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  • TCRestoDruid - Instance/Raid Healer

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tiagofmcosta, Dec 19, 2011.

    1. tiagofmcosta

      tiagofmcosta New Member

      Aug 30, 2011
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      TCRestoDruid CC

      This combat class was hugely based on the HazzDruid since it was the best CC I found on the forums for Resto Druids. I've been using it for a few months now, but was not entirely happy with some choices it made, and the way it behaved, so I tried rewriting it to fit my needs.

      The healing mechanics implemented were the ones found on [Resto] Cataclysm 4.3 (Dragon Soul) with a few twists and tweaks from my own experience.

      Recomended Talents & Glyphs: Resto Druid 7/3/31.
      There is no absolute need to use this spec, but you should ensure you have at least the 3 core restoration abilities on your spec, which are Nature's Swiftness, Wild Growth and Tree of Life.

      I chose to remove entirely the config UI since I don't have Visual Studio, don't like it and refuse to use it :D and i did not like the original UI and was a bit buggy, or at least mine did not save the changes I made to the values, so, in order to change the values where the different abilities kick in you have to manually edit the settings file for your character. The settings files will be located on a folder named Config inside the CC folder.
      Keep in mind that the default values are tailored to what I feel works best for me. Feel free to mess around with them if you know how.

      • If Rebirth is enabled will try to ressurect the a player if he's a Tank or a Healer.
      • Will use Healing Touch after Nature's Swiftness as a kind of OH Shit! healing.
      • "Intelligent" AoE healing, with Wild Growth, Tranquility and Tree of Life in conjunction with Regrowth.
      • Innervates itself the first time when mana dips below 80% and on cooldown after that on each fight.
      • Uses Nature's Grasp every time you get hit and are in combat (to help you get rid of those pesky mobs that insist in mashing your face in when the tank sucks). This spell as well as Barkskin is not on the Global Cooldown, so it won't delay or even interfere with the healing process (but both can be disabled by editing the settings file).
      • AoE healing will only kick in if 60% (configured via settings file) of your Party/Raid is below the defined threshold. That would be 15 raid members (usually for 25 man), 6 raid members (10 man) and 3 party members for Normal/Heroic Dungeons. This setting will only apply to Tranquility and Tree of Life plus Regrowth.
      • Wild Growth will be cast when 2 or more group members are below the defined threshold. This is because, it is a fairly efficient spell that contributes a lot for the overall healing, and should not be used as a kind of SoS AoE heal like Tranquility but as a kind of "lets make sure everyone is alive long enough for me to properly heal them" or "lets top off all these nice folk" :)
      • Has the Debuffs from the cauldrons on Zul'Gurub blacklisted so it does not remove them with Remove Corruption when it is enabled on the settings.
      • No healing is done to players afflicted with Bloodletting on the Bloodlord Mandokir encounter on Zul'Gurub.
      Only tested it with LazyRaider, but I'm pretty sure it will work with any BotBase, as long as it features the movement you need to do, or you do it yourself. The CC has no movement or facing whatsoever.

      Hope you guys find it useful.

      NOTICE: This CC was made for personal use, so it may not suit everyone (or anyone for that matter), but I felt I should share it so anyone with the same needs as I would be able to benefit from it. If you don't like it or do not agree with the choices it makes, don't use it. Just don't come here and flood the comments with your rants and cries. All constructive criticism will be much appreciated :)

      If you find any bug or problem report them here (try to post a Log if you're reporting a bug, since that will be the most reliable way to fix it). I'll check them out and fix them if I can.

