of needed healing), i'll try to write something for this fight (but i can't test atm) .... my understanding is "heal the target until the debuff is gone".. is that correct? (if yes, it shouldn't be that hard)
    5. dirtdog

      dirtdog New Member

      Jun 12, 2011
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      Ok man...ill write all info down after work today! We got him down yesterday tho, i kept on healing as usuall and let our shammy and druid heal up the debuff:p
      did 2 attempts on madness before we quit for the night also...and i say damn, that fight is mana intensiiive
    6. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      Revision: 238
      - Implemented fight logic for Spine of Deathwing for Palas and Priests, both untested
      - removed uncommented code (obsolete)

      This is change has only a basic logic for both classes, if your tank don't need heal, the CC will now heal units with the Debuff, until the debuff is gone, if your tank is dropping, the CC switches back to tanktarget (if there'S a priority set). The CC will heal targets with 100% HP if u are a paladin, for priests it won'T work so well because there are much more dependicies while healing ... but with the next change (i hope) the priests should be able to heal there well too, i have to rewrite some more things and remove some redundancies ^^ this takes a little bit of time, but i'm very interested to give u the same abilities like the palas have atm
    7. JeffKing1989

      JeffKing1989 New Member

      Feb 16, 2010
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      Ok, if you're not gonna implement the key event, then can you fix the 'save' issue? Whenever I change % value and click save, the CC still uses the default value. However, it uses the new value when I restart HB. I'll try to get a log but the last time I checked, there wasn't any error.

      Great updates btw.
    8. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      Just healed one of the new instances with and works really good.
      Sometimes it seems to dislike melees. They get healed at last :D Tank>Caster/Range>Melee dunno why but nothing i worry about.

      And i got a suggestion for the settings but it snothing to put in here. PM me if you're interested.


    9. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      Revision: 239
      - Configform should load much faster (images are now stored locally)
      - Errors while saving and opening forms should now be written to the log

      Why do i say "should" ?
      That'S easy .. i dunno if the crashes are really a problem by the forms or HB itself (i get much more crashes since the last hb update, than before, so i think it's a problem with HB or with the used .net version ... this is the next thing i'll try to fix the crash problem)

      @Jeff: i really need a log for your problem, because after savin the settings, the behaviors should be rebuild again, with new settings.
      For me it's working great, but it'S possible that there are some settings that were not considered or something like that.
      The rebuilding of the Settings should be written to the log and the last line is written in magenta / lila ... pink with the used behavior

      @Weischbier ... gimme ur suggestion ... in german if u want^^
      ---- edit ---
      @Weischbier u disabled the pn feature ;) so i can't contact u here, pls contact via pn or skype
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2011
    10. serowix

      serowix Member

      Feb 4, 2011
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      Getting some errors yesterday all worked well since the update i get like this errors "

      [15:23:52:663] File: UPaHCCBTConfigForm.Designer.cs Line: 1555 Error: Der Typ- oder Namespacename "UltimatePalaHealerBT" konnte im globalen Namespace nicht gefunden werden. (Fehlt ein Assemblyverweis?)

      View attachment 05.12.2011_15_23 5808 Log.txt
    11. chirax

      chirax Member

      Jul 24, 2011
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      Same error-
      File: UPaHCCBTConfigForm.Designer.cs Line: 1555 Error
      File: UPaHCCBTConfigForm.Designer.cs Line: 1557 Error
      File: UPrHCCBTConfigForm.Designer.cs Line: 207 Error
      File: UPrHCCBTConfigForm.Designer.cs Line: 209 Error
      p.s. last rev.
    12. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      AH phew! Thank god :D
      I thought it was me
    13. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      hmm okay .... pls use the revision before ... my Visual Studio doesn't show any exceptions but i know where it comes from ...
      a fix for this will be there in 1 or 2 hours
      DON'T use rev 239 or rev 240 atm!!!
    14. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Aaarw was looking forward to do a single dungeon (stoppped playing, but wanted to try new dungeons) :)
    15. dirtdog

      dirtdog New Member

      Jun 12, 2011
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      Just got home from work...and ow i saw u allready sorted a logic out :D Man u work fast! hehe

      Have to wait untill wednesday to try it out once again tho :/

      Good Work! Cant add more rep to you atm :( And a donate button u dont have yet:( But all in all big gratitude for maintaining and enhancing this CC :)

    16. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      Problems fixed :D
      - forgot to fix rev number (if you check out rev 241 it will display 240)
      - faster loading of config screen (images are stored locally)
      - possibly fixed crash while saving (pls report back, tested now 10 times without crash -> thanks to Weischbier if this was the solution)
    17. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Can open now yes.
      I can't seem to open the config screen

      Attached a log of it

      Attached Files:

    18. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      how did u updated the CC?
      There is a directory missing and 2 files
      Directory: Resources
      Files: paladin-CC.png and priest-CC.png
    19. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      SVN'd it

      Used SVN link: sgpaladinhealer - Revision 241: /trunk
      Empty folder and updated it to my PC inside my CC folder

      I've done a full reinstall of HB, what's the main folder name supposed to be?
      The one i SVN?
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2011
    20. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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