I mailed nearly 10k worth of farmed mats to the wrong person.... should I ask for them back or will they look into it?
Wrong, if the reciever doesn't exist, you can't send the mail at all. Your best bet is probably to just wait and hope that the character is inactive, then you'll get them back after about 1 month.
Lol, for 10k worth of mats, I wouldn't even think twice about it. 10k can easily be replaced in less than 8hrs farming. Not worth the risk to have GM's looking @ your account!!!
Happened to me too but the gm restored everything, he will just check if the person is online and if you aren't talking shit ( the mailed items really were sent) try your luck and don't be afraid man. and you just could write you set up your addon wrong and it automailed all the mats to the wrong char.