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  • [Plugin] BuddyManager - A Botbase/Profile/Zone Changer (Now w/ Scheduling)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by no1knowsy, Dec 6, 2011.

    1. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      Name: BuddyManager - A Bot-Base/Profile/Zone Changer (Now w/ Scheduling & Sub-Profiles)

      The reason for this Plugin is quite simple.
      HB didn't support the changing of Bot-Bases internally.
      That's where a Manager comes in, and tells it what to do.
      I also made this because learning Professionbuddy coding/profiles sucks.
      It makes it easier for you, and myself, to automate even more of the game :)


      • Switching Bot-Bases
      • --Uses a background thread to stop HB, change Base, then start it.
      • Switching Profiles
      • --Uses the background thread that stops HB, change Base, then profile, then start it.
      • Changing Zones
      • --Hearths, then switches to Zone set by user. This is after Base/Profile have been changed
      • Supports Alliance & Horde (see message below)
      • Allows for a full infinite numbers of tasks with V2 in the new Scheduling Config UI
      • Now has randomization support for choosing next task
      • Can switch tasks after a number of minutes, or after a number of nodes gathered (Gatherbuddy2 Only)
      • Supports sub-profiles with Gatherbuddy2 and Grind Bot. These get an equal amount of the total time/nodes that the task is set to run for/gather.


      The plugin is in my SVN.
      A guide on how to SVN: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/26031-videoguide-how-svn-jvidia.html
      Download and copy the "BuddyManager" folder into your "Honorbuddy//Plugins" folder.
      SVN Trunk Link:
      idontknow-devteam - Revision 44: /trunk

      Now Supports Horde & Alliance!
      A HUGE Thanks to Inrego
      for that!
      He deserves a cookie!
      Yes... Inrego you may /pet me.

      For Configuration/HowToUse see second post!
      I do not support anyone under the level of 80 using this!
      If you want to use it, see second post!

      Also, this Plugin is not for Beginners!
      If you just started with Honorbuddy, please get more experienced first.

      Current Version:
      Version 2.1
      Build 15
      See following post(s) for more information:

      Things to Add:
      Cool Litte Stuff (for now it works better than I originally hoped for)

      If you have any problems post them in here (WITH A LOG ATTACHED)
      If you like it, there is a little purple message in my Signature...

      Brought to you by: The I Don't Know - Dev Team

      Thank you, and please give some feedback! (Good or bad)
      Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
    2. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      How To Setup:

      Step 1: Download and copy over the folder from my SVN into your Honorbuddy/Plugins folder.
      Step 2: Click plugins and check the box next to BuddyManager (In Honorbuddy Window)
      Step 3: Click on BuddyManager, and click on "BuddyManager" button (on the bottom-left of the plugins window)


      How to Configure BuddyManager:
      Use Step 3 above to get inside the BuddyManager Settings-Config UserInterface.


      **All windows can be left open, and moved to the background without affecting each other**

      Window #1
      A) This is where all the tasks are listed. You may double click a task to edit it. Shows: BotBase, Zone, How many of what to switch on, Main .xml Profile, and how many sub-profiles you have set.

      B) These are the Task Modifying Buttons. They deal directly with the tasks and schedule.
      Add Button: Opens a new window the same as Window #2. It allows you to set everything you want for a new task to add to the schedule
      Edit Button: Opens a new window # 2, filled with the task settings for the task you highlighted in area A. You can also double-click a task in area A to do the same thing as this button.
      Delete Button: Deletes the currently selected task.
      Shift Up Button: Shifts the selected task up one spot in the schedule.
      Shift Down Button: Shifts the selected task down one spot in the schedule.​

      C) This area is used once BuddyManager hits either the last task in the schedule if not running randomly, or has a number of tasks equal to the total number of tasks in the list.
      Log Out: If highlighted BuddyManager will exit WoW once it hits the "Last Task".
      Loop: If highlighted BuddyManager will start the schedule over again, and will keep on choosing random tasks if you have it selected in area D.
      For How Long (Hr and Min): If you have selected to loop tasks, you'll need to set a Total Time to keep looping. BuddyManager will exit WoW no matter what once this time is reached.​

      D) This is the Randomizationator Area. It is used to help you randomize your tasks/schedule settings.​
      Min/Max: These are the lower and higher limits to use with the following buttons. Both of these are in minutes. So if you set 80 Min and 120 Max it will change the # setting of the task(s) to between those numbers depending on which button you press.
      Randomize Times Button: Will randomize ONLY tasks that switch on MINUTES. It will generate random #'s for each respective task in-between the above two settings (min & max).
      Randomize Nodes Button: Will randomize ONLY tasks that switch on NODES. It will generate random #'s for each respective task in-between the above two settings (min & max).
      Randomize Tasks While Running: This will have BuddyManager choose a random task to run every time it wants to switch. It will first try finding a task not in the same zone. But if it cannot find one it will just choose a random task.

