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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. renzorx

      renzorx New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thank you for your reply. I wasn't aware that it was an old version, I used the one that came with the honorbuddy download last time I updated :)
      I'll try updating, if it occurs again, I'll come back. Thanks again :)
    2. imdasandman

      imdasandman Active Member

      Feb 2, 2011
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      ^^^ this.... I am also running the older version that came stock with HB... ask the devs to use your updated one man.
    3. kbrebel04

      kbrebel04 New Member

      Dec 15, 2011
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      Its my understanding people use this for raiding?

      Do you just manually re-drop a searing totem when it expires? this doesen't seem to catch that it expires and does not place another one down
    4. raynez

      raynez New Member

      Dec 16, 2011
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      When it starts to do totems it just spams them for me idk how to take them off. plz help!!!
    5. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      @kbrebel04 and @raynez:
      Thanks for the posts and my apologies for your issues. However your description does not match the results of my testing. When you post please follow the steps provided in the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] which provides a template to copy and paste as well as directions on attaching a complete debug log file. Be certain to specify the time on you local computer that you observed the problem occurring (just look at the clock on your computer for a single occurrence.) Thanks for your posts and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    6. Toney001

      Toney001 New Member

      Oct 12, 2011
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      Bobby, I love this CC more than I love my mother, but since 4.3 came out there's evading mobs everywhere.
      I just woke up and found a toon had been fighting one in Zangarmarsh almost since I went to bed (it had around 7 hours of /played @ 63 while only being half a bar in and 4 deaths only since I hit start at the dark portal).

      Is there a way to detect evading mobs and have the toon go literally on top of them (or better yet to move out)? 99% of the time this makes them unevade.


      PS. I had to zip the log because it was 6mb long.

      Attached Files:

    7. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Lashley, Yes, you will want to use LazyRaider for Arena's and Rated BG's. Standard BG's you can use either BG Bot or PVP Bot. Best settings are the defaults as ShamWOW automatically recognizes the situation and provides a best in class response where possible. It cannot know your group strategy or anticipate opponents responses. If you are serious about end game PVP, you will want to do the following:

      1. Disable PVP Trinket usage (see PVP tab) so you can control when you want to use
      2. Disable Use Cooldowns on PVP tab, again so you can control when they are used
      3. Set the Cleansing and Purging priority based upon your role in the Group.
      4. For Restos only, check Disable Shields on the General tab so you can control Earth Shield
      5. Macro those things you are going to control such as Earth Shield, Spiritwalker's Grace, Trinkets, etc. beginning each with a /stopcasting so it will interrupt whatever ShamWOW has in progress with your action.

      Again, these settings are recommended only if you are serious about end game PVP. To be successful, you will need to read and study successful Arena strategies on Arena Junkies or other sources and be good enough to play manually without ShamWOW as well as have a good team. Lacking that, you will be better off just using the default settings.

      If you encounter any issues or have any questions, use the steps described in the ShamWOW FAQ for posting them.

      Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Jan 3, 2012
    8. kbrebel04

      kbrebel04 New Member

      Dec 15, 2011
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      i put a rather extensive post up there regarding this CCs condition in dragon soul on the last 4 bosses..

      there was a issue with other CCs as well and the authors did something like "increase the combat distance to 100" and it fixed the issue. I do not know how to do it though. This CC is great for PVPers and levelers but in current DS content it is not working for us raiders :(
    9. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      krebel04, I see you made two posts. One contained 2 lines so didn't appear to be the extensive one you are referring to. My response to that post [CLICK HERE]. I have not received a reply from you that included the information I requested. Until that is available, I won't be able to assist you on it. As for your other post, you made it today and I have not had a chance to go through the log file in detail until I get home from work this evening. If you are disappointed that I haven't responded yet, my apologies but I do this as a hobby in my spare time so you'll need to get used to my providing responses based upon when I have the time to do so. If you find that is not quick enough for your needs, this may not be the right CC for you to use. Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Jan 3, 2012
    10. kbrebel04

      kbrebel04 New Member

      Dec 15, 2011
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      Sorry about that Bobby. ignore all earlier posts i will delete them. I will be right back with 2 things:

      Your reporting format, and 2 logs, 1 Log of what it should do(Target Dummy) and the bad log of where it is not doing it(using Ultraxion)
    11. kbrebel04

      kbrebel04 New Member

      Dec 15, 2011
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      HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider
      Shamans Location: Dragon Soul: Ultraxion
      What should have happened (be specific): As Enhancement, Should Cast Ranged Abilities(Malesteom Charged Lightning Bolts, Shocks, Unleash Elements)
      What did happen (be specific): Did not cast Ranged Abilities only used Melee abilities(Lava Lash, Stormstrike)
      Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): 3:25 PM

      I posted 2 logs, a Good Run on the Target Dummy, and the Bad run on Ultraxion.

