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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. punisher775

      punisher775 New Member

      Dec 10, 2010
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      low dps

      Hello bobby. i have a problem with enhance.

      it is pulling much below par dps. singular pulls 24k on my shaman and i never use his CC's because they are not optimal for raiding.

      HonorBuddy Mode: Grind/PVP/Mixed/Quest/RaF Lazyraider
      Shamans Location: Stormwind
      What should have happened (be specific): better dps?
      What did happen (be specific): 18k dps instead of roughly 24k with singular wich im sure i could do more.
      Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): whole log should be useful.

      So here's my story, i did a dragonsoul raid and noticed i was doing below 20k dps so i told myself that is a huge chunk below par. because another enhance shammy in the raid with worst gear than me was pulling a steady 26k dps. i was doing 18k. sometimes i spiked above 20k.

      i cant tell you what the problem is because i dont know how to play shamans all that well but i do know that 18k dps for 384 ilvl is way below what i should be doing. simply because singular does 24k on a dummy and this cc does 18k. and i know my shaman is capable of more.
      so ill post the log of the fight if that helps at all. i just find it odd.
      and i know you like to be the best at what you do bobby so i know you will improve it :)
      and i feel bad when i use singular when your cc is so great. its just a shame enhancement is working kinda bad right now. everything seems slow.

      log attached.​

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    2. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      punisher775, I appreciate the time you took to post. You clearly put a good deal of effort into describing your concerns. I repeated my training dummy comparisons and unfortunately the results don't coincide with your description. Other than that there really isn't anything else in the post I can act upon. The DPS numbers given aren't specific to a certain encounter other than the one reference to training dummy usage. DPS numbers will vary based upon the encounter, the number of mobs, the types of mobs, your positioning, your targeting, etc. After re-reading I'm not sure if the number given within dragonsoul was on trash, a specific boss, or an overall number. A blended number isn't very useful, so be specific about which encounter and the number just for that encounter. For comparing to another player in a LazyRaider environment, you would need to match their movement, positioning, and targeting for a direct comparison. Also pay specific attention to the weapons equipped. A higher armor iLevel won't compensate for lesser weapons. For comparison to another CC, be sure that options are set in a comparable fashion (use of Feral Spirit for example.) Finally, there is an option that I hesitate to tell you about since it will result in my being unable to support you if you encounter a problem, but since it directly impacts the topic of maximal DPS, I will. On most systems, you will receive a performance boost if you go to Class Options, General tab, and disable the Debug Output option. Note: disabling debug output means I won't be able to help you if you encounter a problem, even if you post the log file. The reason is that the log file won't contain any information that I can use (since you turned it off.) Since you are focused on DPS it is worth your time to try it, just be aware of that you are also turning off your ability to post issues and questions about the behavior you observe. Thanks again for the post and let me know if I can be of further assistance, Bobby53
    3. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hi Bobby,

      No worries. We can't be on top of everything.

      I would like to clarify the description for the magma totem situation (PvP wise).
      When you're not in combat and U put down totems manually while using LazyRaider + ShamWoW, the CC generally recalls them instantly (no combat, no need for totems).
      But when I put down the magma totem at either the Flag (AB base guarding) or at our Flag carrier (Stealth breaker vs Rogue/Mage/Hunter/Druid) I would like it to stay for exactly that stealthbreaking reason. The valuable seconds won is enough to get out of CC and prevent the flag to be taken while you are CC'd.
      Ofcourse once in combat I have no trouble with it being overwritten. It's just the time until combat.

      Hope this clarifies it a bit what I had in mind regarding this 'functionality'.

      Regards, Liquid.
    4. punisher775

      punisher775 New Member

      Dec 10, 2010
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      Hello bobby, i apologize for the lack of information i provided.

      Both singular and Shamwow were set in a similar fashion, i usually end up using feral spirits myself in the opener, nothing that should make a 6k dps difference.
      Also my armor and weapons are both really good. im using the cataclysmic gladiator weapon and No khlaed from deathwing raid finder. the other shaman i mentioned was using dual nokhaled.
      i will link the weapon here : No'Kaled, the Elements of Death - Item - World of Warcraft

      i will test this with debug turned off.

      i was refering to specific boss fights below 20k dps. such as madness of deathwing and ultraxion wich are pretty straightfoward dps fights, especially ultraxion, 20k dps is less than anything ive seen. i even did a manual test today on the training dummy (i have never played enhance before i just read a quick guide online) and managed to pull 25k dps. the guide i read was this : Enhancement Shaman PvE Rotation, Cooldowns (4.3) - World of Warcraft Guide
      also the test dummy tests were run with the same basic settings on both CC's such as totems and cooldowns i believe.

      so for comparison's sake lets look at dummy dps :
      shamwow 18-19k
      singular 24k
      hand : 25k but im bad i make tons of retarded mistakes like using flameshock before unleash elements and using flame shock while the debuff is still up and other things simply because im not that great of a player haha.

      would you like me to do a comparison test and post both the singular log and the shamwow log? then run another with debug off.
      i noticed he holds on to maelstrom weapon for longer than singular.
      but as i said i will test with debug turned off and report back to you.

      if you would like to see my character's armory i can send you it in PM and im sure you will agree that i should be doing much more than 20k dps.

      Edit : currently running a dps test with debug off. ill do a test 10 minutes long with shamwow and 10 mins with singular and compare the results. maybe the difference wont be as bad with debug off. i will do another post for the results.
      Last edited: Dec 28, 2011
    5. punisher775

      punisher775 New Member

      Dec 10, 2010
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      Ok so here is what i did on my shaman

      i regemmed, reforged and everything to be optimal.
      so im at 20% melee hit, 17% spell hit, 27 expertise (little over cap but i cant help it) i have 19.21 master, 30% crit

      i used Feral spirit on cooldown and no heroism.