      E) This is the Saving Area​
      Force Load of Settings into HB: This forces all task settings into the Honorbuddy/Buddymanager running variables. You can use this to say modify a tasks time to run, so it switches to the next task, and then switch that time back. That way it skips to the next task. I may add a button for this once I get a "Status Tab" going.
      Save: Saves the tasks & settings into it's respective profile for your toon, but does not close the window.
      Save and Exit: Saves the tasks & settings into it's respective profile for your toon, and does close the window.

      Window #2
      F) These are your first settings. These also need to work with the profile you choose in Area H.​
      Select Bot-Base: A drop-down of all supported Bot-Bases that Honorbuddy has loaded.
      Select A Zone: A drop-down of all zones that BuddyManager can send your toon to. I will be adding checks to this list so it only shows zones that your toon has the Quests completed to unlock the portal for the respective zone.​

      G) These are the Switch On options.​
      Switch After Time: Will switch between sub-profiles, and to the next task, depending on a time you set it to run. This is in Minutes!
      Switch After # of Nodes: This setting is ONLY available for GATHERBUDDY2. It will switch between sub-profiles, and to next task, depending on a # of nodes to gather.

      H) Select a Main Profile (XML) to run. Make sure this works with the options you selected in area F. Double-Click to open up a browsing window to find your profile.

      I) This is the Sub-Profiles Area. Currenly only available with Gatherbuddy2 and Grind-Bot.​
      Add Sub-Profile Button: Opens a File Browser window, in which you will select a profile you want.
      Delete Sub-Profile Button: Deletes the currently selected sub-profile from the list above the button.

      J) These are just "End Window" buttons.​
      Cancel: Closes the window, and does not modify or add any tasks.
      Save + Close: Closes the window, and send any new tasks, or edits to a task back to the main BuddyManager window.

      Last thing(s) to know/do: IMPORTANT
      Before you press start on Honorbuddy you'll need to do the following!
      For every Bot-Base you chose to run in the BuddyManager Settings I want you to chose it in the drop-down in Honorbuddy.
      Now I want you to click 'Bot Config' -> Now change the settings for the bot that you'll want it to be when it switches.
      There aren't save buttons in Bot Config's (usually). Just change the options as needed and then close the window.
      This will keep it from failing due to it not having proper settings when BuddyManager switches the Bot-Base

      If you are not currently Level 80, you can still use this plugin!
      For now you are limited to only using profiles/bases in Kalimdor.
      For those with flying mounts you can still do all of the bot-bases, just only on Kalimdor.
      Sorry, I'll add something in later for switch to EK, Outlands, Northrend

      If you are under lvl 60 (no flying mount) then you are very limited.
      Grind Bot/Gatherbuddy2/Archaeologybuddy/AutoAngler2 all require flying mounts (I fly your toon to the first Hotspot in GrindBot mode)
      Only choose from: Instancebuddy, BG Bot, PvP
      This will not be changing anytime soon. This was created for farming, not for leveling.​

      Other Cool Stuff (I think so)
      If you set the Zone to "None" it is the same thing as choosing "Home/Hearth City" and also the same as setting the whole continent that your hearth is set to.
      So if you were Horde your hearth would cover all of Kalimdor.

      Another thing would be like if you want to run something in Eastern Kingdoms, you could set the Zone to "Twilight Highlands" since that zone is on EK.
      It would then do what it needs there, but would obviously need a flying mount.

      You could use those for say farming some lower-level zones, or whatever you wish. Maybe farming some Lower-Level Mobs for good AHing items for your realm.

      I think I'll add in support for at least Outlands soon. Maybe Northrend, but I haven't decided yet.

      You can also run Professionbuddy profiles with this plugin if you wish.
      You would just set zone to "None" and have it do AHBot profile, or whichever you'd like, for say 15-20 minutes. That way it can do it's AH stuff, and then head back out to farm.
      I would suggest not using Randomize Tasks While Running setting in BuddyManager if you are going to do this.
      I would suggest setting up a large schedule, during which you have it set to AH every 3 or so tasks if you so wish.

      My planned addition are:
      Continue Where Left Off setting to be used with Arelog. This would actually be pretty sweet right? :)
      Ability to switch toons/realms, using Professionbuddy code through Reflection to accomplish this. (I already have Highvoltz's permission)
      Support for Outlands, and maybe Northrend zones.

      Last edited: Jan 29, 2012
    3. wownerds

      wownerds New Member

      Feb 15, 2011
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      Nice one, thank you :)
    4. MadDog

      MadDog Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2011
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      Wow, thanks yet again panda! You are really beginning to help out nicely in the Plugin part of HB! Again thanks alot! +Like
    5. etansb

      etansb Member

      Jan 26, 2010
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      Great job this will help when I can no longer use my pirox and have to make a random multi-zone profile for HB. Thank you for the time you spent on this.
    6. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      It's not random... but I like the way you think.
      I'll look into the random thing.
    7. KingBoo

      KingBoo New Member

      Dec 5, 2011
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      If you want to make it random, please ensure it dosent go back to the same zone it just came from, it will not look natural.
      Also this looks promising! thanks alot no1knowsy (I personally love Panda's <3) :D
    8. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      Well of course :)
      But for anyone who loves Coding, please see last message at bottom of Post # 1. I really need that added prior to being able to do Random!!!
      If we could get that, set a total time like 10 hours, have 40 choices to choose from, tell it to switch somewhere between 2-4 hours between each.
      I had thought about it before, but it wasn't so easy to do when I first started the project. My code was all kinds of Shitty.
      Now array's have made my life so much easier.
    9. Nexus129

      Nexus129 New Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      If noone has provided the alliance information you seek by the time i get home (in 9 hours) then i am gonna submit them.
    10. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      Sounds awesome. I hope you understand what I mean with it :)
      I'm going to sleep in 2-3, and when I wake up I have to work for for about 10... But I'll be able to get on the forums at least at work. Provide support and such hopefully.

