Hello, i have several questions which were not answered by the wiki or the forum search function. 1. Can i prevent hb from updating plugins (ex. autoequip2) by renaming them? 2. The IBDungeonList_.xml file containing the Dungeonids does not seem to correlate with Honorbuddy Profile Writing: Continent ID and Dungeon ID List - Buddy Wiki . Is there a way to inspect the Botbase Instancebuddy to figure out the real ids? 3. Is it possible to manipulate the Instancebuddy profiles?
1) You could, I don't know why you wouldn't want updated plugins though. (the old autoequip no longer works for instance) 2) Raphus is working in Instancebuddy 2, wait until that's done before you work on any profiles. It'll be fully user supported 3) See #2
Thank you very much the information. Well the reason i dont want the plugins to update is that i intend to build a fixed version for new bots with changed default settings and other small tweaks and it would be annoying to have all my tweaks deleted by the auto update function this thread can be closed, +rep for you shimmy