      Shamwow results : 21224 dps over a 5 minute test. steady dps.
      Singular results : 23927 dps over 5 minutes. steady dps

      now thats not as bad as what i got yesterday and i dont really know why the sudden change but the results are still there.
      2.8k dps loss over singular. im not sure what you could improve.
      My guess is you need to make Maelstrom 5 stack lightning bolt number 1 priority to unload the stacks. i see it holding on to the stacks and casting stormstrike, lavalash and unleash elements, flame shock, then doing lightning bolt. so basically you lose a ton of stacks that way.

      both debug logging were off in both CC's. and all the options were similar if not the same.
    6. aeus

      aeus Member

      Jan 15, 2011
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      It's awesome in raids also.
    7. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Liquid, That was more or less what I had in mind. I may alter it somewhat however so its not specific to BG flags/bases and is useful in any PVP encounter (arena for example.) Here are my thoughts:

      1) Track if a Magma Totem was cast manually. This should work in all but the outlier cases (user stops/starts bot with a MT active.)

      2) If MT cast by ShamWOW, then current behavior implemented

      3) If MT exists but not cast by ShamWOW, disable Totemic Recall while it is active and within range. When it expires user will be responsible for recasting.

      4) If not in combat and near PVP objective, cast Magma Totem and behave same as #3, with the exception that ShamWOW will re-cast upon expiration if still out of combat.

      That should give you the flexibility of manual casts for PVP encounters where ever they occur and additionally add automated support for Battleground PVP objectives.

      Let me know if you see any issues with that behavior description, Bobby53
    8. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Punisher, Thanks for the follow up. That difference is still not in line with the results I am seeing, but it does dismiss the exaggerated numbers from the prior post. As for the rotation in Enhancement Shaman PVE play, there is no need to speculate. Just consult the EJ article for all the detail needed and compare the results achieved with that spell priority. If there is a difference let me know so I can look into it, otherwise its working optimally. Thanks again and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    9. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      That sounds like a good plan.
      Ofcourse tests will prove if it was a good plan or not, but that's for later ^^

      Thanks, Liquid.
    10. MJAlfoudari

      MJAlfoudari New Member

      Jun 4, 2011
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      Could you add an option for soloing/grinding to only try to heal with MW5? To prevent it from getting his head bashed while he endlessly tries to cast heals instead of attacking as I'm soloing Archavon :D
      Just a thought, could be useful for other things too.
    11. arenty

      arenty New Member

      Jan 4, 2011
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      How is Enhancement for pvp? is the Movement good ? follow target very good? im not 85 yet so havent tried
    12. SDO1

      SDO1 New Member

      Jan 13, 2011
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      movement is based on the BG(PVP) bot and its still not the greatest...shamwow however is fine in pvp if you lazyraider do movement yourself.
    13. Rinus4

      Rinus4 Guest

      HonorBuddy Mode: Grind/PVP/Mixed/Quest/RaF: Lazyraider

      Shamans Location: Ultraxion

      What should have happened (be specific): Casting lighting bolt, Unleash Elements, Flame shock (spell order etc)

      What did happen (be specific): Casting the spells, only lavalash and stormstrike. Still 23K dps. So the rotation/prio is fucked up.

      System time of issue (log time stamp): 17.00 till 17.18

      No log, cause debug is off.
    14. kyvari

      kyvari New Member

      Nov 4, 2010
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      Great CC is amazing +rep... amazing work bobby
      bobby53 likes this.
    15. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Rinus4, My apologies for your issue, but unfortunately there is insufficient information present for me to be able to assist. Be sure to have Debug Output enabled and attach a log for any issue you would like me to research on your behalf. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    16. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      kyvari, Thanks for sharing your ShamWOW success! +rep and Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    17. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      Hey everyone, I was wondering how do I get the bot to work for Enhance or Elemental. When I am in one of them specs the CC config stuff still shows all the same stuff, dont change to give me options for my spec.

    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Stree, There is no spec specific configuration. The spec is detected automatically and the appropriate best in class behavior used. If you have have another question regarding behavior, please be sure to follow the steps in the FAQ so the necessary details are available that coincide with your observations. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    19. renzorx

      renzorx New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      My shaman won't heal itself with Lazy Raider. Just stands there spamming the buttons without targeting himself.
      Log and debug attached.

      Attached Files:

    20. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Renzorx, Thanks for the post and my apologies for your issues. When you post please follow the steps provided in the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] which will explain how to attach you complete debug log file (which provides more info than copying and pasting the Log and Debug window contents.)

      You are encountering two different problems:

      1. It's a partial installation of ShamWOW. The red error message Error loading Global ShamWOW Config info from 'C:\Users\Joakim\Desktop\HB\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Config\ShamWOW.config' indicates that a required file is missing. Unfortunately issue #2 makes it worse

      2. You are currently using ShamWOW 4.3.15 which is a very old version that tries to continue even when the required file is missing. Later versions will actually Stop HonorBuddy and force you to install that file before continuing.

      To resolve your issues, please upgrade to latest version of ShamWOW (currently 4.5.10) which can be downloaded from the first post of the ShamWOW thread. Be certain when installing to carefully follow the instructions in the ShamWOW FAQ or the included INSTALL.TXT. The latest version has many upgrades and fixes beyond the one you encountered.

      Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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