WoWMovementInfo.RunBackSpeed -> BackwardsSpeed fixed also added which version of Singular Apsal'ara runs with.
this gets thrown if movement disabled and used with LazyRaider. Singular] Can't determine encounter type, target invalid or friendly.
What exactly were you fighting when this happened? It should happen only in those cases: 1. There is no target and we're in combat, 2. Target is invalid (WoWUnit.IsValid returns false) 3. Target is friendly (WoWUnit.IsFriendly returns true)
Might be happening when target dies. Should also add that my Rogue is lvl 70. Code: [LEFT][Singular] Casting Kidney Shot on Druid [Singular] Casting Slice and Dice on Druid [Singular] Casting Hemorrhage on Druid [Singular] Casting Shadow Dance on Druid [Singular] Casting Premeditation on Druid [Singular] Casting Eviscerate on Druid [Singular] Can't determine encounter type, target invalid or friendly. [Singular] Casting Premeditation on Hunter [Singular] Casting Recuperate on Hunter [Singular] Casting Cheap Shot on Hunter [Singular] Can't determine encounter type, target invalid or friendly.[/LEFT]
I wouldn't worry about it as long as it keeps fighting. Probably pops when swapping targets and for few milliseconds it has none.
So I just switched from combat (which worked great) to subtlety for levelling. When I stealth the bot doesn't open up with ambush During combat it doesn't seem to Sinister Strike or Finishing moves It just auto-attacks happily until the mob dies It does however Shadowstep and Cheapshot the target to start (If I'm at range) and interrupt spells. I'm just wondering if I've done something wrong? I'm level 32, two daggers using the talented build. [10:56:31 AM:860] Activity: Apsal'ara r126 -> Subtlety -> Combat -> Solo [10:56:32 AM:184] Spell_C::CastSpell(1833, 0, 0xF1300FAC0002AB18, 0) [95] [10:56:34 AM:602] Spell_C::CastSpell(53, 0, 0xF1300FAC0002AB18, 0) [96] [10:56:38 AM:762] Spell_C::CastSpell(53, 0, 0xF1300FAC0002AB18, 0) [97] [10:56:39 AM:375] Spell_C::CastSpell(53, 0, 0xF1300FAC0002AB18, 0) [98] [10:56:39 AM:876] Spell_C::CastSpell(53, 0, 0xF1300FAC0002AB18, 0) [99] [10:56:40 AM:259] Spell_C::CastSpell(53, 0, 0xF1300FAC0002AB18, 0) [100] [10:56:40 AM:909] Spell_C::CastSpell(53, 0, 0xF1300FAC0002AB18, 0) [101] [10:56:41 AM:326] Spell_C::CastSpell(53, 0, 0xF1300FAC0002AB18, 0) [102] [10:56:41 AM:710] Spell_C::CastSpell(53, 0, 0xF1300FAC0002AB18, 0) [103] [10:56:42 AM:127] Spell_C::CastSpell(53, 0, 0xF1300FAC0002AB18, 0) [104] [10:56:42 AM:510] Spell_C::CastSpell(53, 0, 0xF1300FAC0002AB18, 0) [105] [10:56:43 AM:144] Spell_C::CastSpell(53, 0, 0xF1300FAC0002AB18, 0) [106] [10:56:43 AM:578] Spell_C::CastSpell(53, 0, 0xF1300FAC0002AB18, 0) [107] [10:56:43 AM:962] Spell_C::CastSpell(53, 0, 0xF1300FAC0002AB18, 0) [108] [10:56:45 AM:847] Cleared POI -
Hopefully fixed some of those backstabbing issues. Also made little change to facing during movement (now it will wait till we stop moving before facing target), wanna see how it works.
Combat is working nice, rly like it you can setup it fight depending. Can somone tell me how is Assassination spec working? +rep
hello, do you Know if is posible to activated shadowstep and ambush without movement in a sub pve rotation. I love this cc thanks a lot
It is in general Singular settings tab. There is no point in using this action with movement disabled, would just disturb playing. You can make yourself a macro: Code: /use [stance] Shadowstep /use [stance] Ambush i'm just not sure if [stance] is enough, if it doesn't work use [stance:1/2/3]
Hey guys, I can't seem to get this CC to work for me under any of the Bot modes. I removed the standard version of Singular and used the one from Strix's SVN. Everytime I load it up for anything it says there does not contain any profiles for this character. I'm using a lvl 39 combat spec Rogue. I can see the config options of the CC and all that but it doesn't attack or recognize anything when in an instance or battleground. I'm probably missing something simple like a baddie but would appreciate any help you can offer. Thanks.
For instances/battlegrounds you have to load any profile except questing/gathering, the simpliest way would be creating empty profile. 1. Open notepad 2. Type in: Code: <HBProfile /> 3. Save as empty.xml (or whatever you want to call it) 4. Honorbuddy -> Load Profile and choose this file.
Thanks a ton Strix. Worked perfectly. Sitting back and watching your CC destroy people three levels higher than me lol. Great work!!
I'm getting a problem with targetting while using instance buddy, log is attached. View attachment 10-12-2011_13_23 5948 Log.txt