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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      DaSoul, Thanks for the well written post, but as a long time user you know I will need a log file and time reference to go along with this, otherwise I have no way of knowing specifically what was occurring in your case. Simply too many combinations and possibilities to be worth guessing at. I'll keep an eye out for a follow up from you in the event it continues to be an issue.

      Healing logic has two basic steps:
      1. Find group member with lowest health.
      2. Select spell based upon Health %.
      3. If Spell is an AoE spell, check it will hit min # configured
      4. If not enough targets, go to next higher Health % spell setup

      Based on the example without a log file, I am assuming its working correctly as its finding a character whose health is below 70% so is choosing Chain Heal. It sounds like based on your preference you would want to setup CH at 80% and HR at 79%. That way it will always try HR first unless the lowest party member is health is greater than 79% and less than equal to 80%.

      Good luck with the setup, Bobby53
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2011
    2. Makelio

      Makelio New Member

      Jan 17, 2011
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      Great CC!
      i was using it while i was lvling pvping running instances and raids!
      today i went to TK at Kael to see if the mount will drop.
      1 dps 1 tank 1 heal (me)
      the shaman was not healing when we was engaging the boss and throughout the battle!
      when we finished the fight he start casting again! :S

      Attached Files:

    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Makelio, Thanks for the post. You changed your configuration to use Raid Healing Style = Party Only:
      [5:42:21 μμ:049]   # RAF_HealStyle           'PartyOnly'
      However, you weren't in a Raid at the time so it encountered an error when trying to get the party #/group # in raid information and wouldn't cast. Leave this set to Auto and it will work as expected. I'll change it to ignore the Raid Heal Style if you are not in a raid for the next release. The reason it would heal when not in combat is that Raid Healing Style only restricts the healing targets when in combat. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

      Note to All Users: Leave settings at 'Auto' unless it is not performing as expected.
      Last edited: Dec 6, 2011
    4. Mr_Hunter

      Mr_Hunter Member

      Sep 11, 2010
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      i`ve a problem.
      I use lazyrider and i'm a healer.
      With lazyrider i set the tank and he cast the earth shild on him.
      When a wipe, portal etc. is happen, he cast the earth shield on another char. Then i have to select the tank again in lazyrider.
      Whats going wrong?

      Gesendet von meinem GT-I9001 mit Tapatalk
    5. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Mr_Hunter, Thanks for the post, but there isn't enough detail for me to look into this. When posting an issue, question, or constructive criticism please visit the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] and use the template and steps provided there to include the details needed for me to research on your behalf. Thanks again and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    6. shovelhead

      shovelhead New Member

      Nov 8, 2011
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      First i want to say this has got to be THE best CC out there in my opinion! I love this to death. I use a bunch of your other ones as well, but this takes the cake.

      I do have a question for Bobby53 or any successful 85 resto shammys out there using this along with lazy raider. I use this to heal heroic dungeon runs, no raids yet. Well actually only started using it for heroics a couple days ago cause my shammy only hit 85 a few days ago. Anyways, the settings that i had been using for normal dungeons seemed to work flawless and I never had mana issues.

      When I started going into heroics though, these setting seemed to drain the shit out of my mana, and I seem to be drinking almost every fight. I was looking through previous messages here and didn't see anyone post a good setup that works for them and was curious if anyone could post what they use that seems to work good and yet save on mana. I didn't feel like going through all 320+ pages though.