      [*]Settings window implemented.
      [*]Fixed some bugs regarding Tank selection and targeting. Supposedly (did not test all the scenarios myself yet) fixes a few bug reports posted on this thread regarding Well of Eternity portals and sometimes not keeping the Lifebloom stack on tank and just spam Nourish.
      [*]Complete rework of the healing mechanics.
      [*]Implemented a targeting system that will select the current healing target. This is a workaround I found to make Swiftmend work as intended.
      [*]Implemented a very simple DPS rotation to use only while soloing, aimed at the BotBases that need us to get rid of some annoying mobs. It may also work to help level as resto using Grindbot or Questbot, but I did not test it that way. Only tested it with ArchaeologyBuddy and Gatherbuddy2.
      [*]From my tests it works almost flawlessly on LFG and will do pretty good on LFR, at least for me. Will keep testing it and tweaking it as needed depending on my own experience and on feedback given by you. Give it a spin and comment your experience.
      [*]Increased priority on cleansing but not disregarding emergency heals.
      [*]All names removed from the output. You can now submit logs to the forums securely.
      [*]Health percentages added to the output when individual healing spells are cast for a better log analysis.
      [*]Improved response time (at least for me).
      [*]Some code cleaning.
      [*]Healing mechanics modified to improve overall performance, but especially on Raids.
      [*]Added [B]OnlyHealInstances[/B] setting so you can choose if it'll heal only when you're on an instance/raid or everywhere. [I]DEFAULT: True.[/I]
      [*]Added [B]KeepLifebloomStackOutOfCombat[/B] setting so you can choose to keep the Lifebloom stack on the tank even out of combat. [I]DEFAULT: False.[/I]
      [*]Settings default values changed. If you want the settings file to assume the default values, simply delete the Config folder you may have inside the CC folder.
      [*]When you click the Class Config button a message will appear saying there isn't a settings window yet and what you have to do to change the settings manually.
      [*]When we're drinking or eating, the CC will be suspended. Will resume normal activity once we finish.
      [*]Buff will happen always regardless of your state (combat or not) or location (on instance or not), even if you have [B]OnlyHealInstances[/B] setting set to true (default).
      [*]Added the following settings MemberCountThreshold25Man, MemberCountThreshold10Man, MemberCountThreshold5Man so you can control when the AoE healing will kick in, i.e. every time the number of people that needs healing goes to these values or above the AoE will trigger. For example, on a 25 man Raid if there are 15 or more people that need healing at the same time, we'll AoE heal. DEFAULTS: 15, 6 and 3 respectively.
      [*]Minor tweaks.
      [*]Some minor tweaks which hopefully will make the CC handle even better. Will be waiting on your feedback.
      [*]Minor logic improvements to increase the response time.
      [*]Changes to the priority system to maintain a full Lifebloom stack on the Tank.
      [*]Auto Rebirth if enabled will only try to Combat Ressurect a Tank or a Healer. If you want to CR a DPS do it manually ;)
      [*]Remove Corruption if enabled will not be spammed endlessly until no corruption exists. There is a slight wait time between cleanses.
      [*]If Revive is enabled will only try to revive someone again if they are still dead after 15 sec.
      [*]With Rebirth enabled if the party member continues dead after 5 sec will try and CR again.
      [*]Some minor tweeks to the default values to cut a bit on the overheal (may still need more adjustments).
      [*]Initial release for community use.

      SVN Repository (best way to keep up with the project): https://tcrestodruid.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/

      If you feel like it you can buy me a coffee or a beer.
      It'll be much appreciated and will help set me in "Programmer Mode", hehe :cool:


      If you happen to be a beautiful, nice girl, please ignore the button above, just send me a PM with your email address, I'll take care of the drinks, hahaha ;)

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jul 31, 2012
    2. projektt

      projektt Active Member

      Sep 21, 2010
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      Sick heals bro! good job
    3. InLikeFlint

      InLikeFlint New Member

      May 30, 2011
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      Testing now, will edit with my results! Very happy however because I agree HazzDruid is good but there are a few things I dind't like! Thanks so much!

      P.S your name reminds me of Thiaga Motta
    4. kirewade

      kirewade New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Are they something i have wrong it doesnt heal very well unless i keep clicking on the tank
    5. kirewade

      kirewade New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      looks like it is trying to cast a spell but doesnt cast it until i click on the tank or party member
    6. Mazzyr

      Mazzyr Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Double post
      Last edited: Dec 19, 2011
    7. Mazzyr

      Mazzyr Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Really nice CC only concern, is the lack of uptime on lifebloom on tank. It seems to neglect it for periods.

      Can it be it doesn't take into account if current lifebloom on tank is given by another druid in raids?
    8. tiagofmcosta

      tiagofmcosta New Member

      Aug 30, 2011
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      Well, that never happened to me before, so I don't really know what to tell you, other than, post a log and i'll take a look at it...
    9. MadDog

      MadDog Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2011
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      Wow!! thanks so much!! this is an awesome christmas present. wat ive been waiting for!!!!
    10. tiagofmcosta

      tiagofmcosta New Member

      Aug 30, 2011
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      First, it does not care who cast Lifebloom, it will try to maintain it as best as possible.
      As too not keeping a full stack all the times, there are two possible scenarios, one, everyone is healthy (>99%) and so it simply does nothing, or if someone is in need of a heal and the cast time of that heal is longer than the remaining time on Lifebloom.

      There is a way however to circumvent the second scenario, it's just a question of priorities, i'll just have to tell it that keeping Lifebloom on the tank is more important than healing, so it can be done first. I don't think it will delay the healing that much, so I can try it for a few runs and see if it keeps performing as it has been. If it does, i'll post another version for the ones who may have the same concern as you.

      Thank you for trying it though, and i'll test it as you're suggesting.

      More news later ;)
    11. tiagofmcosta

      tiagofmcosta New Member

      Aug 30, 2011
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      You're most welcome :)
      Hope you enjoy it! And Merry Christmas ;)
    12. panYama

      panYama Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      good to see this will test it now:)
    13. kirewade

      kirewade New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      So this isn't.healing. unless I manually target.a.player. are they a setting I am missing in the wow interface? I set everything to default

      Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
    14. tiagofmcosta

      tiagofmcosta New Member

      Aug 30, 2011
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      When you have a chance please post a Log file. This should work with any wow configuration. The targeting for heals is made automatically from your party/raid members in heal range. Most times i have no target at all, and others i have the enemy target or even one party member, depends on the mood :D But it should make no difference to the CC.

