Take a look here: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...your-issues-here-so-i-can-get-them-fixed.html
yup i know,but as Apoc states aint gonna happen very soon and we are already aware since its already in the list its a clearly a new feature and not an issue/problem
how to do: - Write a plugin that only runs when BG Bot is running - Plugin should cancel current BGQueue (Lua call) - Plugin should instant requeue as Party (Lua call) - Plugin should be inactive since BG is over, and starts from first step But i can't guarantee that HB is faster with checking if you are currently queue and requeue your toon before the plugin can do. So this is only a dirty hack, and shouldn't be done by a plugin -> possible yes, recommendable no
thank tony , i hope HB will support this feature in future . thank storm , could i ask you a question . is it posible to make 2 plugin first plugin for leader . it will : and second plugin is just cancel queue ultil it seea yellow text : " your party .............. "