Don't feel silly. Someone once said, "The only stupid question is the one that you didn't ask." Well... he was wrong. Of course there are stupid questions. But if you want to know something, why limit your knowledge? The only way we will truly learn is by asking questions. Anyways, looking forward to seeing the n00bl3tt guide. Hopefully I have contributed to your HonorBuddy Experience in some way -Panda.
Is there a list of changes/additions that require a HB restart? For example: If I update the settings of a PlugIn, does that require a HB restart? If I update the settings of a Custom Class Config, does that require a HB restart? Same for Bot Config and the general Settings and Tools... do those require a HB restart? Does changing Bot base require a restart? ---------------- These I believe do require a restart???----------- As you mentioned - changing characters Closing WoW Change CC Additions of CC and Plugins (i.e. if HB is open and I download a new CC or Plugin, I would have to restart HB?) Again sorry for the questions, but I am hoping that this will also help others in the end.
Hey ArmyDr I recognize your profile avatar from my time on the piroX forums. I must admit that at first I was as lost as you first where, I tried to open the bot before opening wow (like I was used to with piroX) Which resolved in a non-working bot. So I searched and searched and couldn't really find anything on the forums. But after I found out the basics I was far more happy with this bot than piroX, the limits you know from piroX, they seem far more limitless with this bot because it's written in a different way/(language?) than piroX ..
I will add to this, from my own experience. Additions of CC and Plugins (i.e. if HB is open and I download a new CC or Plugin, I would have to restart HB?)- There is the recompile button, but I'd actually recommend restarting HB if you've downloaded a new plugin you want to activate. Sometimes it just messes things up, at least for me.
Thanks for the link... and exactly... With PIROX I downloaded Fishy's guide, read it, and knew everything I needed to know about downloading, installing, setting up, and even basic profile designing. This lead to me falling in love with creating botting profiles and becoming one of the more published PIROX profile creators. I think the learning curve for creating plugins/CC/profiles in HB is a bit steeper, but I am up for the challenge. In the meantime, I really am going to put together a guide for complete noobs like me. *** So just noticed, that I do not have privileges to post in the guide forum (perhaps understandably, since I am so new). Can anyone suggest a good location for my guide in the interim?
Just make it in the General Discussions forum. If the mods like it enough they'll move it into the guides section. Now with settings. Bot config, CC, plugin settings themselves shouldn't require a restart, unless told otherwise by the developer of that code. When you add something new, a new plugin or something, a restart is suggested. This will make sure HB actually loads it properly. The same goes for if you are writing/editing your code. Sometimes HB will just skip over a small change. That applies to Plugins/CCs/BotBases. With profiles, they are loaded fresh every time you hit the start button. So if you change something just roll with it. -Panda