      Without a log to see if there is something wrong with the CC itself, i don't know how else to help you. By the way, what BotBase are you using?
    15. Warp87

      Warp87 Member

      Dec 7, 2011
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      Damn how nice profile, i even forgot to respecc from boomkin to resto and had boomkin gear and i still healed well of eternity flawlesly without any mana probs, gona try ds tomorrow, tho with resto spec/gear :D
    16. Tmackz007

      Tmackz007 New Member

      Jan 5, 2011
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      Hi thanks for the CC. Hazz resto CC is really descent at best for me. I have a 393ilvl Resto Druid who raids in Heroic 25mans. I also have a pally around same ilvl. The pally uses Gilroy's CC and it's fukkin amazing. I mean it almost does better than I do in some fights. I only use it when we farm cause I get lazy. But his CC has so much options and is very quick. People always ask me how I fukkin heal so quick. Pally is a lot more complicated in my opinion than druid healing logic wise. First off Healing Touch and Regrowth are like the worst spells possible to use unless you don't give a fuk about mana or don't know how to heal with resto druid. Regrowth should only be used incase of emergency since it's our biggest and fastest heal. Also good to use it when clearcasting procs just before you swiftmend someone...u should only do this if someone needs 2 big heals fast.
      Lifebloom is one of the best spells we got. You should ALWAYS keep 3 stacks on tank during fight no matter if he at 99% or 50% hp. It a very cheap moderate heal. While you have 3 stacks going you should cast nourish on tank to refresh lifebloom and save mana. Lifebloom also procs Clearcasting, Malfurion's Gift and REPLENTISHMENT (MANA REGEN). THATS WHY you want 3 stacks on someone at all times, usually tank because they take constant damage. Rejuvenation is a very large but rather expensive heal. So you cannot just spam it like before.
      What I like to do is always have 3 people at least with rejuvenation, typically tank and maybe 2 other melee that constantly take damage. Once you have 3 rejuvs out you get "Nature's Bounty" which increases Nourish cast time by 30%. Then all you do is just spam nourish everywhere, always on tank to refresh his lifebloom so you dont have to waste mana recasting.
      Nature's Swiftness should be used on cooldown if you need fast heal, follow it up with Healing Touch. Also when Clearcasting procs follow it up with Healing Touch since its free. But if you dont lifebloom you wont get many. Thats why its such an important spell.
      Also little trick I like to do is Targeting Boss and Wild Growth them, it wont heal boss but your allies within range(tank,melee).
      Efforvescene trick is to use Swiftmend on clumped up group. If you Swiftmend someone who has lots of ppl around them, it will proc Efforvescene.

      Once you dip below 80% mana Innervate yourself. Also once below 60% and raid takes big AOE pop Tree of Life and just Blanket raid with Lifeblooms. This will regen your mana fast so you can repeat cycle.

      Sorry I know its a lot of info. But in my raids there isn't a time when I'm not healing. If you need help testing let me know.
    17. tiagofmcosta

      tiagofmcosta New Member

      Aug 30, 2011
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      Thank you very much for the info.
      It corroborates pretty much everything i've read and i tried to use on the CC.

      This is my first attempt on writing/rewriting a CC, so I had to test a lot and go for a trial and error approach, but i think i've managed to get a pretty decent CC going, at least i'm very happy with it and i use it all the time now (still smoothing some rough edges but overall does the job).

      I can always use some more help testing it out, especially since you are used to Druid healing and are so familiar with the mechanics. I knew some basic stuff when i started my druid, but i only really got to know it when i started using HB and analyzing the choices it made and do manual corrections in game when i thought it was screwing up. And when i took on the task of rewriting the Hazz's CC i had to go and search for a reputable and liked (at least i do) source of info, to try and get all the nooks and crannies working right, so i headed to EllitistJerks as stated on the post and there was the place where i REALLY started to understand Druid healing.

      So please, if you can give it a go and see if and what would you change on it to increase it's performance. Thank you very much for your input once again.

      P.S.: I'll be uploading a new version with a few minor corrections and the suggestion left here earlier to try and always have a full stack of Lifebloom on the tank (as you also pointed out).
    18. tiagofmcosta

      tiagofmcosta New Member

      Aug 30, 2011
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      Happy to hear it :)

      I'm sure you'll find it more mana efficient when you use resto spec/gear :D

      Tell me how it goes.
      Last edited: Dec 19, 2011
    19. panYama

      panYama Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Was ok in last hour of twilight dungeon but tank died once, and also notice it reacts slow from time to time. Maybe wanna look into that. Also sorry to say but a config window would really be lovely:)

      Sent using Tapatalk, may contain typos!
    20. kravitz

      kravitz New Member

      Dec 9, 2011
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      Excellent CC. One small problem i've experienced with it... dispell drains the water pool; can we get an option to be able to enable/disable it?

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