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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Shaddar, Dec 29, 2011.

    1. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      Its staying in Battle Stance, although now that i think about it im not sure if its automated. As in if you choose bersker stance, it will not change back to battle stance and vice versa.

      In short: Choose Battle Stance manually, and it'll stay that way.
    2. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      Noticed that before I opened the thread. Testing 1.3 now in LFR will update as I go.

      ilvl 385 arms, not chanted and need to reforge out of fury. Am nowhere near expertise capped!
      Has 2pc t13.

      Morchok: 25k dps steady with a peak of 35k.
      Warlord: 42.3k dps at end. (top 3 dps every trash pull)
      Yor'Sahj Attempt 1: 33k dps from start till death, group was solo tanking and was not following proper LFR kill orders (especially for 1 tanking) I was first off Yor to oozes and first back on.
      Note: Was battle ressed while typing this and was whispered that "we need your dps" and finished #1 at 31k when we fully wiped.
      Yor'Sahj Kill: 31.8k with a peak of 42k. First off Yor on oozes and voids and first back on. had a few slow transitions due to charge & heroic leap being used as same time to go to oozes.
      Hagara: 26.1k dps final with a peak of 35k.

      DPS of all of these bosses could be improved with better management of recklessness, however in LFr most fights are > 5mins so you are able to get 2 Recklessness CD's in a single fight by popping it at the start and again at sub 20% for execute phase

      Every boss fight and trash pull I was #1 on meters by at least 1% (minimum) to 15% (maximum).

      Just reforged all my gear to be optimized for ARMS instead of FURY, thought I had already done this but forgot that it was a TO DO that never got done
      Next 4 bosses will be fully optimized for Arms, minus enchants still (don't have the gold on the toon to buy them and don't want to drop queue due to limited time before work!

      Ultraxion: 22.2k from start to finish. ISSUE HERE - I found that rend was never applied to ultraxion, thus I never got a overpower proc the entire fight. So rotation became CS/MS/Pummel.
      Warmaster: 28.2k dps steady from start to finish. Tank kept kiting around the boss so I never stopped moving. Was beat by another warrior who pulled 36k dps but was close to ilvl 400 equipped.
      Spine: 25.6k dps. I lost only to a lock who beat me by .1% due to him not stopping dps on first amalg after it reached 20%.
      Madness Attempt 1: 31.8k steady till death. - left group to re queue for first 2 of 2nd wing as i need nothing off madness for either of my specs.
      Madness Kill: New group and this was a doozy! 56k dps on Phase 2 with 60-66k DPS on all 4 platforms. 2nd to me was another Arms warrior who was stance dancing and was outgearing me by quite a bit (and he was fully chanted). I beat him by 4k dps on phase 2

      With the rend issue it makes me wonder if any of the other bosses had this happen and I just didn't notice because I was being dodged prior to getting my expertise cap...
      Last edited: Jan 5, 2012
    3. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      I'm not sure what DPS you do manually, so id be happy if you could rate it 1-10 with cons and pros comparing it(the bot) with yourself.
    4. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      Is it intended that CS is refreshed even with 3+ seconds on existing debuff to target?
    5. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      As it was a "bug" with the previous CS using " !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Colossus Smash") i have yet to find a working code.
      It will do as intended on single target, not refreshing CS when its already up. But if another warrior casts CS it wont cast it at all. So i need to find a code for that.
    6. Azucar

      Azucar Member

      Mar 26, 2010
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      ilvl 378 pulling an average 25k thanks, i dont know what was wrong with that other CC (dunatanks)

    7. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      His is optimized for 4.2 specs/gear more than 4.3 until 3.1 is released i believe?


      Current build v1.3 appears to be slamming pretty good so far.

      May i suggest adding a modifier to DeadlyCalm/Inner Rage cooldowns.

      If Rage < 40 use DC
      If Rage > 50 use Inner Rage

      Noticed that on initial start of boss pulls when it popped CD's it was using Inner Rage before DC (when DC is needed more than IR due to still being rage building on pull).
      With Recklessness popping with it at start of pull having free spells for 10 sec of your recklessness is a huge initial burst.
      Last edited: Jan 4, 2012
    8. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      That was quite a thorough test i must say, quite a read aswell!
      I thought i had fixed the Charge & leap togheter bug, im glad you found out about it. Ill see what i can do to fix that! Shouldnt be much of a problem.
      Im not sure how to get a better management of the Recklessness though, but ill look into that aswell.

