I like daorigins battleshout idea, but wasting a GCD for random battleshouts sounds weird. I'd rather go for this one if you dont want BS to be casted outside combat: Code: if (Me.HasAura("Battle Shout") == false && Me.Combat) if (CastSpell("Battle Shout") == true) Logging.Write(Color.Red, ">> Battle Shout <<");
and as well i would like to know what to do to remove charge, HL and bladestorm from the cc as well as i like to use them on my own
Open up the custom class and remove the following lines: Code: if (adds.Count > 2 && Me.Auras.ContainsKey("Deadly Calm") == false && Me.RagePercent < 30) if (CastSpell("Bladestorm") == true) Logging.Write(Color.Aqua, ">> You spin me right round, baby right round! <<"); if (adds.Count > 2) if (CastSpell("Cleave") == true) Logging.Write(Color.Aqua, ">> Cleave <<"); if (Me.CurrentTarget.Distance >=8d && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <=25d) if (CastSpell("Charge") == true) Logging.Write(Color.Crimson, ">> Charge <<"); if (Me.CurrentTarget.Distance >=8d && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <=40d && SpellManager.Spells["Charge"].CooldownTimeLeft.TotalSeconds < 10 && SpellManager.Spells["Charge"].CooldownTimeLeft.TotalSeconds > 1) Lua.DoString("CastSpellByName('Heroic Leap');"); LegacySpellManager.ClickRemoteLocation(StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.Location);
Updated test post with Ultraxion and Warmaster kills. Found a significant issue with the CC for Ultraxion fight regarding rend and loss of OverPower procs.
it wont be casted as a random waste of a GCD - it casts when your rage is low and cant cast anything - its rare but it happens as an example i may go down to 15 rage and miss a white a hit / miss a white hit - now im @ 15 rage with MS up but cant hit yet .. makes sense yet? Battle shout alleviates that issue hence the pct check in my code. My code wont cast BS every time its up that can be very wasteful, only when less than or = to 50 rage to get the entire rage benefit from a shout.
Testing 10man regular tonight. Warlord: 47.5k got #3 amongst a hunter and rogue who are both top 100 on WOL on the fight. Yor: 26.3k Hagara: 28.8k but got ice tomb on execute phase Spine Attempt 1: 23.6k - dps was too fast and caused amal to die too quick and he didn't get close enough to the plate on nuclear blast. Spine Kill: 24.3k at #1
Not bad! Update Inc: Better Rage managment. Better CD managment. Troll & Orc racials implemented. Trinket usage added. Enhanced Execute Phase i.e now stays in Berserker Stance while executing. Codes of the following has been altered/implemented: Code: ////////////[B]implemented trinket usage[/B]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (Me.CurrentTarget.MaxHealth >= 900000) Lua.DoString("RunMacroText('/use 13');"); if (Me.CurrentTarget.MaxHealth >= 900000) Lua.DoString("RunMacroText('/use 14');"); ////////////////[B]Rage managment[/B]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (Me.Combat && Me.RagePercent < 30) if (CastSpell("Battle Shout") == true) Logging.Write(Color.Red, ">> Battle Shout <<"); if (Me.RagePercent < 20) if (CastSpell("Berserker Rage") == true) Logging.Write(Color.FloralWhite, ">> Berserker Rage <<"); /////////////[B]Cooldown changes[/B]/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (Me.CurrentTarget.MaxHealth >= 5000000) if (CastSpell("Recklessness") == true) Logging.Write(Color.FloralWhite, ">> Recklessness <<"); ///////////////[B]Racial skills added[/B]///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (Me.CurrentTarget.MaxHealth >= 900000) Lua.DoString("RunMacroText('/Cast Berserking');"); if (Me.CurrentTarget.MaxHealth >= 900000) Lua.DoString("RunMacroText('/Cast Blood Fury');"); //////////////[B]Stance changes[/B]/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > 20) Lua.DoString("RunMacroText('/cast [stance:3/3, nomodifier]Battle Stance');"); if (adds.Count < 2 && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <= 20) Lua.DoString("RunMacroText('/cast [stance:1/3, nomodifier]Berserker Stance');"); Known Issues; Rend wont cast if theres another warrior applying it. I need the StopWatch / WaitTimer code to sort that issue. I cannot seem to fix that though as i have no experience with the code. So if anyone know how to add StopWatch / WaitTimer in my CC, id love to learn how
I see inner rage is under cooldowns with > 70 rage, but I guess that this doesnt guarantee that HS is actually used when IS is up? Wouldnt something like this be a better solution to ADD above the regular HS? Code: if (Me.RagePercent > 70 || Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Incite") && adds.Count < 2 && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > 20) if (CastSpell("Inner Rage") == true && CastSpell("Heroic Strike") == true) Logging.Write(Color.Aqua, ">> Heroic Strike - Incite & InnerRage <<"); Edit: Yep, as I suspected: >> Inner Rage << >> Mortal Strike << >> Overpower << >> Berserker Rage << >> Overpower << >> Slam! << >> Colossus Smash << >> Overpower << >> Mortal Strike << >> Overpower << >> Slam! << >> Overpower << >> Heroic Strike << >> Mortal Strike << >> Heroic Strike << Thats kind of a waste of the Inner Rage CD as its used now. Specially with the T13 2P set.
That is a quick fix! Other then that Id say i just need to get "Rend" sorted to release a final version
Post it here instead of PM so we can think with you, its beneficial for everyone to create a good CC. Quick fix but does the job i guess? . And a CC is never final .
use the same fix you used for CS check for the Rend, rend only needs to be applied once at the beginning of the fight because mortal strike will refresh it the rest of the way ... also Execute spam isnt the way to go for Execute phase it should me Execute until 5 stacks of Executioner - CS - MS - then Execute to keep buff up n CS MS EXE -- etc
Tested it on a dummy now for about 30 minutes ( 242 million damage ) and it had a negative effect it seems 1.2k DPS drop. But ill work on it later tonight, i seriously need some sleep.
Most of my findings are already here. One thing I did find in my 10man testing is that the auto charge / heroic leap can cause some issues on spine. It liked to target corruptions and leap or charge them. PM is about some non Arms related stuff.
Hi there people! Alright, so after a lot of help from Jasf10 ive finally managed or atleast somewhat managed to get the Rend code working. However its far from perfect. So if anyone has any ideas/solutions about how to improve this code, then please by all means reply the idea/solution on this thread in order to improve the CC Code: [I]namespace TitanArms { class Classname : CombatRoutine { public override sealed string Name { get { return "Titan Arms v1.4"; } } public override WoWClass Class { get { return WoWClass.Warrior; } } private static LocalPlayer Me { get { return ObjectManager.Me; } }[/I] [SIZE=3] [B]private Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch(); public override void Pulse() { if (Me.IsAutoAttacking && Me.Combat == true && s.IsRunning==false) { s.Start(); } if (s.Elapsed.TotalSeconds >= 20) { s.Stop(); s.Reset(); } }[/B][/SIZE] [I]#region Log[/I] And Code: #region Combat public override void Combat() { adds = detectAdds(); if (Me.CurrentTarget != null && Me.CurrentTarget.IsAlive == true && Me.Mounted == false) { [SIZE=3][B] if (s.Elapsed.TotalSeconds <= 2) if (CastSpell("Rend") == true) Logging.Write(Color.Aqua, ">> Rend <<");[/B][/SIZE] } } #endregion