      So would anyone care to post their setup that works well while still maintaining decent mana? i have a 335 Ilevel currently. and i understand it might be different for each player, I am just looking for a good starting point to tweak off of.
    7. hbaioni

      hbaioni New Member

      Oct 17, 2011
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      Just to let you know, the same thing happens to me. I use the CC with LadyRaider, and got exactly the same problem. EarthShield sometimes applies to any player but the tank. Moreover, in the new dungeons, there are portals... If the tank teleports first, the CC casts Earthshield on other player... When i finally teleport in, the CC does not cast EarthShield on the tank... I have to manually set up the tank again in LazyRaider in order to fix this problem. If we wipe, same thing happens.
      Here's the log: (Since it's to big i have uploaded it to a file sharing site).
    8. hbaioni

      hbaioni New Member

      Oct 17, 2011
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      ilvl 335 is too low for the new dungeons, that's the problem. You have to spam your heals more often and thus, you're running out of mana. Get some of the new 378 JP gear, enchant it and gem it... (make sure you buy the spirit gear). the more potent are your heals, the less you'll need to spam them. I heal the new heroics (LazyRaider + ShamWoW CC) with almost 100% mana all the time (including bosses). My ilvl is 372.
    9. shovelhead

      shovelhead New Member

      Nov 8, 2011
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      i should have clearified that a bit more. It is just heroic cata dungeons. You cannot even get into the twilight dungeons without 356 gear. I understand my ilevel is low right now, hence why i am trying to get JP's and heroic gear. Lets put all that aside and not worry about how gimp my characters is, but rather how about a successful person please just let me know what thresholds you are using for each healspell? There ya go let me word it that way. All I want to know is the thresholds your using, now how much i need to improve my character.
      Last edited: Dec 6, 2011
    10. derfred

      derfred New Member

      Jun 14, 2010
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      First i want to thank you for this incredible CC! It runs extremely good in all the raid and non-raid situations i used it in, topping the meters as both resto and dps!

      My question is, could you make a CC exactly like this for a resto druid? Maybe just drag and drop the different spells from druid to this cc and whatnot? =D

      Thanks again!
      bobby53 likes this.
    11. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      shovelhead, Thanks for the post. A coupe points in response

      1. Whenever you have a question, issue, or constructive criticism use the template and steps provided at ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] and be sure to provide the system time you notice a specific problem as well as the complete debug log file.

      2. Your gear matters. The heroic dungeons were designed so mana is at a premium when you initially qualify to run them. At the point where you hit 85 and first meet the iLevel requirements, your gear is an issue and you will still go through mana quicker than ever before unless you are the only new 85 in an otherwise uber geared group that doesn't require much healing. The quickest fix is to visit the AH and buy the best gear you can afford that provides the primary heal stats necessary.

      3. Crowd control matters. The quicker the tank and group takes damage, the more you have to lean on your higher mana consumption spells. Encourage the group to use crowd control appropriately. This will greatly lessen the mana drain when fighting trash mobs in heroics.

      4. ShamWOW doesn't stop healing players that don't know the fights like a good healer would. In other words, a smart player will often let a DPS die if he keeps taking excessive damage. ShamWOW will keep healing them no matter how noobish they are

      5. Tanks are always in a hurry. You'll notice that many tanks will continue to pull even when you need mana, assuming they can withstand the damage until you have sufficiently drank enough. If your tank is never letting you top off, chances are you will be drinking after each fight. Your only choices there is to encourage them that when you drink please wait until you are above 90% to start next pull. You could try lowering the Mana % you drink at, but that is a mistake for a low gear level.
      There are no magic ShamWOW settings that get around the mana consumption requirements of WOW. So you can tweak the healing settings one way and gain some benefit for fights primarily with tank damage and another way for fights with a lot of AoE damage. In the end however, the best thing you can do is get better gear following the recommendations posted on Elitist Jerks for Restos.

      You shouldn't need to change the heal settings in ShamWOW They aren't there because its required that you change them; they are present for advanced users to experiment with. At the point a new configuration becomes generally useful (worth posting to new ShamWOW 85's for use) they get incorporated into the Config options as a Preset (there are 3 currently.) The default settings are intended to work well in ALL dungeon and raid circumstances. At the point where you begin raiding you may want to click the Raid Healing preset button on the Group Healing page which makes some subtle changes, but it isn't required for you to effectively heal raids. The only change which may be required is choosing a Raid Healing Strategy. This allows you to choose Tanks Only, Raid Only, or Focus Only (if you should only heal a single player.) This is a setting you could be changing fight to fight as your healing assignment is changed by the Raid Leader.