      Thanks a bunch, Stree. :)
    9. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      From what I see so far I would give it a 9 out of 10 so far.
      If you can tighten up the CS usage / rotation it would go to 9.5 and if you can get the stance dance rotation down to pull more dps than just staying battle 100% of the time id say 11 out of 10.

      Great work so far. The real test will be tomorrow when I do 10man with my guild (I play prot warrior in a 8/8 reg guild and DPS 4-5/8 of the fights while we solo tank them).
      Hardest part will be getting enough time between bosses to close HB, and to swap into your CC from my prot set. Most of our DPS are ranking top 100 in the world on WoL on these fights, so should be interesting to see how this stacks up.

      *Wishes there was a plugin to change CC's on the fly without doing a full restart of HB*
      Shaddar likes this.
    10. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      I think the current management of Recklessness is good for 25mans and LFR being that the fights last longer, however in 10mans I can see loosing a fair amount of DPS by it using it too early.
      Maybe have recklessness look for if you have bloodlust/time warp before popping it (only for 10mans)? Knowing that haste is the lowest stat for warriors, but it is still a increase in dps.

      My theory would be that Recklessness + BL/TW + sub 20% would make for a hell of an execute phase with the additional rage your auto attacks are building off the reck+BL/TW.

      ALSO: How are you currently executing the CD's? Via a LUA macro execute or just on a if can cast, then cast type system?
      If you are using a macro, may I recommend adding Blood Fury / Berserk (orc/troll racials) to that macro (as even if the player isnt that race it wont slow the macro or delay anything).
    11. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      I havent worked very much on the cooldowns yet as you may see:
                      if (Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Rend") == true && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <=5d)
                          if (CastSpell("Deadly Calm") == true)
                              Logging.Write(Color.Crimson, ">> Deadly Calm <<");
      		if (Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Rend") == true && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <=5d && Me.CurrentTarget.CurrentHealth > 900000)
                          if (CastSpell("Recklessness") == true)
                              Logging.Write(Color.Crimson, ">> Recklessness <<");
      And as far as im aware i havent implemented macros in this profile yet, although ill take a look at that. The code isnt really tricky so yeah adding blood fury / berserk and merging BL/TW with Recklessness is doable aswell.
    12. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      Keep in mind that the way it is now is fine for Recklessness on 25mans and LFR. Having it only use during BL/TW in 25mans will be an overall damage loss as in these fights you can use it twice in the single fight and nearly 3 times in Madness (however your CC did not cast Recklessness on first platform, only 4th and phase 2. When it could have used it on first plat, 3rd plat, and phase 2.

      Also updated with a madness kill on other post. Was the best dps race ive ever had and was extremely exciting.
    13. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      Im glad this CC finally seems to work out :)
    14. Stree

      Stree New Member

      Jun 9, 2011
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      Time for work, I will continue testing tomorrow morning when I get home. Need to run mass 5mans for Therazane and Ramkahen rep.
      Will also work on getting fully enchanted before next set of tests.

      Great job so far. If you ever need a tester for builds you aren't comfortable releasing yet (for any class/spec), let me know.

      The things that impress me the most so far about this CC compared to the others I have used, is how fast it transitions from a single target, to AoE trash rotation, and from regular single target to execute phase rotations. It is nearly instant.
      Last edited: Jan 4, 2012
    15. daorigin

      daorigin New Member

      Feb 12, 2011
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      1.2 stance dance w/ slight revisions

      10M DRAGON SOUL - with disabled intterupts and cd usage... all cd's blown by user input only (better dps)

      ilvl 389 arms warrior 5/5 tier 13 - 4/5 are 384 raid finder tier, but tier bonus = awesome.

      Morchok - 29.8k dps
      Warlord - 45.4k dps
      Yorsaj - 33.04k dps
      Hagaara - 26.4k dps << thats with me dying so my uptime on that fight was 87%
      Ultra - 32.4k dps
      Havent done remaining fights on normal however on LFRaid 25m values follow:

      Blackhorn 30k sometimes higher if can get sweeping strikes up
      Spine 34k+
      Madness 50-60k pending various circumstances

      below is the following code regardless of preference stance dance or not will improve some things.

