Hello, I would like to transfer around 500k from one server to another, I can only do 50k liquid, what would be the best way? I was thinking on vial of the sands and mecajarlys, also epic gems and essences of destruction, any other idea?
Find something that's expensive and in demand... For instance: I put about 10k into gems, made about 20k in a week on the server I transferred to since gems are apparently a new concept on it. Essences are good as well, vials have a minimum price which means so long as your current server has prices around what the mats cost, the amount you potentially lose is much lower than your potential gain. Now always stake out the target server, as you can make some good moolah if you know what to transfer!
Guild Transfer is your best bet. Don't do vial of the sands. Nobody wants that crap. Buy A few of the new gems (the price will fall on these, hard) Then high level gear. Always someone wanting some better gears. Probably a botter buying the gear anyways
Try to find the epic darkmoon cards (They sell for 5,000g to the vendor). This way you spend 5k or w/e and you get the 5k back guaranteed. Hardest part is finding enough of the cards...
Create a lvl 1 toon on the 'target server' and compare the AH from your old server to the new... then you'll have a good idea of what you can buy and resell... You could end up actually turning a profit if you play it right and get a little lucky.
they are talking about the 5000g cards from the fortune cards =p but a guild xfer is the best option.