There always is with Alpha's, its to be expected. Whats your desired Rotation out of the CC so that when testing I can check to be sure its doing your intended rotation.
lets see if i remember this now then, ive got so much going on in my tiny head! Explosive Shot proc (3x with a 0.1 second between each shot so it stacks by 9 ticks and not 8). Serpent Sting Black Arrow Kill Shot Arcane Shot Cobra Shot Did i leave anything out?
Explosive shot proc gives more dps output then Kill Shot. Black arrow and Serpent Sting are not likely to get "in the way" of Kill Shot anyhow, and losing just one second of not having Serpent Sting up causes a drop in DPS. All in all, i believe kill shot is in its right spot! Although, im open for suggestions Any feedback is good feedback, so ill probably have a second look at it anyway. But please share your opinion on it!
Also, couldn't you combine these to 1 CC? If you check SpellManager.Spells.Keys.Contains("Chimera Shot"), you would be able to tell if its an MM hunter or not.
Wow, i never even thought of that! Great idea Although i should probably wait with merging the profiles till the Survival one is out of Alpha and Beta version. I pretty much consider the MM done, although it lacks a few (unnecessary things) like detecting food, mending pet, ressing pet etc. But yeah, I should do that.
Cool. I was going to work on my hunter one some, but I might just shoot some code you way if you don't mind. Would be nice to see 1 hunter CC that knocks everyones socks off.
What build is the CC built around? As I have seen 2-3 various Survival specs floating around out there. I wish that more CC devs would post the intentional rotation of their CC's and the intended spec build that the bot was built off of. This would allow for more visible errors in rotation if they were to occur and would solve a lot of peoples problems with CCs who aren't specced for the optimized build the CC was made for.
I write all my CC's based on Elitist Jerks theory crafts. Including specs and rotations. I double check all buffs and every single talent point with wowhead and read up on comments and google alot to see if i can find flaws. Like Critical Mass, lets use that as an example. Critical Mass(for fire mages) doesnt stack with either Winter's Chill from Frost Mages or Shadow and Flame buff from Warlocks with improved SB. So this causes a major bug making Fire Mage CC's spam Scorch if added. I have yet to find a code that works. Atleast i try to check out every talent, but i miss things of course. But Ill add the links in my threads to avoid confusion.
Yeah, I always assume that CC's are based of EJ theory craft but have found lately (in 4.2 a lot) that it wasn't the case.
Looks like a nice CC for MM by me reading the thread so far, I use surv so I'll test out ur new alpha CC soon and get back to you. ++++++!
I love the Surv CC even if it is still Alpha version, it is nice quick and the best surv CC I've used! Pulled 22-24k on raid dummy and just did an HoT dungeon and was averaging around 27-32k. I have ilvl 390 gear and the 2set, but still nice CC.
I'm glad you like it But its some obvious bugs about it when it comes to raiding, and there is still much to be done! I just need to get the StopWatch code working so all of my CC's can be released with a final version. That particular code is a good replacement to fix all the bugs with the current Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura which im currently using
One other this I noticed is that it prints to HB that it is using Steady Shot when it actually is using Cobra Shot, and yes I did notice some minor things while Idid Fall of Deathwing.
Ill take a look at it later on and post an update. Although there will still be a few bugs as i havent got a hang of that code(StopWatch) yet, ive asked arround for some help but no luck yet
Yeah, also sent you a PM about it Ive managed to get some of the code working! well, atleast i like to think so :< Ive spent so many hours at this code ive lost count.. I've googled it and read up on the code aswell. Ive tried so many times, but it never succeeds. But having an example of how it works on a spell would do wonders Ive also tried to see on other peoples CC to see if i can find something useful. But no one else then me use this kind of coding apparently.
Haven't got the PM yet. Wish I would have know you were having so much trouble with it. Sometimes the most simple things can throw you for a loop.
Says your inbox is full... You will prob need to put arcane shot in you rotation twice. One for proc building and one for your moving focus dump. here is what i think you need... Run timer for 135 seconds so you can account for the duration of the proc and its cooldown. //Initialize your stopwatch right below your localplayer private StopWatch s = new StopWatch(); Code: public override void Pulse() { if (Me.HasAura("Chronohunter") && !s.IsRunning) { s.Start(); } if (s.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > 135) { s.Stop(); s.Reset(); } } In you Arcane shot check for proc building, put "!s.IsRunning" Also look into this if you want... because you would want to extra attack power when casting instant casts while moving. Code: public bool CastSpell(string spellName) { if (SpellManager.CanCast(spellName)) { if((spellName.Equals("Steady Shot") || spellName.Equals("Cobra Shot")) && Me.IsMoving && !Me.HasAura("Aspect of the Fox")) { SpellManager.Cast("Aspect of the Fox"); SpellManager.Cast(spellName); return true; } else if (Me.HasAura("Aspect of the Fox")) { SpellManager.Cast("Aspect of the Hawk"); SpellManager.Cast(spellName); return true; } else { SpellManager.Cast(spellName); return true; } } return false; }
I didn't realize it was full! Sorry about that And WOW, it actually works man! Thanks a bunch! I also managed to "fix" the other CC of mine with this code aswell As I dont have 4 pieces of tier 13 on my own hunter, i would need someone to test it out though as ive only run the testing on a warrior CC after converting the code. (I needed this code in order to get Rend, Scorch, Living Bomb and then finally the Chronohunter proc to work) so this is absolutely fantastic! And if anyone has any ideas/solutions about anything at all regarding any of the CC's, dont hesitate to post it here! Improvements benefit everyone, so why keep it to yourself? Sharing is caring