      Battle Shout Coding -

      Original Code:
      				if (Me.HasAura("Battle Shout") == false)
      					if (CastSpell("Battle Shout") == true)
                              Logging.Write(Color.Red, ">> Battle Shout <<");
      Revised Code:
      				if (Me.Combat && Me.CurrentRage <= 50)
      					if (CastSpell("Battle Shout") == true)
                              Logging.Write(Color.Red, ">> Battle Shout <<");
      Reason being sometimes you may be low on rage, original code doesn't get you that missing rage; very helpful. Also my code doesn't spam battle shout outside of combat when it falls off... no point in being buffed outside of combat imo.

      second is the aoe coding...

      Original Code:
       				if (adds.Count > 2)
      					if	(CastSpell("Cleave") == true)
      						Logging.Write(Color.Aqua, ">> Cleave <<");
      				if (adds.Count > 1)
                          if (CastSpell("Sweeping Strikes") == true)
                              Logging.Write(Color.Aqua, ">> Sweeping Strikes <<");
      				if (adds.Count > 2 && Me.Auras.ContainsKey("Deadly Calm") == false && Me.RagePercent < 30)
      					if (CastSpell("Bladestorm") == true)
                              Logging.Write(Color.Aqua, ">> You spin me right round, baby right round! <<"); 
      				if (adds.Count > 3 && Me.RagePercent > 50)
                          if (CastSpell("Thunderclap")==true)
                              Logging.Write(Color.Aqua, ">> Thunderclap <<")

      Revised Coding:
      				if (adds.Count > 2 && Me.Auras.ContainsKey("Deadly Calm") == false && Me.Auras.ContainsKey("Sweeping Strikes") == false)
      					if (CastSpell("Bladestorm") == true)
                              Logging.Write(Color.Aqua, ">> Bladestorm <<"); 
      				if (adds.Count > 1 && Me.Auras.ContainsKey("Bladestorm") == false)
                          if (CastSpell("Sweeping Strikes") == true)
                              Logging.Write(Color.Aqua, ">> Sweeping Strikes <<");
      I purposely removed Cleave, as it it a waste of rage vs single target dps and/or sweepings strikes when avail. and removed Thunder Clap as it is a ability that is talent related n depends on you having Blood and Thunder as a Arms; possibly if you built in a settings ui to enable / disable this talent it can be useful for someone who has both single target and aoe arms PVE specs and switch between the two otherwise more waste of Rage that can be used else where. Also in the revised coding, i added checks so that both Sweeping Strikes and Bladestorm aren't used at the same time allowing for longer aoe dps efficiency.

      These being the appropiate specs, my aoe revisions better benefit the first spec "Incite Spec"

      Incite Spec:
      Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

      For those interested in getting the most use out of your Thunder Clap should use the one below.

      Blood and Thunder:
      Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

      Spec Links were taken from 4.3 Arms PvE Guide - Forums - World of Warcraft best arms guide i have found to date. If interested in becoming an Arms Warriors i suggest its a must read.

      i hope you dont mind me posting the code like that if you do just let me know and ill remove it. i dont suggest any1 go revising their own CC file unless you know what you are doing, this post is strictly for advanced users and the author to get better idea of improving. I'll be more than happy to share my revised CC with Shaddar for user usage but its up to the author it is his work.
      Last edited: Jan 4, 2012
    16. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      Nice pin pointers, Ill have a better look on this tomorrow (I need some sleeeep!).
      Anything constructive to improve the profile is met with open arms!
      Thanks again Daorigin:)
    17. Jorakel

      Jorakel New Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      the only thing that could make this cc better for me is to add the "slow" effects :).. for pvp ofc... if u manage to add hamstring and piercing howl to this it would be amazing ;) rep up for now
    18. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      I'm not going to add pvp codes im afraid :(
    19. mrkebo

      mrkebo New Member

      Sep 14, 2010
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      Possible to turn off CD usage and charge/HL? I would like to controll those myself if possible.
    20. Shaddar

      Shaddar Active Member

      Mar 23, 2011
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      Yes, that is possible.

      However you need to remove a few lines in the CC itself though as i dont have any config options.
      Sent you a PM.

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