What im seeing is 2 things 1) while using singular (default cc) when i res at the spirit healer (alliance) in WSG it runs in to the mountain behind it trying to get to the alliance flag room 2) after completing a BG with the other cc i dl'd so i wouldnt be an obvious botter (hazzdruid pvp) it says "no profile fits this character" and the bot turns itself off. 3) (possibly cc issue) the bot kinda runs around, and sometimes seems like it thinks its horde. it'll target enemy players and cast heals, etc. other times, it's running past people in combat, not healing them or anything. attached are some logs.
As for number two, the name sounds as though it's PVP only. Try download a PVE CC as well as the PVP one? Not really sure, never messed with CCs, I may get around to it some time, but it works fine at the moment. Get's a higher DPS than I do legitimately with the default CC.