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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Techz, Thanks for the post but I don't think you finished asking your question. I'll try to answer both of the possible versions I can anticipate from your post.

      1. How does Telluric Currents work? See the Elitist Jerks article for Restos, section on Telluric Currents [CLICK HERE]

      2. Does ShamWOW support casting LB to benefit from Telluric Currents? Yes

      How does ShamWOW support Telluric Currents? It is usually easier and faster for users to try out features of ShamWOW before posting questions, but it has been quite awhile since I have seen a posting about TC so a quick description: ShamWOW recognizes that you have points in the Telluric Currents talent and will use Lightning Bolt as a filler spell when none of your heal targets requiring healing. If while casting a lightning bolt one of them loses health into the range they now require a heal, it cancels the LB cast and initiates the healing sequence.

      If you use a Telluric Currents build, make sure you spec and gear appropriately as it changes the priority of some secondary stats and talents to do this correctly.

      If there are any questions, issues, or constructive criticism regarding the current behavior please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for a template to use when posting and steps on attaching a complete debug log file.

      Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    2. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      @Gentoo, Thanks for the post. That's not quite enough detail as it doesn't mention what spec you are. Yes there are some changes in the next release pending, but not sure whether they match your toon or not. For example, in Ele PVP you should already be seeing CL filler since CL was being cast off cooldown already. You mentioned trash though where there should be an AoE spell. If you aren't seeing CL's, you'll want to post an issue using the steps provided in the FAQ. Be sure to provide the system time of your computer at the point you notice an LB cast you believe should have been a CL.

      Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

      @All Users -- ShamWOW follows certain best in class publications as a design guideline for what spell priorities should be used in different circumstances. These are listed in Post #1 of this thread for reference, so those questioning the priorities they prescribe have the opportunity to debate them with the respective authors in their forums. I don't typically make changes to the spell priorities until those documents indicate the need for a change, or a situation arises that is not covered by them. This provides a reference for users to visit and learn about Shaman play and the behavior of ShamWOW in a single place. If you find a spell priority in ShamWOW does not match the reference articles, follow the steps in the FAQ for posting an issue. If you disagree with the priorities, your best course of action is to post in those forums and attempt to effect a change/update to the reference document. I just checked (again) and the EJ reference doc which has been updated fro 4.3 still lists LB as the single target filler spell for raiding. As an adjunct, here is a link to a reply from an EJ author (in his forums) to a post asking about CL > LB [CLICK HERE] which seems to reinforce the current EJ information.
      Last edited: Dec 8, 2011
    3. DJKid

      DJKid New Member

      Aug 17, 2011
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      Im pretty sure this isnt supposed to happen. I have my PVP setting set to Healing over Damage. When I get to a group of ally, of any ally low on health, my healer tried to dps the horde rather then healing the ally about to die. I have to blue my instant CDs just to heal him while the bot is trying to DPS a bear taking no damage!

      Also, can we PLEASE get it to stop using healing surge, its now our small heal / big mana move. Greater Healing Wave are healing for more then double the healing surge for ALMOST the same mana. Everytime I run into a group using Healing Surge, I can heal about 1 person to full before I need to sit ad eat, and i have 120k mana in pvp gear.
    4. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      DJKid, Thanks for the post and my apologies for your it not meeting your expectations. Unfortunately your description doesn't match the results of my testing. For steps on posting a question, issue, or constructive criticism please visit the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE]. Be sure to provide the system time from your computer as well as attaching the complete debug log file for any issue you would like me to research and respond to. If reporting multiple issues/questions be sure to provide a time reference for each. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Dec 8, 2011
    5. Gentoo

      Gentoo Active Member

      Apr 29, 2011
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      I found my issue.. Using the auto updater for HB overwrote shamwow. Reinstalled and functioning as intended..
    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks for the follow up. The overwrite issue should be hopefully be corrected with the next release of HB.
    7. JohntheThird

      JohntheThird New Member

      May 24, 2010
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      Is there anyway i can stop the bot from using elemental mastery?
    8. DJKid

      DJKid New Member

      Aug 17, 2011
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      This morning it seemed to be working fine, but i had it on healing only. Maybe its something with the healing over damage settings, I kept seeting them, but might not have in the last update. But it was still ignoring ally at like 10% hp to dps the horde at like 85%. Im omw to work, will look at it after, and look for log.
    9. Ruinit

      Ruinit Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      Having attack issues on Murozound seems even as ele shammy gotta be dead on top og him to attack? Is this a cc problem or HB targeting you think? My log is huge will post a small one when I get it.
    10. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      JohntheThird, Currently there is not an option to do that. In the next release I will have it check the Use Cooldowns flag (on the PVP and the RAF option tabs) so you can disable along with the other cooldowns. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    11. surfer999

      surfer999 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hola, Bobby!

