Hey. I have http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...0-alliance/23045-fly-quest-bc-58-70-kick.html this profile. I am level 62 now. He only quests in the first place. After some time it says that he cant fly to Zangarmarshen.. But I have all fly points. ------ Deutsch: Ich habe ein Problem mit diesem Profile: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...0-alliance/23045-fly-quest-bc-58-70-kick.html Er questet H?llenfeuerhalbinsel problemlos. Bin jetzt aber level 62, und normalerweise sollte er schon r?ber zu Zangarmarschen gehen.. Paar mal kommt ein Error welches sagt das ich nicht nach Zangarmarschen fliegen kann.. Aber ich hab alle Flugpunkte...
open the profile using a text editor and then press ctrl+f on the search field write the word flightpath you must check this line <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" TrainNewSkills="False" LearnFlightPaths="False" UseFlightPaths="False" /> make sure that all options are on "False" as my example above
Thats the message look here for bigger picture http://s14.directupload.net/images/111212/47p7auup.png
it says "This profile doesn't fly until Zangarmarsh". It doesn't say you don't have flightpoints, it has nothing to do with flightpoints at all.