      Attached Files:

    12. FBOMB

      FBOMB New Member

      Oct 29, 2010
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      Hello bobby! Great CC btw!
      I've noticed a recurring error while levelling using the questing bot, it seems to show 'Combat Target is tagged by another player -- let them have it
      Cleared current target'
      For mobs in combat with an NPC, it definitely causes problems for questing
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      FBOMB, Glad you are finding it of use! My apologies for any issue you are encountering, but I haven't seen that behavior. I can research that issue for you and advise on why it is occurring or if needed make a fix in the CC, but I will need your assistance to do that. Please see the steps provided in the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] which provides a template to copy and paste as well as directions on attaching a complete debug log file. I won't be able to tell the difference between a mob that has actually been tagged by another player, and a mob that the CC may incorrectly think is tagged by another player. So, it will be extremely important you include the local computer that you observed the problem occurring (just look at the clock on your computer for a single occurrence.) Thanks for your post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    14. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      kbrebel04, Thank you very much for the detail provided. The time specified above indicates the error occurred at 3:25p. The Good.txt ends at 3:11p and the Bad.txt begins at 3:27p, so my review may not be of the specific occurrence you intended. I went through the portions of the Bad.txt and it appears you were standing 40.8 yds away from the target. Since the range of LB, CL, and UE is 40yds you would need to move 10.8 yards closer and most ranged abilities would cast. Why is this happening? When HonorBuddy introduced APIs to accurately retrieve hitbox size for NPCs (which was only a few versions ago) I addressed the problem for melee range spells which to this point were the biggest issue. However I missed it for ranged spells since they hadn't been a source of trouble -- clearly they are now. That issue will be fixed in the next release, but I am several days away from posting it. In the meantime, the only workaround is to keep moving towards the center of the boss until the spells cast. My apologies for the issue and look for an update before by this weekend. Thanks for your post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Jan 3, 2012
    15. peanutbird

      peanutbird New Member

      Nov 19, 2011
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      Here are the logs as per my PM, thanks for looking into it!

      Attached Files:

      • logs.zip
        File size:
        141.1 KB
    16. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      *NEW* ShamWOW 4.5.11 available for download!

      NOTE: Do not post questions/problems unless you are using the steps provided in ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE]. Following that guide for posting will provide the fastest and most accurate response, since it eliminates the step of me having to request it and you having to make a second post regarding the same issue.

      I have not tested this release as thoroughly as I normally do. As such it only includes a few key fixes (see change history below.) Since I wasn't able to test as much as I typically do, it is likely you may encounter an issue. Please be sure to visit the FAQ as mentioned above if you do.

      My apologies if I previously replied that I would resolve your issue in the next release and you don't see the fix listed here. It should be in a follow up release coming by this weekend.

      The hitbox fix should now allow Elemental and Enhancement using LazyRaider to position normally relative to the edge of the displayed hitbox rather than with 40yds or melee range of the NPC center point. You should also notice a slight difference in automatic positioning when using InstanceBuddy, Grinding, or Questing

      Change History Revision 4.5.11
      o FIX: All Specs - ranged spells now account for targets hitbox size.  Should now work correctly for ranged DPS spells Elemental, Resto (Telluric Current builds), and Enhancement (Unleashed Elements, Shocks, Maelstrom Procs)
      o FIX: All Specs - Spirit Walker's Grace - Lava Burst, Chain Lightning, and Lightning bolt should now recognize and allow cast
      o FIX: All Specs - Lightning Bolt will no longer cast below the Emergency Mana % configured.  Previously was ignoring the config value.
      o FIX: Enhancement ALL - melee range check now accounts for own hitbox size, slightly increasing your range for melee spells
      o CHANGE: Enhancement PVE - should now correctly cast Chain Lightning / Lightning Bolt when chasing an enemy if Spriritwalker's Grace or Glyph of Unleashed Lightning.
      o FIX: Elemental PVE - should now cast Lava Burst and Chain Lightning at appropriate times.  Previously was missing some opportunities lowering DPS
      o CHANGE: Elemental PVE - will now skip Lava Burst if Chain Lightning will hit 3 or more.  This should result in higher trash mob DPS numbers
      Last edited: Jan 4, 2012
    17. MrWizard516

      MrWizard516 Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Hey Bobby, Hope all is well and that you had a good holiday season. Just wanted to say you thanks again for all your hard work on the CC. Your CC makes me look like a healing god not only in 5-mans but also in raids. Thanks again and I hope you have a wonderful New Year.
      bobby53 likes this.
    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      peanutbird, I was able to look quickly at the logs. It stops healing due to some It appears you experienced a couple issues:

      - Exception from Loot APIs @ 10:30:08: not sure if this was coming from PartyBot, HonorBuddy, or some other component, but if you keep getting it disable looting.

      - Exception from Quest Helper plug-in @ 10:30:08: disable this for arena

      - Out of Memory? - this shouldn't be happening, but it did @ 10:32

      - Exception downloading mesh @ 10:35:12: This could be a side effect of the out of memory

      At this point, it appears that a number of exceptions from other components are comprimising the state of your session and interfering with ShamWOW's operation. Once you hit the out of memory all bets are off on the remainder of the session. My suggestion is to shutdown+restart, delete all your navmesh files, follow the suggestions above, then run again. Be sure to eliminate all plug-ins that aren't essential to arena.

      You should also wait to click Start after entering the Arena Prep area, and then press Stop when viewing the Arena Scoreboard (so before exiting arena.) This will eliminate having to load meshes for whatever city or continent you are in when queueing for arena.

      Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      MrWizard516, You are very welcome! Thanks for sharing your ShamWOW success! +rep and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    20. NaRK

      NaRK New Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      Hello Bobby,
      I would like some support
      HonorBuddy Mode: Quest
      Shamans Location: Tol Barad Peninsula
      What should have happened (be specific): Using Fulmination when >= 7 stacks of Lightning shield
      What did happen (be specific): Never used Fulmination, I was with 9 lightning charges during all the time I quested there
      Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): 15:54:28:147 to the end of the log.

      Attached Files:

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