A few times now I've become... 'stuck' in a loop. An example is, I have an leveller going right now for a troll druid. In the late teens, it's getting stuck on a path between the FP in ratchet, and sen'jin village. It's trying to go to sen'jin to repair. It goes to the FP, opens it up, then closes it and attempts to 'walk' to sen'jin. That's fine with me actually, except that about 30 yards away, it turns around and repeats. Over and over. Another example, at the FP in org, I had my 80ish pally just constantly talking to the FP, opening/closing over and over. Any ideas on the cause of these loops, and/or how to fix them?
FP's are currently a bit buggy, just turn them off into your profile and you wont have any problems. Sometimes a restart of HB helps, too.
Yeah, just had one get stuck at a FP, just standing there. In the debug panel was this > [5:37:01 AM:877] Cleared POI [5:37:02 AM:023] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update [5:37:02 AM:496] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP [5:37:02 AM:496] Cleared POI [5:37:02 AM:644] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update [5:37:03 AM:109] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP [5:37:03 AM:109] Cleared POI [5:37:03 AM:255] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update [5:37:03 AM:725] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
Newest version of HB should fix this, if not turn off Flight Path discovery in your profile and Bot Settings for now
Actually, I have FP discovery and use FP's off, and my bot was doing the original post loop (check FP, walk away, come back, repeat). I have the latest (I only started recently...) and it works sometimes and utterly fails other times :S EDIT: and this isn't the first time this happened -> Both the FP options were just suddenly on without my activating. :S!