ok so i'm new and so far loving the bot but the only question i have is can the bot que up for battlegrounds and also grind or do quests? so 2 different profile types? if it's able to do this can anyone give me a idea on how to set it up for que for 1 type of battleground and also do grinding or questing. thankyou everyones time to look at this and hope to get a response =)
There is a mixed mode bot, you then can pick which two bot type you wanna do and configure it one sepratly. Mixed mode is not extra and will be in your bot drop done menu. But now that the BG's ques are soo quick it wont do anything but Bg.
thankyou so i just have to highlight both profiles at the same time or just do 2 different ones and it runs both. and thankyou for taking the time to help me out
If you look at the secondary Bot types (pvp, instancebuddy, Bg) these three do not requie a profile file. So you load the profile for the Primary type.
thankyou pkalbfle i was able to see what your talking about again thankyou for helping a new comer =)
ok so i got a new problem that i can't seem to figure out how to fix it so when i join a AV match my char never mounts just runs the while time is there something i don't have configed right so he mounts i've changed the mount distance to 0 and also up to 100 to see if that would make a difference the only thing i haven't done is reboot the bot after making the changes
post your log so we can check whats going on http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/9859-how-attach-your-hb-log-file-pictures.html