Yep. I have a problem with a Profile "[A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick]" He is trying to pick up a quest... but this guy doesnt give a quest. He is doing green quests too.... I already changed "True" to "False"
Close HB & restart. If it still does it you can remove that quest from the profile; prob not the correct procedure but thats what I do when I just need to get on with it
Already did.. And I dont know how to remove it. I dont even know which quest he want to pick up.. there is no one..
Re-dl Kick's SVN, if that doesn't work post your issue + log in his thread:
Can you give me a direct download for it please? I dont want to install SVN now, because I need to restart my PC :< I downloaded the profile here: Pack/Classic/[A - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]/