So, I was having problems with the bot and restarted it, logged in, and it says I have used up all my sessions, so I head over to authbuddy, click sessions, only to find it says none are being used, Im assuming its a fault with the site? I just waited few minutes for it to end itself, but is kinda annoying, happened a few times now
Just means the session is closed, but still there until the HB server actually drops it. If you start up HB really fast after closing (PC Speed comes into play) it will do this. Test how long after closing you have to wait... Anything over 20-30 seconds is not good.
actually, something can't be right, I having been logged into HB all day, its still running, went to authbuddy, and yet, says nothing under sessions, something is clearly wrong
Sure you're registered on the right email then? -Edit- ^^What he said ^^ Maybe have tony take a look. Send him an email at