Ok It happened again today, 5 min ago.. been grinding from 58 to 63 without any probs, and suddently, its happening again. My warrior wont face the target.. hes just going dumb mode. Im using kick's latest grinding profiles (updated through SVN 2 days ago) Im also using 3 different CC, standard one, furyous, and dunatanks. Had same problem with all 3 CC, so I doubt its a cc problem. tryed to set different value too in the pull distance, still dosent work. Im starting to loose my gut, sorry but when u spent 5 hours within 2 days trying to fix this kind of problem.. you kinda go depress mode. Help me out.. thanks ! =(
I have exactly the same problem, and it looks like it has been going on for months. Been running my hunter for 2 days and it's not very good levelling because of this problem, MoveNext() means that it just stands there and does nothing until my pet kills the mob.
your log is full of CC errors try this one http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...tanks-warrior-cc-arms-fury-protection-cc.html
Well, ive been trying it out this morning, and its doing the same thing, i got the logs too, gonna add it to the thread, its the one with today's date.. plz some1 help me out.. this is really annoying, and I also got a 72 hours suspension last night, i think it might be because of that.
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...or/11494-working-old-default-cc-hb-2-0-a.html can you try this old school one plz?