I was just wondering how many auctions per day you guys have, I usually put up 50-100 stacks of herb,ore, and gems.
I have posted over 200 auctions at a time... but I've used TSM and manual auctions... I don't use HB to AH for me. Personally, I would never post more than 10 stacks of an individual #... most of the time less (4-5 stacks max normally)
i always mass sell to a private buyer, but things i do put on ah, i NEVER post more then 5-10 stacks of the same thing.
depends how many accounts i have on a server. But sometimes if im sitting on a ton of herbs that i havnt sold, i just post everything in the AH at like 9g a stack and spam trade, CRAZY SALE today only! cheap herbs been stockpiling for a long time... e.t.c. lol most auctions ive had up at one time is 1900 and that went on for a week.
back when I farmed alot it was around 200ish aday, and 10-15 at the time (depending on how fast they sell)
lately since i want out of wow and i stupidly signed up for the 1yr plan ive been keeping around 300 24hrs a day on the AH.
I dont post any auctions. I dont have time. I have private buyers that I cod all my herbs and ore to.
When Cata was first release i was maintaining around 500+ a day, farming in high pop areas such as volatile air. No bans.
I suggest not to put any raw materials on auction house. Use profs to convert them to something. After this depending on your server pop you can have up to 500 auctions. Also don't undercut like mad, just do a normal 2% undercutting. There are loads of addons for posting and reposting. Also change alt name at least once a month.