      I found one strange thing after updating to last version of HB (installed from scratch). Log and two reports (for instance and BG) below:

      HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider bot in a Party as Healer Only
      Shamans Location: End Time
      What should have happened (be specific): cast Riptide
      What did happen (be specific): spammed *Riptide on Shaman.100 at 0.0 yds but can't finish cast. Cursor glowing, toon don't do any action. Need to click on toon portrait manually to proceed. After 4 wipes I has been kicked from party.
      Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): [0:50:08:110], [0:59:42:521], [1:04:32:451], [1:06:55:370], [1:10:29:822] at log

      HonorBuddy Mode: BG Bot [Beta] bot in a Raid as Healer over Combat
      Shamans Location: Eye of the Storm
      What should have happened (be specific): cast Riptide
      What did happen (be specific): spammed *Riptide on Shaman.100 at 0.0 yds but can't finish cast. Cursor glowing, toon don't do any action. Need to click on toon portrait manually to proceed.
      Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): [1:20:21:060] at log

      Thank you very much for your great work!

      View attachment 09-Dec-11_12_48 AM 6000 Log.zip
    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      DJKid, Thanks for the post, but it will be a more effective use of your time to wait until you have the details needed to post. I can't research anything without that information (system time you noticed and the complete debug log attached as mentioned in the FAQ.) I'll keep an eye out for your follow up, Bobby53
      Last edited: Dec 9, 2011
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ruinit, Thanks for the post and my apologies for your it not meeting your expectations. I would need to look at the log file to discern the source of the issue. For steps on posting a question, issue, or constructive criticism please visit the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE]. Be sure to provide the system time from your computer that you observed the problem happening and to attach the complete debug log file. Note: I can't use an edited log file, so if you need to reduce the size please compress to .ZIP format and you should have no problem attaching. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Dec 9, 2011
    14. Ruinit

      Ruinit Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      Bobby, I have a log file but for only 1 boss there is so much in the log file that it makes it to large to post :( Can I email it somewhere or something?

      nvm here is a zip of it at 4pm

      from log

      "skipping Lightning Bolt since Murozond.D597[54432] is immune to Nature damage" now that's just wrong

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Dec 9, 2011
    15. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ruinit, A couple items:

      1. Thanks for ZIPing. Log files too large to attach should always be zipped (see prior response and the FAQ.) Log files consist only of text so they compress extremely well.

      2. No, that immunity message isn't just wrong as that condition is reported by WOW :D The message is based upon the Combat log indicating that a spell cast upon Murozond by your raid failed because he was immune to the Nature school of magic at that moment. However, it would have been a temporary immunity but is being reported as a permanent immunity. To work around this simply disable Immunity checking in Class Options and you should continue attacking in a fashion you expect..

      Thanks for the post and log file. Appreciate you taking the time to provide the info. Good luck with your Shaman,
      Last edited: Dec 9, 2011
    16. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      *NEW* ShamWOW 4.5.09 available for download!

      New version of ShamWOW available for download from Post #1 [CLICK HERE] in this thread.

      Contains several bug fixes and enhancements promised. Biggest impact from this release will be for Enhancement Shaman and a work around for HB instant spell cast issue with CanCast() API. This effects Enhancement the most since their rotation is so chock full of instants, but should offer a small improvement to other specs as well which will vary based upon the combat scenario.

      If you have a question, issue, or constructive criticism be sure to visit the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE]. Recently I have had to ask for system times and log files quite frequently (feels like every post.) If you notice someone post a question, issue, or constructive criticism and they didn't follow the steps listed in the FAQ, please politely and encouragingly let them know they will get an accurate answer quicker if that information is already available. Everybody makes a first post at some point, so be kind! After the first post however I anticipate ShamWOW users will know the drill, so please always include.