      Thanks for the posts and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Dec 7, 2011
    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      hbaioni, Thanks for the post. As mentioned earlier, that is a LazyRaider issue. ShamWOW simply applies Earth Shield to whatever character the Bot you are using says is the tank. For steps on posting a question, issue, or constructive criticism please visit the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE]. It provides steps on handling large log files as well. I will only access log files attached to posts and never access links to external file sharing sites. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      derfred, Thanks for posting and sharing your ShamWOW success! +rep Unfortunately I don't have sufficient time to support another project currently, so won't be starting any additional CCs or other components. Thanks again for your post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    14. shovelhead

      shovelhead New Member

      Nov 8, 2011
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      hey bobby, ty very much for the reply. After running a few more heroics last night and getting some more 378 gear, what you say makes complete sense. I think after my third run i decided to click "defualt settings" and try that out. to my surprise it worked a lot better then my "thought out" settings. I now have pretty much no mana issues unless as you stated i have a tank who doesn't like to wait or some dps who get careless. I am sitting at a 343 gear ilevel now and notice with a guild run that i pretty much never run out of mana.

      Thanx again for replying to your users and for this amazing CC! +++rep
      bobby53 likes this.
    15. Parky

      Parky New Member

      Jan 17, 2011
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      use 5462 then
    16. emmark

      emmark Member

      Apr 28, 2010
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      I updated ShamWOW yesterday and started questing in Uldum using Kicks Nuetral profile.

      I noticed that during combat it will mash buttons like a crazy person. :) If I enable sound ingame, it will be spamming me with "This spell is not ready yet" messages.
      Is this intentional to make sure it cast at the exact time it is ready?

      There really isn't a specific time, its all the time during combat.

      Also, after a fight when it wants to cast Greater Healing Wave, it often gets cancelled by movement. This might be a bot problem, not CC.

      Attached the logs of today in a zip archive, had to stop and start a few times during todays bot session. :)

      +rep for the best CC out there. :) Can't wait to hit 85 and start to do Dungeons and Raids.

      Attached Files:

      • Logs.zip
        File size:
        512.9 KB
    17. Techz

      Techz Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Bobby what i really want to know is if my talent tree goes into

      Telluric Currents

      Your attunement to natural energies causes your Lightning Bolt spell to restore mana equal to 40% of damage dealt.

      Many Thanks in advance :)

    18. Gentoo

      Gentoo Active Member

      Apr 29, 2011
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      Any plans to make chain lightning have a higher priority since they took off the CD? I notice on trash packs i am still casting lightning bolt more than anything.
    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      shovelhead, You are very welcome! Thanks for your follow up confirming your results. +rep Best of luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    20. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      emmark, Thank you for the post and the +rep! On issues like you described, it's crucial to include the system time (of your computer) that you noticed the problem. Since the log only indicates what ShamWOW and HB observed and how it responded, having the time allows me to associate your observations with the log detail so I am working specifically on your issue. Otherwise I may simply be researching a portion of combat that has no relevance to your concern.

      The last couple releases of ShamWOW have included improvements to begin casts before waiting for the current cast/GCD to fully complete. This should create optimal DPS and HPS, however it appears changes to the ShamWOW API SpellManager.CanCast() aren't behaving as expected for instant cast spells and at times the GCD. I am submitting my findings later today for them to look into. In the interim, you should be able to go to the Advanced tab of Class Options dialog and disable the setting which controls accounting for system lag when casting. It should use the older style of spell timing at that point which will result in fewer WOW error messages.

      The movement problem you mentioned could be the Bot, but it is difficult to say without a system time reference for me to review that point of your log.

      Thank you again for the descriptive post and feedback. I'll review the log a little later today and post back if I see anything. I'll also keep an eye out for any subsequent post on this matter that has the template info from the FAQ and a log. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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