      Nexus, I thank you for volunteering. This plugin took a long time to debug and make sure it won't get out of hand.
      Once I get the ally support in, I can start looking at making the available area's it can get to much larger :)
    11. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      Uploaded new Build. Re-Svn if you haven't yet. Delete the current folder from your plugins folder (right-click->delete), then copy in the new one.

      Revision 94 (06DEC2011)
      //Can now press start in Orgrimmar, it will use respective portal
      //More stability
      //Better checks for moving between zones
      //Better points to fly to/from
      //Won't forget to fly to hotspots if necessary now
      Last edited: Dec 6, 2011
    12. Zoinx

      Zoinx Active Member

      Mar 8, 2010
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      Looks real good no1knowsy, Def gonna have to play with it a little and see what I can do with it.
    13. KingBoo

      KingBoo New Member

      Dec 5, 2011
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      So panda, what do you mean by your blue text in your first post?
    14. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      Re-wrote it.
      Now it's nearly a wall of text... I'll say a Fence, not really a wall.
      It's a fence of text :p
    15. Mar24

      Mar24 New Member

      Jun 11, 2010
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      GREAT!!!!! + rep! ally needed ))))
    16. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      Alliance Innkeeper in Dwarven district:
      <Vendor Name="Thaegra Tillstone" Entry="44235" Type="Food" X="-8365.76" Y="594.658" Z="97.00073" />
      <Hotspot X="-8380.801" Y="618.5749" Z="95.62397" />
      Alliance Innkeeper in Trade district:
      <Vendor Name="Innkeeper Allison" Entry="6740" Type="Food" X="-8867.786" Y="673.6729" Z="97.90305" />
      <Hotspot X="-8853.698" Y="656.3289" Z="96.68601" />
      Hotspot in the middle of all portals:
      <Hotspot X="-8209.668" Y="428.5376" Z="118.0617" />
      Portal ID's:
      Hyjal: 207692
      Uldum: 207695
      Tol Barad: 206594
      Vashj'ir: 207691
      Deepholm: 207693
      Twilight Highlands: 207694
    17. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      New Update! Re-Svn if you haven't. Delete the current "BuddyManager" folder from your plugins folder. Copy the new one from my SVN in. You won't lose your settings.

      Current Version: 1.1.0
      Revision 12 (06DEC2011)
      //Thanks to Inrego for that!
      //Ability to start bot in Stormwind & it will find portal to zone
      //Alliance must have hearth set to Stormwind (Dwarf or Trade District, both should work)
      //MoveStops so we don't accidentally break something

      Keep in mind, Alliance support is un-tested. Report back with issues, describe what happened, and Attach your full log file.
      I would not suggest leaving this AFK for a full day. Check on it at about the time it needs to switch Groupings.
    18. Bengan12

      Bengan12 Well-Known Member

      Feb 24, 2011
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      Nice work, just one question.

      Does this "Stop HB" when changing profiles cause the 132# wow error and restart WoW, and does it then start over from the first profile or continue where it crashed?
    19. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      It starts another thread within HB.
      This thread is independent of the HB Pulse()
      It then stops TreeRoot (it's the behavior tree at the very root of honorbuddy's system)
      Changes the base+profile.
      It just changes settings in the Honorbuddy.exe,
      Then starts TreeRoot again.

      In no way does this stop WoW.exe

      If hitting stop on Hb crashes your wow then something is wrong, and you need to report it and get it fixed.
      Just keep in mind my plugin is working just fine.
      If your HB-WoW connection has something wrong it's not my fault.
      Report it, get it fixed.

      There is plenty of logging in this so if something goes wrong I can track it down. Like choosing the wrong portal. Not flying after using portal.

      If you follow the instructions it works fine. For horde anyways.
      Been testing the zone changing for 2+ days, testing of the bot-base/profile changing started over a week ago.
      Wanted to make sure it all worked before releasing :)
      Last edited: Dec 6, 2011
    20. Gandalf

      Gandalf Member

      Jun 8, 2011
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      Mhh mine does not use portals in SW:( it tries to fly to the zone :( any idea?

      Strange after deleting all stuff and reconfigur all it works fine
      Thank you great plug in!!

      Edit2: A big problem is, that vashjir will not work: It took the portal and i was ported to the sunken ship, but there HB is not able to generate a path :S that means, bot is able to go there but not to start :( But thats not a plugin based problem....
      Last edited: Dec 6, 2011

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