      Change History 12/09/2011 Revision 4.5.09
      o FIX:  Spell Casting - now correctly detects when Instants spells are  available (no more WOW Error Message spam.)  No longer depends upon HonorBuddy SpellManager.CanCast() API
      o CHANGE: Combat - Lifeblood now cast solely for Haste buff
      o NEW:  Healing - option to specify minimum # of targets for Chain Heal
      o NEW:  Healing - option to specify minimum # of targets for Healing Rain
      o NEW:  Healing - Gift of the Naaru now available as general purpose heal spell and prioritized on Group Healing with other spells; no longer reserved solely for self heal
      o FIX:  Healing - Fixed exception occurring when Raid Heal Style set to Party Only.  If not in a raid this setting will default to entire Party
      o CHANGE:  Healing - fixed Group Healing RAF Preset for RAF Healing Rain Spec
      o NEW:  Resting - if out of drinks, will cast Mana Spring while waiting for mana to regen
      o NEW:  Resting - will cancel Food/Drink buff when health/mana reaches 100%
      o FIX:  Elemental PVP - cooldowns such as racials and Bloodlust now used
      o CHANGE:  Elemental - removed Fire Nova from spell priority
      o CHANGE:  Elemental/Enhance - added quicker recast of Searing Totem when it expires
      o FIX:  Enhancement - Maelstrom Heal now properly checks for graceful degradation of available healing spells GHW > HS > HW
      o NEW:  Enhancement - support for Improved Lava Lash in 4.3 now spreading Flame Shock to 4 nearby enemies
      o NEW:  log message when LazyRaiding and user movement interrupts spell casting
      o FIX:  RAF - Added improved "near a boss" detection 
      o NEW:  RAF - Option added to control use of Cooldowns
      o NEW:  PVP - Option added to control minimum number of players nearby before casting Bloodlust. Default=4
      o FIX:  PVP - will not target enemies in PVP more than 80 yards away
      o NEW:  PVP - will attempt to pickup soulstone from soulwell during battleground/arena preparation phases
      o FIX:  PVP - Added Earth Elemental to PVP Cooldowns controlled by option
      o FIX:  Totems - now correctly ignores Poison Extraction Totem #8137 from quest 
      Last edited: Dec 10, 2011
    17. Rinus4

      Rinus4 Guest

      Thank your for the update. It made my enhancement shammy rock! Dps 5k more.
    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Rinus4, You are very welcome and thank you for sharing your ShamWOW success! +rep There is an issue with the HB API SpellManager.CanCast() that was causing a lot of failed casts with instant spells. The additional overhead and a slow down causing a DPS loss, so I worked in the functionallity of that func on my own. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    19. Shitbagwasted

      Shitbagwasted New Member

      Dec 10, 2011
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      HonorBuddy Mode: Bg Beta
      Shamans Location: Random (SW)
      What should have happened (be specific): Queuing up for bg's
      What did happen (be specific): Nothing, nothing happens. It says startup complete and if I push it again it just says Honorbuddy stopped. This is only for the shamwow, it works fine if I use a singular class config
      Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): 19.00

      Attached Files:

    20. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Shitbagwasted, Thanks for the well written post using the template and steps from the FAQ. Either the wrong log file was attached, or ShamWOW was installed incorrectly as the only directory that HonorBuddy found in your CustomClasses folder to search for custom classes to compile was Singular:

      [19:03:26:828] Compiling C:\Users\Kungpow\HB\CustomClasses\Singular
      Please repeat the installation of ShamWOW extracting the entire .ZIP to the CustomClasses folder and you should not encounter any further issues.

      If ShamWOW was installed correctly, the following messages would have appeared also:

      [19:03:26:828] Compiling C:\Users\Kungpow\HB\CustomClasses\Config
      [19:03:26:828] Compiling C:\Users\Kungpow\HB\CustomClasses\ShamWOW
      In the event it was the wrong log file, the symptom you described is also related to an incomplete installation. Many new users extract only the ShamWOW folder from the .ZIP and miss the Config folder entirely. As mentioned above, extract the entire .ZIP to the CustomClasses folder. After that completes, you can verify your installation by comparing the list of files and their folder locations given in the FAQ.

      Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Dec 10, 2011
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