t?d?l?!!! So my friend in i are using this bot. Works the hell fine and its awesome but his bot is flying with woots highland mining profile ind the obsidian lair in the south and geathers there too. Mine isn't doing that at all :O allthough his bot is using portals mine isnt -.-
allright at first his bot is flying into a mine or something like that and farms ores there too. second problem is that my bot isnt using portals to twhl or uldum or so on
srsly?! xD Okay AGAIN! : MY bot isnt using any PORTALS to Twilight Highlands or so If the Profile is attended to be working in THESE zones it wont use the portal! so my exact problem is: If i am in Orgrimmar and starting this bot with twhl profile it flys in durotar direction !!!! not to the portals! Say : Moving to hotspot and start gathering cupper could i evade this by only tick the ores from new zones? or is it a bug that he isn't using the portals?
your buddy has a plugin that changes profiles and moves him from 1 zone to another i think it's called Profile Changer or Buddy Changer
It is fairly complex the first time you run it. Just don't forget to hit "Recompile All" in the plugins window after hitting Save
If you only want the one that changes profiles do a search for "profilechanger". It's basically a lightweight of mine, but will work for you just fine if all you wanna do is GB2. HB isn't yet smart enough to use portal and such most of the time when you start it in the wrong zone. I'm thinking about working that issue. The future is closer than we think -Panda